This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 4.3. Go to the current stable version
# Xiaomi Wifi devices (Mi IO) Binding
This binding is used to control Xiaomi products implementing the Mi IO protocol. This protocol is used for most of Xiaomi Mi Ecosystem wifi devices which is branded as MiJia. If your Xiaomi wifi device is controlled by the mihome app, most likely it communicates using the Mi IO protocol and can communicate with openHAB using this binding.
# Supported Things
The following things types are available:
ThingType | Description |
miio:generic | Generic type for discovered devices. Once the token is available and the device model is determined, this ThingType will automatically change to the appropriate ThingType |
miio:vacuum | For Xiaomi/RoboRock Robot Vacuum products |
miio:basic | For most other devices like yeelights, airpurifiers. Channels and commands are determined by database configuration |
miio:gateway | Similar to basic, but with the Bridge feature, it can support to forward commands for connected devices |
miio:lumi | Thing type for subdevices connected to the gateway. Note, these devices require a defined gateway to function |
miio:unsupported | For experimenting with other devices which use the Mi IO protocol or to build experimental support |
# Discovery
The binding has 2 methods for discovering devices. Depending on your network setup and the device model, your device may be discovered by one or both methods. If both methods discover your device, 2 discovery results may be in your inbox for the same device.
The mDNS discovery method will discover your device type, but will not discover a (required) token. The basic discovery will not discovery the type, but will discover a token for models that support it. Accept only one of the 2 discovery results, the alternate one can further be ignored.
# Tokens
The binding needs a token from the Xiaomi Mi Device in order to be able to control it. The binding can retrieve the needed tokens from the Xiaomi cloud. Go to the binding config page and enter your cloud username and password. The server(s) to which your devices are connected need to be entered as well. Use the one of the regional servers: cn,de,i2,tw,ru,sg,us. Multiple servers can be separated with comma, or leave blank to test all known servers. See binding configuration for more details about the binding config.
# Tokens without cloud access
Some devices provide the token upon discovery. This may depends on the firmware version. If the device does not discover your token, it needs to be retrieved from the Mi Home app.
The easiest way to obtain tokens is to browse through log files of the Mi Home app version 5.4.49 for Android. It seems that version was released with debug messages turned on by mistake. An APK file with the old version can be easily found using one of the popular web search engines. After downgrading use a file browser to navigate to directory SmartHome/logs/plug_DeviceManager, then open the most recent file and search for the token. When finished, use Google Play to get the most recent version back.
For iPhone, use an un-encrypted iTunes-Backup and unpack it and use a sqlite tool to view the files in it: Then search in "RAW, com.xiaomi.home," for "USERID_mihome.sqlite" and look for the 32-digit-token or 96 digit encrypted token.
Note. The Xiaomi devices change the token when inclusion is done. Hence if you get your token after reset and than include it with the Mi Home app, the token will change.
# Binding Configuration
No binding configuration is required. However to enable cloud functionality enter your Xiaomi username, password and server(s). The list of the known countries and related severs is here.
After successful Xiaomi cloud login, the binding will use the connection to retrieve the required device tokens from the cloud. For Xiaomi vacuums the map can be visualized in openHAB using the cloud connection.
To enter your cloud details go to the bindings page, click the Xiaomi Mi IO binding and than configure.
In the configuration page, enter your userID /passwd and county(s) or leave the countries servers blank.
The binding also supports the discovery of devices via the cloud. This may be useful if the device is on a separate subnet. (note, after accepting such a device on a different subnet, the communication needs to be set to cloud in order to have it working.)
# Thing Configuration
Each Xiaomi device (thing) needs the IP address and token configured to be able to communicate. See discovery for details. Optional configuration is the refresh interval and the deviceID. Note that the deviceID is automatically retrieved when it is left blank. The configuration for model is automatically retrieved from the device in normal operation. However, for devices that are unsupported, you may override the value and try to use a model string from a similar device to experimentally use your device with the binding.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
host | text | true | Device IP address |
token | text | true | Token for communication (in Hex) |
deviceId | text | true | Device Id (typically a number for normal devices) for communication |
model | text | false | Device model string, used to determine the subtype |
refreshInterval | integer | false | Refresh interval for refreshing the data in seconds. (0=disabled) |
timeout | integer | false | Timeout time in milliseconds |
communication | text | false | Communicate direct or via cloud (options values: 'direct', 'cloud') |
cloudServer | text | false | Identifies the country server to use in case of cloud communication |
Note: Suggest to use the cloud communication only for devices that require it. It is unknown at this time if Xiaomi has a rate limit or other limitations on the cloud usage. e.g. if having many devices would trigger some throttling from the cloud side. Note2: communications parameter is not available for lumi devices. Lumi devices communicate using the bridge/gateway.
