This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 4.3. Go to the current stable version

# Equinox

Equinox (opens new window) is considered to be a reference implementation of the OSGi Core Release 8 (opens new window). It is an open source project (opens new window), part of the Eclipse project (opens new window). It provides a set of bundles, that implement various optional OSGi services.

The openHAB bundles are deployed on an Equinox runtime. Knowledge about how to start the runtime and execute basic commands will help you to speedup the development process.

# Start Equinox Runtime from Eclipse

  1. Go to "Run" -> "Run Configurations".

  2. From the list in the left panel choose "OSGi Framework". Right click on it and choose "New".

  3. After you've been created a new configuration, select the bundles that you need from the workspace.

  4. Then make sure that the following bundles from the target platform are selected, otherwise the OSGi console will not be available:

    org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime org.apache.felix.gogo.command org.eclipse.equinox.console

  5. Click on "Add Required Bundles". Eclipse will resolve all dependencies of the bundles listed above and include new bundles to the configuration.

  6. Click on "Validate Bundles" and make sure that "No problems were detected" is displayed.

  7. You can start Equinox with the "Run" button.

Run Configurations dialog window

# Run Equinox from the command line

The org.eclipse.osgi bundle is the framework implementation of the Core Framework specification in a standalone package.

If you have compiled openHAB once either via command line (mvn install) or the Eclipse IDE, Maven will have downloaded Equinox for you already. Find it in your Maven cache directory (Linux ~/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/platform/org.eclipse.osgi/3.15.0/org.eclipse.osgi-3.15.0.jar and Windows C:\Users\\.m2\..).

  1. Create configuration folder in that directory.
  2. Inside the configuration folder create a file config.ini.
  3. Save the following content in the config.ini file:

  1. Use the following command line to run Equinox:
java -jar org.eclipse.osgi-3.x.x.jar -console -configuration configuration

# Commands

Once you have Equinox running, you will see a prompt. Some of the basic OSGi commands are:

Command Description
help Basic command that will list all available commands
install [bundle URL] Installs the bundle from the given URL
start [bundle # or bundle name] Starts the bundle with the given numeric or symbolic id
stop [bundle # or bundle name] Stops the bundle with the given numeric or symbolic id
ss Reports a summary status of all installed bundles
diag [bundle # or bundle name] Reports any resolution problems for the bundle with the given numeric or symbolic id
services [filter] Lists all available services or only services matching to LDAP-style filter (opens new window) (e.g. services (objectClass="*virtage*") - will print only services having virtage in their class name)

Table 1. Equinox commands (Source: (opens new window))

# Equinox Bundles

Another part of the Equinox project is Equinox Bundles (opens new window). It consists of bundles that implement all add-on services from the OSGi specification and additional services defined in various OSGi expert groups.

Some of the core bundles are listed in the table below. Some or all of these bundles must be included in your runtime configuration, if you want to use the services that they provide.

Name Bundle Symbolic Name Description
Declarative Services org.eclipse.equinox.ds An implementation of the OSGi Declarative Services specification
Event Admin Service org.eclipse.equinox.event OSGi Compendium Release 8 Event Admin (opens new window) Service provides an inter-bundle communication mechanism based on an event publish and subscribe model
Equinox Utilities org.eclipse.equinox.util A library of utility classes that are frequently used from the Equinox OSGi Service implementation bundles
OSGi Services API org.eclipse.osgi.service This bundle contains the set of OSGi specified service APIs

Table 2. OSGi Bundles (Full list can be found at: (opens new window))

# Further Reading