This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 4.3. Go to the current stable version

# Energi Data Service Binding

This binding integrates electricity prices from the Danish Energi Data Service ("Open energy data from Energinet to society").

This can be used to plan energy consumption, for example to calculate the cheapest period for running a dishwasher or charging an EV.

# Supported Things

All channels are available for thing type service.

# Thing Configuration

# service Thing Configuration

Name Type Description Default Required
priceArea text Price area for spot prices (same as bidding zone) yes
currencyCode text Currency code in which to obtain spot prices DKK no
gridCompanyGLN integer Global Location Number of the Grid Company no
energinetGLN integer Global Location Number of Energinet 5790000432752 no
reducedElectricityTax boolean Reduced electricity tax applies. For electric heating customers only false no

# Global Location Number of the Grid Company

The Global Location Number of your grid company can be selected from a built-in list of grid companies. To find the company in your area, you can go to Find netselskab (opens new window), enter your address, and the company will be shown.

If your company is not on the list, you can configure it manually. To obtain the Global Location Number of your grid company:

  • Open a browser and go to Eloverblik (opens new window).
  • Click "Private customers" and log in with MitID (confirmation will appear as Energinet).
  • Click "Retrieve data" and select "Price data".
  • Open the file and look for the rows having Price_type = "Subscription".
  • In the columns Name and/or Description you should see the name of your grid company.
  • In column Owner you can find the GLN ("Global Location Number").
  • Most rows will have this Owner. If in doubt, try to look for rows not having 5790000432752 as owner.

# Reduced electricity tax applies

For customers using electricity for heating, a reduced electricity tax rate may apply after consuming the first 4000 kWh within a year. When you are entitled to reduced electricity tax, this option should be set. This will ensure that thing action calculations use the reduced electricity tax rate when price components are not explicitly provided. It will not impact channels, see Electricity Tax for further information.

# Channels

# Channel Group electricity

Channel Type Description
spot-price Number:EnergyPrice Spot price in DKK or EUR per kWh
grid-tariff Number:EnergyPrice Grid tariff in DKK per kWh. Only available when gridCompanyGLN is configured
system-tariff Number:EnergyPrice System tariff in DKK per kWh
transmission-grid-tariff Number:EnergyPrice Transmission grid tariff in DKK per kWh
electricity-tax Number:EnergyPrice Electricity tax in DKK per kWh
reduced-electricity-tax Number:EnergyPrice Reduced electricity tax in DKK per kWh. For electric heating customers only
co2-emission-prognosis Number:EmissionIntensity Estimated prognosis for CO₂ emission following the day-ahead market in g/kWh
co2-emission-realtime Number:EmissionIntensity Near up-to-date history for CO₂ emission from electricity consumed in Denmark in g/kWh

# Total Price

Please note: There is no channel providing the total price. Instead, create a group item with SUM as aggregate function and add the individual price items as children. This has the following advantages:

  • Full customization possible: Freely choose the channels which should be included in the total (even between different bindings).
  • Spot price can be configured in EUR while tariffs are in DKK (and currency conversions are performed outside the binding).
  • An additional item containing the kWh fee from your electricity supplier can be added also (and it can be dynamic).

If you want electricity tax included in your total price, please add either electricity-tax or reduced-electricity-tax to the group - depending on which one applies. See Electricity Tax for further information.

# Time Series

Group items with aggregate functions are not automatically recalculated into the future when the time series for child items are updated. Therefore, the SUM function mentioned above will only work for the current price. Calculation of future total prices can be achieved with a rule:

    # Currencies

    There are some existing limitations related to currency support. While the binding attempts to update channels in the correct currency, such attempts may face rejection. In such cases, the binding will resort to omitting the currency unit. While this ensures correct prices, it's important to note that the currency information may be incorrect in these instances.

    # Value-Added Tax

    VAT is not included in any of the prices. To include VAT for items linked to the Number channels, the VAT profile (opens new window) can be used. This must be installed separately. Once installed, simply select "Value-Added Tax" as Profile when linking an item.

    # Persisting Time Series

    The binding offers support for persisting both historical and upcoming prices. The recommended persistence strategy is forecast, as it ensures a clean history without redundancy. Prices from the past 24 hours and all forthcoming prices will be stored. Any changes that impact published prices (e.g. selecting or deselecting VAT Profile) will result in the replacement of persisted prices within this period.

    # Manually Persisting History

    During extended service interruptions, data unavailability, or openHAB downtime, historic prices may be absent from persistence. A console command is provided to fill gaps: energidataservice update [SpotPrice|GridTariff|SystemTariff|TransmissionGridTariff|ElectricityTax|ReducedElectricitytax] <StartDate> [<EndDate>].


    energidataservice update spotprice 2024-04-12 2024-04-14

    This can also be useful for retrospectively changing the VAT profile (opens new window).