# Example Thing file
Thing miio:basic:light "My Light" [ host="192.168.x.x", token="put here your token", deviceId="326xxxx", model="philips.light.bulb", communication="direct" ]
or in case of unknown models include the model information of a similar device that is supported:
Thing miio:vacuum:s50 "vacuum" @ "livingroom" [ host="", token="xxxxxxx", deviceId="326xxxx", model="roborock.vacuum.s4", communication="direct", cloudServer="de" ]
in case of gateway, instead of defining it as a Thing, use Bridge
Bridge miio:gateway:lumigateway "Mi Smarter Gateway" [ host="10.10.x.x", token="put here your token", deviceId="326xxxx", model="lumi.gateway.mieu01", communication="direct", cloudServer="de" ]
# Advanced: Getting unsupported devices to work with the binding
Newer devices may not yet be supported. However, many devices share large similarities with existing devices. The binding allows to try/test if your new device is working with database files of older devices as well.
There are 3 ways to get unsupported devices working:
- by overriding the model with the model of a similar supported device. E.g. this works great for roborock vacuum devices and yeelight devices). See Substitute model for unsupported devices
- by switching on the
(experimental) Create channels for new/unsupported devices (MIOT protocol)
channel, this works for most newer devices. See Create support for new devices based on online published spec database - by switching on the
(experimental) Create channels / test properties for unsupported devices (legacy protocol)
channel. This works for older / legacy devices. It test all known properties to see which are supported by your device. See Supported property test for unsupported devices
# Substitute model for unsupported devices
Replace the model with the model which is already supported. For this, first remove your unsupported thing. Manually add a miio:basic thing. Besides the regular configuration (like ip address, token) the modelId needs to be provided. Normally the modelId is populated with the model of your device, however in this case, use the modelId of a similar device. Look at the openHAB forum, or the openHAB GitHub repository or this readme for the modelId of similar devices.
# Create support for new devices based on online published spec database
The unsupported device has a (experimental) Create channels for new/unsupported devices (MIOT protocol)
channel. When switching on, it will try to build support based on the published spec from (opens new window).
It will test all properties are in the spec for your device, which may take few minutes.
A test report will be shown in the log and is saved in the userdata/miio
folder with a filename test-[your model]-[timestamp].txt
The experimental database file is saved to the conf/misc/miio folder (see below chapter).
The thing will go offline and will come back online as basic device, supporting the found channels.
If this does not happen automatically, restart the binding or restart openHAB in order to have the new database file picked up.
Please validate and feedback if all channels and actions are working, and share the logfile and json files on the openHAB forum or the openHAB GitHub to build future support for this model.
# Supported property test for unsupported devices
The unsupported device has a test channel with switch. When switching on, all known properties are tested, this may take few minutes.
A test report will be shown in the log and is saved in the userdata/miio
folder with a filename test-[your model]-[timestamp].txt
If supported properties are found, an experimental database file is saved to the conf/misc/miio folder (see below chapter).
The thing will go offline and will come back online as basic device, supporting the found channels.
The database file may need to be modified to display the right channel names.
After validation, please share the logfile and json files on the openHAB forum or the openHAB GitHub to build future support for this model.
# Advanced: adding local database files to support new devices
Things using the basic handler (miio:basic things) are driven by json 'database' files.
This instructs the binding which channels to create, which properties and actions are associated with the channels etc.
The conf/misc/miio (e.g. in Linux /opt/openhab/conf/misc/miio/
) is scanned for database files and will be used for your devices.
During the start of the binding the exact path used in your system will be printed in the debug log.
Watch for a line containing Started miio basic devices local databases watch service. Watching for database files at path: …
If this folder is created after the start of the binding, you may need to restart the binding (or openHAB) to be able to use the local files.
Note that local database files take preference over build-in ones, hence if a json file is local and in the database the local file will be used.
For format, please check the current database files in openHAB GitHub.
# FAQ.. what to do in case of problems
If your device is not getting online:
Are you using text config? Make sure you define all the fields as per above example. Or, better, try to get it going first without text config.
The token is wrong The most common cause of non responding devices is a wrong token. When you reset, or change wifi or update firmware, and possibly other cases as well, the token may change. You'll need to get a refreshed token.
My token is coming from the cloud... how can it be wrong? Is not very likely but still can happen._ This can happen e.g. if your device is defined on multiple country servers. The binding may pull the token from the wrong country server. First try to get the token from all country servers by leave the county setting empty. If that does not solve it, you define only the country that the device is on in the binding config page (where the cloud userid/pwd is entered) this should pull the right token.
You have the same device added multiple times. The communication each time send a sequential number. If the device is twice defined, the numbers received by the device are no longer sequential and it will stop responding for some time.
