This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 4.3. Go to the current stable version

# Basic UI

The Basic UI is a web interface based on Material Design Lite from Google.

# Features

  • Responsive layout suitable for various screen sizes
  • AJAX navigation
  • Live update

# Configuration

# Icons can be disabled
# Icons can be shown as PNG or SVG images
# Default: PNG

# Accessing Sitemaps

The Basic UI has a default layout showing all things and their corresponding items. You may create your own sitemaps and access them through the basic UI in 2 ways.

  1. Set the default sitemap via the UI via Settings -> Basic UI -> Configure, and set the Default Sitemap name.

  2. Passing the "sitemap" parameter to the URL used to access the server.


  1. http://hostname:8080/basicui/app (opens new window) is a valid URL to load your default sitemap or to get a page listing all defined sitemaps when no default sitemap is configured.
  2. http://hostname:8080/basicui/app?sitemap=sitemapname (opens new window) is a valid URL to load a particular sitemap.
  3. http://hostname:8080/basicui/app/ (opens new window) is an invalid URL due to trailing slash.
  4. http://hostname:8080/basicui/app?sitemap=sitemapname/ (opens new window) is an invalid URL due to trailing slash.

# Screenshots:

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2