    # Grid Tariff

    Discounts are automatically taken into account for channel grid-tariff so that it represents the actual price.

    The tariffs are downloaded using pre-configured filters for the different Grid Company GLN's. If your company is not in the list, or the filters are not working, they can be manually overridden. To override filters, the channel grid-tariff has the following configuration parameters:

    Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
    chargeTypeCodes text Comma-separated list of charge type codes no yes
    notes text Comma-separated list of notes no yes
    start text Query start date parameter expressed as either YYYY-MM-DD or dynamically as one of StartOfDay, StartOfMonth or StartOfYear no yes
    offset text Query start date offset expressed as an ISO 8601 duration no yes

    The parameters chargeTypeCodes and notes are logically combined with "AND", so if only one parameter is needed for the filter, only provide this parameter and leave the other one empty. Using any of these parameters will override the pre-configured filter entirely.

    The parameter start can be used independently to override the query start date parameter. If used while leaving chargeTypeCodes and notes empty, only the date will be overridden.

    The parameter offset can be used in combination with start to provide an offset to a dynamic start date parameter, i.e. StartOfDay, StartOfMonth or StartOfYear. The needed amount of historic hours is automatically taken into consideration. This parameter is ignored when start date is supplied as YYYY-MM-DD.

    Determining the right filters can be tricky, so if in doubt ask in the community forum. See also Datahub Price List (opens new window).

    # Filter Examples


    Parameter Value
    chargeTypeCodes CD,CD R

    Nord Energi Net:

    Parameter Value
    chargeTypeCodes TAC
    notes Nettarif C
    start StartOfDay
    offset -P1D

    # Electricity Tax

    The standard channel for electricity tax is electricity-tax. For customers using electricity for heating, a reduced electricity tax rate may apply (see Reduced electricity tax applies). This reduced rate is made available through channel reduced-electricity-tax.

    The binding cannot determine or manage rate variations as they depend on metering data. Usually reduced-electricity-tax is preferred when using electricity for heating.

    # CO₂ Emissions

    Data for the CO₂ emission channels is published as time series with a resolution of 5 minutes.

    Channel co2-emission-realtime provides near up-to-date historic emission and is refreshed every 5 minutes. When the binding is started, or a new item is linked, or a linked item receives an update command, historic data for the last 24 hours is provided in addition to the current value.

    Channel co2-emission-prognosis provides estimated prognosis for future emissions and is refreshed every 15 minutes. Depending on the time of the day, an update of the prognosis may include estimates for more than 9 hours, but every update will have at least 9 hours into the future. A persistence configuration is required for this channel.

    Please note that the CO₂ emission channels only apply to Denmark. These channels will not be updated when the configured price area is not DK1 or DK2.

    # Trigger Channels

    Advanced channel event can trigger the following events:

    Event Description
    DAY_AHEAD_AVAILABLE Day-ahead prices are available

    # Thing Actions

    Thing actions can be used to perform calculations as well as import prices directly into rules without relying on persistence. This is convenient, fast, and provides automatic summation of the price components of interest.

    Actions use cached data for performing operations. Since data is only fetched when an item is linked to a channel, there might not be any cached data available. In this case the data will be fetched on demand and cached afterwards. The first action triggered on a given day may therefore be a bit slower, and is also prone to failing if the server call fails for any reason. This potential problem can be prevented by linking the individual channels to items.

    # calculateCheapestPeriod

    This action will determine the cheapest period for using energy. It comes in four variants with different input parameters.

    The result is a Map with the following keys:

    Key Type Description
    CheapestStart Instant Start time of cheapest calculated period
    LowestPrice BigDecimal The total price when starting at cheapest start
    MostExpensiveStart Instant Start time of most expensive calculated period
    HighestPrice BigDecimal The total price when starting at most expensive start

    # calculateCheapestPeriod from Duration

    Parameter Type Description
    earliestStart Instant Earliest start time allowed
    latestEnd Instant Latest end time allowed
    duration Duration The duration to fit within the timeslot

    This is a convenience method that can be used when the power consumption is not known. The calculation will assume linear consumption and will find the best timeslot based on that. For this reason the resulting Map will not contain the keys LowestPrice and HighestPrice.


      # calculateCheapestPeriod from Duration and Power

      Parameter Type Description
      earliestStart Instant Earliest start time allowed
      latestEnd Instant Latest end time allowed
      duration Duration The duration to fit within the timeslot
      power QuantityType<Power> Linear power consumption

      This action is identical to the variant above, but with a known linear power consumption. As a result the price is also included in the result.