The connection is not too good, so you have timeouts etc. Position your device closer to wifi / check in the mihome app if the wifi strength is good enough. Alternatively as described above, double check for multiple connections for single device.
Your device is on a different subnet? This is in most cases not working. Firmware of the device don't accept commands coming from other subnets. Set the communication in the thing configuration to 'cloud'.
Cloud connectivity is not working The most common problem is a wrong or missing userId/password. Update your Xiaomi cloud userId & password in the miio binding configuration screen. If the problem persists you can try the following:
- Xiaomi Account verification might be needed. For some users login by the binding is unsuccessful as account verification is required, but the binding currently has no possibilities to handle this. In order to pass validation your (openHAB server) ip need to be validated/confirmed. Browse to (opens new window) and logon to your account. Note: use the same external ip address as your openHAB server, e.g. you may need to disable your VPN.
- If above is not possible or fails, You can try to find in the binding debug logging a
location url
. Try to login using this url (just after it fails) with your browser. - Several users also reported success by resetting their Xiaomi password.
If it still fails, you're bit out of luck. You may try to restart openHAB (not just the binding) to clean the cookies. As the cloud logon process is still little understood, your only luck might be to enable trace logging and see if you can translate the Chinese error code that it returns.
My Roborock vacuum is not found or not reacting Did you link the vacuum with the Roborock app? This won't work, the Roborock app is using a different communication method. Reset your vacuum and connect it to the Xiaomi MiHome app. This will change the communication method and the Mi IO binding can communicate with the vacuum.
# Mi IO Devices
Currently the miio binding supports more than 360 different models.
Device | ThingType | Device Model | Supported | Remark |
AUX Smart Air Conditioner | miio:unsupported | aux.aircondition.v1 | No | |
Mi Air Frying Pan | miio:basic | careli.fryer.maf01 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Air Fryer (3.5L) | miio:basic | careli.fryer.maf02 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Air Frying Pan | miio:basic | careli.fryer.maf03 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Qingping Air Monitor Lite | miio:basic | cgllc.airm.cgdn1 | Yes | |
Mi Multifunction Air Monitor | miio:basic | cgllc.airmonitor.b1 | Yes | |
Qingping Air Monitor | miio:basic | cgllc.airmonitor.s1 | Yes | |
Mi Universal Remote | miio:unsupported | | No | |
Mi Smart Power Plug 2 (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Gateway) | miio:basic | chuangmi.plug.212a01 | Yes | |
Mi Smart Plug WiFi | miio:basic | chuangmi.plug.hmi205 | Yes | |
Mi Smart Plug (WiFi) | miio:basic | chuangmi.plug.hmi206 | Yes | |
Mi Smart Wi-Fi Plug (Bluetooth Gateway) | miio:basic | chuangmi.plug.hmi208 | Yes | |
Mi Plug Mini | miio:basic | chuangmi.plug.m1 | Yes | |
Mi Smart Plug (Wi-Fi) Basic | miio:basic | chuangmi.plug.m3 | Yes | |
Mi Smart Power Plug | miio:basic | chuangmi.plug.v1 | Yes | |
Mi Smart Power Plug v2 | miio:basic | chuangmi.plug.v2 | Yes | |
MIJIA Smart Plug Enhanced | miio:basic | chuangmi.plug.v3 | Yes | |
Mi Remote | miio:unsupported | chuangmi.remote.v2 | No | |
Mi IH Rice Cooker | miio:unsupported | chunmi.cooker.normal1 | No | |
Mi IH Rice Cooker | miio:unsupported | chunmi.cooker.normal2 | No | |
Mi IH Rice Cooker 4L | miio:unsupported | chunmi.cooker.normal4 | No | |
Mi IH Pressure Rice Cooker | miio:unsupported | chunmi.cooker.press1 | No | |
Mi IH Pressure Rice Cooker | miio:unsupported | chunmi.cooker.press2 | No | |
Gosund Smart Plug | miio:basic | cuco.plug.cp1 | Yes | |
Xiaomi Smart Plug 2 (Wi-Fi) | miio:basic | cuco.plug.v2eur | Yes | |
Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier | miio:basic | deerma.humidifier.jsq | Yes | |
Mi S Smart Humidifer | miio:basic | deerma.humidifier.jsq1 | Yes | |
Xiaomi Smart Humidifier 2 | miio:basic | deerma.humidifier.jsq2w | Yes | |
Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier | miio:basic | deerma.humidifier.jsq5 | Yes | |
Mi Smart Humidifer S | miio:basic | deerma.humidifier.jsqs | Yes | |
Mi Smart Humidifier | miio:basic | deerma.humidifier.mjjsq | Yes | |
Mi Fresh Air Ventilator A1-150 | miio:basic | dmaker.airfresh.a1 | Yes | |
Mi Fresh Air Ventilator | miio:basic | dmaker.airfresh.t2017 | Yes | |
Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 Lite | miio:basic | | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Standing Fan 1X | miio:basic | | Yes | |
Mi Smart Standing Fan 1C | miio:basic | | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Tower Fan | miio:basic | | Yes | |
Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 | miio:basic | | Yes | |
Mi Smart Standing Fan Pro | miio:basic | | Yes | Identified manual actions for executionaction{"did":"off-delay-time-toggle","siid":3,"aiid":1,"in":[]} Please test and feedback if they are working so they can be linked to a channel. |
Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 | miio:basic | | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Robot Vacuum Mop 1C STYTJ01ZHM | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.mc1808 | Yes | |
Dreame Robot Vacuum-Mop F9 | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.p2008 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Dreame Robot Vacuum D9 | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.p2009 | Yes | |
Dreame Bot W10 | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.p2027 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Dreame Bot Z10 Pro | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.p2028 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Dreame Bot L10 Pro | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.p2029 | Yes | |
