This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 4.3. Go to the current stable version

# oh-slider-card - Slider Card

Display a slider in a card to control an item

# Configuration

# Card

Parameters of the card

# title Title TEXT

Title of the card

Footer of the card

# noBorder No Border BOOLEAN

Do not render the card border

# noShadow No Shadow BOOLEAN

Do not render a shadow effect to the card

# outline Outline BOOLEAN

Show the card outline

# Slider

# item Item TEXT item

Item to control

# min Min DECIMAL

Minimum value

# max Max DECIMAL

Maximum value

# step Step DECIMAL

Minimum interval between values

# vertical Vertical DECIMAL

Display the slider vertically

# label Display Label BOOLEAN

Display a label above the slider knob while sliding

# scale Display Scale BOOLEAN

Display a scale on the slider

# scaleSteps Scale steps INTEGER

Number of (major) scale markers

# scaleSubSteps Scale sub-steps INTEGER

Number of scale minor markers between each major marker

# unit Unit TEXT

Unit for the command sent and also append to the label while dragging the cursor, leave empty to use Item's unit

# ignoreDisplayState Ignore Display State BOOLEAN

Ignore the display state if available and always use the raw state.

# releaseOnly Send command only on release BOOLEAN

If enabled, no commands are sent during sliding

# commandInterval Command Interval INTEGER

Time to wait between subsequent commands in ms (default 200)

# delayStateDisplay Delay State Display INTEGER

Time to wait before switching from displaying user input to displaying item state in ms (default 2000)