        # calculateCheapestPeriod from Power Phases

        Parameter Type Description
        earliestStart Instant Earliest start time allowed
        latestEnd Instant Latest end time allowed
        durationPhases List<Duration> List of durations for the phases
        powerPhases List<QuantityType<Power>> List of power consumption for each corresponding phase

        This variant is similar to the one above, but is based on a supplied timetable.

        The timetable is supplied as two individual parameters, durationPhases and powerPhases, which must have the same size. This can be considered as different phases of using power, so each list member represents a period with a linear use of power. durationPhases should be a List populated by Duration objects, while powerPhases should be a List populated by QuantityType<Power> objects for that duration of time.


          Please note that the total duration will be calculated automatically as a sum of provided duration phases. Therefore, if the total duration is longer than the sum of phase durations, the remaining duration must be provided as last item with a corresponding 0 W power item. This is to ensure that the full program will finish before the provided latestEnd.

          # calculateCheapestPeriod from Energy per Phase

          Parameter Type Description
          earliestStart Instant Earliest start time allowed
          latestEnd Instant Latest end time allowed
          totalDuration Duration The total duration of all phases
          durationPhases List<Duration> List of durations for the phases
          energyUsedPerPhase QuantityType<Energy> Fixed amount of energy used per phase

          This variant will assign the provided amount of energy into each phase. The use case for this variant is a simplification of the previous variant. For example, a dishwasher may provide energy consumption in 0.1 kWh steps. In this case it's a simple task to create a timetable accordingly without having to calculate the average power consumption per phase. Since a last phase may use no significant energy, the total duration must be provided also.


            # calculatePrice

            Parameter Type Description
            start Instant Start time
            end Instant End time
            power QuantityType<Power> Linear power consumption

            Result: Price as BigDecimal.

            This action calculates the price for using given amount of power in the period from start till end. Returns null if the calculation cannot be performed due to missing price data within the requested period.


              # getPrices

              Parameter Type Description
              priceComponents String Comma-separated list of price components to include

              Result: Map<Instant, BigDecimal>

              The parameter priceComponents is a case-insensitive comma-separated list of price components to include in the returned hourly prices. These components can be requested:

              Price component Description
              SpotPrice Spot price
              GridTariff Grid tariff
              SystemTariff System tariff
              TransmissionGridTariff Transmission grid tariff
              ElectricityTax Electricity tax
              ReducedElectricityTax Reduced electricity tax

              Using null as parameter returns the total prices including all price components. If Reduced Electricity Tax is set in Thing configuration, ElectricityTax will be excluded, otherwise ReducedElectricityTax. This logic ensures consistent and comparable results not affected by artificial changes in the rate for electricity tax two times per year.


                # Full Example

                # Thing Configuration

                Thing energidataservice:service:energidataservice "Energi Data Service" [ priceArea="DK1", currencyCode="DKK", gridCompanyGLN="5790001089030" ] {
                        Number : electricity#grid-tariff [ chargeTypeCodes="CD,CD R", start="StartOfYear" ]

                # Item Configuration

                Group:Number:EnergyPrice:SUM TotalPrice "Total Price" <price>
                Number:EnergyPrice SpotPrice "Spot Price" <price> (TotalPrice) { channel="energidataservice:service:energidataservice:electricity#spot-price" [profile="transform:VAT"] }
                Number:EnergyPrice GridTariff "Grid Tariff" <price> (TotalPrice) { channel="energidataservice:service:energidataservice:electricity#grid-tariff" [profile="transform:VAT"] }
                Number:EnergyPrice SystemTariff "System Tariff" <price> (TotalPrice) { channel="energidataservice:service:energidataservice:electricity#system-tariff" [profile="transform:VAT"] }
                Number:EnergyPrice TransmissionGridTariff "Transmission Grid Tariff" <price> (TotalPrice) { channel="energidataservice:service:energidataservice:electricity#transmission-grid-tariff" [profile="transform:VAT"] }
                Number:EnergyPrice ElectricityTax "Electricity Tax" <price> (TotalPrice) { channel="energidataservice:service:energidataservice:electricity#electricity-tax" [profile="transform:VAT"] }

                # Persistence Configuration

                Strategies {
                    default = everyChange
                Items {
                    ElectricityTax: strategy = forecast

                In case persistence is only needed for charts and/or accessing prices from rules, InMemory Persistence (opens new window) can be used.

                # Thing Actions Example

                  # Persistence Rule Example

                    # Trigger Channel Example