Trouver Robot LDS Vacuum-Mop Finder | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.p2036 | Yes | |
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro+ | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.p2041o | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mijia Omni Robot Vacuum-Mop | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.p2114o | Yes | |
MOVA Z500 Robot Vacuum and Mop Cleaner | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.p2156o | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
MOVA L600 Robot Vacuum and Mop Cleaner | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.p2157 | Yes | |
Dreame Bot D9 Max | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.p2259 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
DreameBot L10s Ultra | miio:basic | dreame.vacuum.r2228o | Yes | |
HUIZUO ARIES For Bedroom | miio:basic | huayi.light.ari013 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO ARIES For Living Room | miio:basic | huayi.light.aries | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO Fan Light | miio:basic | huayi.light.fanwy | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO Fan Light(2020) | miio:basic | huayi.light.fanwy2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO PEGASUS For Living Room | miio:basic | huayi.light.peg091 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO PEGASUS For Bedroom | miio:basic | huayi.light.peg093 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO PISCES For Bedroom | miio:basic | huayi.light.pis123 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO PISCES For Living Room | miio:basic | huayi.light.pisces | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO TAURUS For Bedroom | miio:basic | huayi.light.tau023 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO TAURUS For Living Room | miio:basic | huayi.light.taurus | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO VIRGO For Bedroom | miio:basic | huayi.light.vir063 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO VIRGO For Living Room | miio:basic | huayi.light.virgo | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO Ceiling Light | miio:basic | huayi.light.wy | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO LIANGCHEN(BLE Mesh) | miio:basic | huayi.light.wy200 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO SAG Downlight (BLE Mesh) | miio:basic | huayi.light.wy201 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO Bulb (BLE Mesh) | miio:basic | huayi.light.wy202 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO YONG Downlight (BLE Mesh) | miio:basic | huayi.light.wy203 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
huayi.light.wy204 | miio:basic | huayi.light.wy204 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO Heating Lamp | miio:basic | huayi.light.wyheat | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
HUIZUO ZIWEI Ceiling Lamp | miio:basic | huayi.light.zw131 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
MiJia Rice Cooker | miio:unsupported | hunmi.cooker.normal3 | No | |
Jinxing Smart Air Conditioner | miio:unsupported | idelan.aircondition.v1 | No | |
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro | miio:basic | ijai.vacuum.v3 | Yes | Example command for room cleaning xiaomi_robot_execute.sendCommand('action{"siid":7,"aiid":3,"in":[{"piid":24,"value":"11,12,etc room ids"},{"piid":25,"value":0},{"piid":26,"value":1}]}') |
Xiaomi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2S | miio:basic | ijai.vacuum.v19 | Yes | Example command for room cleaning xiaomi_robot_execute.sendCommand('action{"siid":7,"aiid":3,"in":[{"piid":24,"value":"11,12,etc room ids"},{"piid":25,"value":0},{"piid":26,"value":1}]}') |
IKEA E27 white spectrum opal | miio:lumi | ikea.light.led1545g12 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
IKEA E27 white spectrum clear | miio:lumi | ikea.light.led1546g12 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
IKEA E14 white spectrum | miio:lumi | ikea.light.led1536g5 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
IKEA GU10 white spectrum | miio:lumi | ikea.light.led1537r6 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
IKEA E27 warm white | miio:lumi | ikea.light.led1623g12 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
IKEA GU10 warm white | miio:lumi | ikea.light.led1650r5 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
IKEA E14 warm white | miio:lumi | ikea.light.led1649c5 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Aqara Wall Switch(No Neutral, Single Rocker) | miio:unsupported | lumi.ctrl_neutral1.v1 | No | |
Aqara Wall Switch (No Neutral, Double Rocker) | miio:unsupported | lumi.ctrl_neutral2.v1 | No | |
Xiaomiyoupin Curtain Controller (Wi-Fi) | miio:basic | lumi.curtain.hagl05 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Air Purifier virtual | miio:gateway | lumi.gateway.mgl03 | Experimental | Used to control the gateway itself. Use the mihome binding to control devices connected to the Xiaomi gateway if you have the developer key. Otherwise this binding provides experimental support for lumi subdevices Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi smart Home Gateway Hub | miio:gateway | lumi.gateway.mieu01 | Yes | Used to control the gateway itself. Experimental support for controlling lumi subdevices |
Mi smart Home Gateway Hub v1 | miio:gateway | lumi.gateway.v1 | Experimental | Used to control the gateway itself. Use the mihome binding to control devices connected to the Xiaomi gateway if you have the developer key. Otherwise this binding provides experimental support for lumi subdevices Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi smart Home GatewayHub v2 | miio:gateway | lumi.gateway.v2 | Experimental | Used to control the gateway itself. Use the mihome binding to control devices connected to the Xiaomi gateway if you have the developer key. Otherwise this binding provides experimental support for lumi subdevices Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi smart Home Gateway Hub v3 | miio:gateway | lumi.gateway.v3 | Experimental | Used to control the gateway itself. Use the mihome binding to control devices connected to the Xiaomi gateway if you have the developer key. Otherwise this binding provides experimental support for lumi subdevices Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Aqara LED Light Bulb (Tunable White) | miio:lumi | lumi.light.aqcn02 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Door lock | miio:lumi | lumi.lock.v1 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Aqara Door Lock | miio:lumi | lumi.lock.aq1 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Aqara Door Lock S2 | miio:lumi | lumi.lock.acn02 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Aqara Door lock S2 Pro | miio:lumi | lumi.lock.acn03 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Plug (Zigbee) | miio:lumi | lumi.plug.mmeu01 | Yes | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. |
Mi Window and Door Sensor | miio:lumi | lumi.sensor_magnet.v2 | Yes | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Note: Won't display the current status. Log only' |
Mi Motion Sensor | miio:lumi | lumi.sensor_motion.aq2 | Yes | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge.Note: Won't display the current status, nor trigger events. Log only |
Mi Motion Sensor | miio:lumi | lumi.sensor_motion.v2 | Yes | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge.Note: Won't display the current status, nor trigger events. Log only |
Mi Temperature and Humidity Sensor | miio:lumi | lumi.sensor_ht.v1 | Experimental | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Water Leak Sensor | miio:lumi | lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1 | Yes | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. |
Aqara Temperature and Humidity Sensor | miio:lumi | | Yes | Needs to have the Xiaomi gateway configured in the binding as bridge. |
Midea AC-i Youth | miio:unsupported | midea.aircondition.v1 | No | |
Midea Air Conditioner v2 | miio:unsupported | midea.aircondition.v2 | No | |
Midea AC-Cool Golden | miio:unsupported | midea.aircondition.xa1 | No | |
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop Essential | miio:basic | mijia.vacuum.v2 | Yes | This device may be overwhelmed if refresh is too frequent, slowing down the responses. Suggest to increase refresh time to 120 seconds |
Mijia Smart Pet Water Dispenser | miio:basic | mmgg.pet_waterer.s1 | Experimental | Identified manual actions for executionaction{"did":"filter-reset-filter-life","siid":3,"aiid":1,"in":[]} action{"did":"filter-cotton-reset-cotton-life","siid":5,"aiid":1,"in":[]} action{"did":"remain-clean-time-reset-clean-time","siid":6,"aiid":1,"in":[]} Please test and feedback if they are working so they can be linked to a channel. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mijia Smart Pet Water Dispenser | miio:basic | mmgg.pet_waterer.s2 | Experimental | Identified manual actions for executionaction{"did":"filter-reset-filter-life","siid":3,"aiid":1,"in":[]} action{"did":"filter-cotton-reset-cotton-life","siid":5,"aiid":1,"in":[]} action{"did":"remain-clean-time-reset-clean-time","siid":6,"aiid":1,"in":[]} Please test and feedback if they are working so they can be linked to a channel. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mijia Smart Pet Water Dispenser | miio:basic | mmgg.pet_waterer.s3 | Experimental | Identified manual actions for executionaction{"did":"filter-reset-filter-life","siid":3,"aiid":1,"in":[]} action{"did":"filter-cotton-reset-cotton-life","siid":5,"aiid":1,"in":[]} action{"did":"remain-clean-time-reset-clean-time","siid":6,"aiid":1,"in":[]} Please test and feedback if they are working so they can be linked to a channel. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
XIAOWAN Smart Pet Water Dispenser | miio:basic | mmgg.pet_waterer.s4 | Experimental | Identified manual actions for executionaction{"did":"filter-reset-filter-life","siid":3,"aiid":1,"in":[]} action{"did":"filter-cotton-reset-cotton-life","siid":5,"aiid":1,"in":[]} action{"did":"remain-clean-time-reset-clean-time","siid":6,"aiid":1,"in":[]} Please test and feedback if they are working so they can be linked to a channel. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
MR.BOND | miio:basic | mrbond.airer.m1pro | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
MR.BOND | miio:basic | mrbond.airer.m1s | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
MR.BOND | miio:basic | mrbond.airer.m1super | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
WIDETECH WDH318EFW1 Internet Dehumidifier | miio:basic | nwt.derh.wdh318efw1 | Yes | |
Philips Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Bedroom 40W | miio:basic | philips.light.bceiling1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Philips Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Bedroom 28W | miio:basic | philips.light.bceiling2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Philips ZhiRui E27 bulb | miio:basic | philips.light.bulb | Yes | |
Philips ZhiRui E14 Candle Lamp Frosted version | miio:basic | philips.light.candle | Yes | |
Philips ZhiRui E14 Candle Lamp Crystal version | miio:basic | philips.light.candle2 | Yes | |
Mijia Philips Color Bulb | miio:basic | philips.light.cbulb | Yes | |
Philips Light | miio:basic | philips.light.cbulbs | Yes | |
Philips Connected Ceiling | miio:basic | philips.light.ceiling | Yes | |
Philips Light | miio:basic | philips.light.dcolor | Yes | |
ZhiRui Dimmable Downlight | miio:basic | philips.light.dlight | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Philips ZhiRui Downlight | miio:basic | philips.light.downlight | Yes | |
Philips Wi-Fi bulb E27 White | miio:basic | philips.light.hbulb | Yes | |
Philips ZhiYi Ceiling Lamp FL 40W | miio:basic | philips.light.lnblight1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Philips ZhiYi Ceiling Lamp FL 28W | miio:basic | philips.light.lnblight2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Philips ZhiYi Ceiling Lamp FL 80W | miio:basic | philips.light.lnlrlight | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Philips Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Living room 80W | miio:basic | philips.light.lrceiling | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Nordic 80W | miio:basic | philips.light.mceil | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Nordic 40W | miio:basic | philips.light.mceilm | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Nordic 28W | miio:basic | philips.light.mceils | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Philips Smart Lamp | miio:basic | philips.light.mono1 | Yes | |
Philips ZhiRui Bedside Lamp | miio:basic | philips.light.moonlight | Yes | |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Black 80W | miio:basic | philips.light.obceil | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Black 40W | miio:basic | philips.light.obceim | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Black 28W | miio:basic | philips.light.obceis | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mijia Philips Study Desk Lamp | miio:basic | philips.light.rwread | Yes | |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Starry 80W | miio:basic | philips.light.sceil | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Starry 40W | miio:basic | philips.light.sceilm | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Starry 28W | miio:basic | philips.light.sceils | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Philips EyeCare Connected Desk Lamp gen2. | miio:basic | philips.light.sread1 | Yes | |
Mijia Philips Desk Lamp 2S | miio:basic | philips.light.sread2 | Yes | |
Philips Connected Lights | miio:basic | philips.light.virtual | Yes | |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Gorgeous 80W | miio:basic | philips.light.xzceil | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Gorgeous 40W | miio:basic | philips.light.xzceim | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Gorgeous 28W | miio:basic | philips.light.xzceis | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Philips ZhiYi Ceiling lamp | miio:basic | philips.light.zyceiling | Yes | |
Philips ZhiYi Desk Lamp | miio:basic | philips.light.zysread | Yes | |
Philips ZhiYi Strip | miio:basic | philips.light.zystrip | Yes | |
CHINGMI Smart Power Strip v1 | miio:basic | qmi.powerstrip.v1 | Yes | |
Rockrobo Xiaowa Sweeper v2 | miio:unsupported | roborock.sweeper.e2v2 | No | |
Rockrobo Xiaowa Sweeper v3 | miio:unsupported | roborock.sweeper.e2v3 | No | |
Roborock S6 Pure | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a08 | Yes | |
Roborock T7 Pro | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a09 | Yes | |
Roborock S6 MaxV | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a10 | Yes | |
Roborock T7 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a11 | Yes | |
Roborock T7S | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a14 | Yes | |
Roborock S7 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a15 | Yes | |
Roborock S4 Max | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a19 | Yes | |
Roborock T7S Plus | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a23 | Yes | |
Roborock G10S Pro | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a26 | Yes | |
Roborock S7 MaxV | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a27 | Yes | |
Roborock G10 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a29 | Yes | |
Roborock G10 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a30 | Yes | |
Roborock Q5 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a34 | Yes | |
Roborock T8 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a37 | Yes | |
Roborock Q7 Max | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a38 | Yes | |
Roborock Q7 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a40 | Yes | |
Roborock G10S | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a46 | Yes | |
Roborock S8 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a51 | Yes | |
Roborock T8 Plus | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a52 | Yes | |
Roborock S7 Pro Ultra | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a62 | Yes | |
Roborock G10S Pure | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a64 | Yes | |
Roborock S7 Max Ultra | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a65 | Yes | |
Roborock G10 Plus | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a66 | Yes | |
Roborock G20 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a69 | Yes | |
Roborock S8 Pro Ultra | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a70 | Yes | |
Roborock Q5 Pro | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a72 | Yes | |
Roborock Q8 Max | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a73 | Yes | |
Roborock P10 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a74 | Yes | |
Roborock Q Revo | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a75 | Yes | |
Roborock G10S Auto | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.a76 | Yes | |
Xiaowa C1 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.c1 | Yes | |
Roborock Xiaowa E Series Vacuum v2 | miio:unsupported | roborock.vacuum.e2 | No | |
Mi Robot Vacuum 1S | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.m1s | Yes | |
Roborock P5 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.p5 | Yes | |
Roborock S4 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.s4 | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum S4v2 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.s4v2 | Yes | |
Roborock S5 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.s5 | Yes | |
Roborock S5 Max | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.s5e | Yes | |
Roborock S6 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.s6 | Yes | |
Roborock T4 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t4 | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum T4 v2 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t4v2 | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum T4 v3 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t4v3 | Yes | |
Roborock T6 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t6 | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum T6 v2 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t6v2 | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum T6 v3 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t6v3 | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum T7 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t7 | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum T7p | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t7p | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum T7 v2 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t7pv2 | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum T7 v3 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t7pv3 | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum T7 v2 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t7v2 | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum T7 v3 | miio:vacuum | roborock.vacuum.t7v3 | Yes | |
Roborock Vacuum S6 | miio:vacuum | rockrobo.vacuum.s6 | Yes | |
Mi Robot Vacuum | miio:vacuum | rockrobo.vacuum.v1 | Yes | |
ROIDMI EVE vacuum | miio:basic | roidmi.vacuum.v60 | Yes | |
ROIDMI EVA | miio:basic | roidmi.vacuum.v66 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
PTX OneKey Switch (WIFI) | miio:basic | 090615.switch.xswitch01 | Yes | |
PTX Twokey switch(wifi) | miio:basic | 090615.switch.xswitch02 | Yes | |
PTX ThreeKey Switch (WIFI) | miio:basic | 090615.switch.xswitch03 | Yes | |
SCISHARE Smart Capsule Coffee Machine | miio:basic | | Experimental | This device does not allow for regular querying for the status. Hence the status is not updated for the action channels. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Xiaomi Scishare Smart Capsule Coffee Machine | miio:basic | | Experimental | This device does not allow for regular querying for the status. Hence the status is not updated for the action channels. Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Soocare Electric Toothbrush | miio:unsupported | soocare.toothbrush.x3 | No | |
Viomi Internet Refrigerator iLive(French style 462L) | miio:unsupported | viomi.fridge.v3 | No | |
Viomi Cleaning Robot V-RVCLM21B | miio:basic | viomi.vacuum.v6 | Yes | |
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P | miio:basic | viomi.vacuum.v7 | Yes | |
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P | miio:basic | viomi.vacuum.v8 | Yes | |
Viomi S9 | miio:basic | viomi.vacuum.v18 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
VIOMI Internet Electric Water Heater 1A (60L) | miio:basic | viomi.waterheater.e1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Inverter Air Conditioner (1.5HP) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.ma1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Inverter Air Conditioner (1.5HP, China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.ma2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Vertical Air Conditioner (2HP) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.ma4 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Vertical Air Conditioner C1 (2HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.ma5 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Air Conditioner C1 (1.5HP / Conventional / China Energy Label Level 3) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.ma6 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Air Conditioner C1 (1HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.ma9 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Air Conditioner A (1HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mc1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Air Conditioner A (1.5HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mc2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Air Conditioner A (1HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level <1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mc4 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Air Conditioner A (1.5HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level <1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mc5 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Vertical Air Conditioner A (2HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level <1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mc6 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Vertical Air Conditioner A (3HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level <1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mc7 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Air Conditioner(1.5HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 3) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mc8 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Vertical Air Conditioner(2HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 3) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mc9 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Vertical Air Conditioner (2HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.c10 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Vertical Air Conditioner (3HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.c11 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Air Conditioner C (1HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mh1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Air Conditioner C (1.5HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mh2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Air Conditioner(1HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 3) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mh3 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Air Conditioner X (1HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mt1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Air Conditioner X (1.5HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mt2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Gentle Breeze Air Conditioner (1HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mt3 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Gentle Breeze Air Conditioner (1.5HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mt4 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Gentle Breeze Vertical Air Conditioner (3HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mt5 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Air Conditioner (1HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mt7 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Air Conditioner (1.5HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 1) | miio:basic | xiaomi.aircondition.mt8 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Wi-Fi Repeater 2 | miio:unsupported | xiaomi.repeater.v2 | No | |
Mi Network Speaker | miio:unsupported | xiaomi.wifispeaker.v1 | No | |
Uclean Smart Toilet Seat | miio:basic | | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Uclean Smart Toilet pure | miio:basic | xjx.toilet.pure | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Uclean Smart Toilet relax | miio:basic | xjx.toilet.relax | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Whale Spout Smart Toilet Zero | miio:basic | | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Yeelight Smart Bath Heater | miio:unsupported | yeelight.bhf_light.v2 | No | |
Yeelight Smart Bath Heater Pro | miio:basic | yeelink.bhf_light.v1 | Yes | |
Yeelight Smart Bath Heater | miio:basic | yeelink.bhf_light.v2 | Yes | |
Mi Bedside Lamp | miio:basic | yeelink.light.bslamp1 | Yes | |
Mi Bedside Lamp 2 | miio:basic | yeelink.light.bslamp2 | Yes | |
Yeelight Bedside Lamp II | miio:basic | yeelink.light.bslamp3 | Yes | |
Yeelight Ceiling Light | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling1 | Yes | |
Yeelight Ceiling Light SE | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling2 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Ceiling Light | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling3 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Ceiling Light | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling4 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling4.ambi | Yes | |
Mi LED Ceiling Light | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling5 | Yes | |
Yeelight HaoShi LED Ceiling Lamp Pro | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling6 | Yes | |
Yeelight Haoshi Ceiling Lamp | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling7 | Yes | |
LED Ceiling Light Crystal Plus | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling8 | Yes | |
Yeelight HaoShi LED Ceiling Lamp Pro | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling9 | Yes | |
Yeelight Crystal Pendant Lamp | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling10 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling10.ambi | Yes | |
Yeelight Ceiling Light 320 1S | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling11 | Yes | |
Yeelight Stylized Ceiling Light Pro | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling12 | Yes | |
Yeelight Ceiling Light | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling13 | Yes | |
Yeelight Ceiling Light Mini | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling14 | Yes | |
Yeelight Ceiling Light 480 1S | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling15 | Yes | |
Yeelight Xingyu Ceiling Light | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling16 | Yes | |
Yeelight ShaoHua Celing Light | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling17 | Yes | |
Yeelight Ceiling Light Pro | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling18 | Yes | |
Yeelight Ceiling Light Pro | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling19 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling19.ambi | Yes | |
Yeelight Ceiling Light | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling20 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling20.ambi | Yes | |
Mi Smart LED Living Room Ceiling Light | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling21 | Yes | |
Mi Smart LED Ceiling Light | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling22 | Yes | |
Mi Smart LED Ceiling Light (350mm) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceiling23 | Yes | |
Yeelight Jade Smart LED Ceiling Light C2001 | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ceil26 | Yes | |
Yeelight Color Bulb | miio:basic | yeelink.light.color1 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Bulb (Color) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.color2 | Yes | |
Mi LED Smart Bulb (White and Color) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.color3 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Bulb 1S(Color) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.color4 | Yes | |
Mi Smart LED Bulb Essential (White and Color) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.color5 | Yes | |
Yeelight Smart LED Bulb 1SE (color) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.colora | Yes | |
Yeelight Smart LED Bulb W3 (color) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.colorb | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Bulb (Tunable) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.ct2 | Yes | |
Mi LED Desk Lamp | miio:basic | yeelink.light.lamp1 | Yes | |
Mi Smart LED Desk Lamp Pro | miio:basic | yeelink.light.lamp2 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Lamp | miio:basic | yeelink.light.lamp3 | Yes | |
Mi LED Desk Lamp 1S | miio:basic | yeelink.light.lamp4 | Yes | |
Yeelight Smart Desk Lamp Prime | miio:basic | yeelink.light.lamp5 | Yes | |
Yeelight | miio:basic | yeelink.light.lamp6 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Light Sensor Desk Lamp V1 | miio:basic | yeelink.light.lamp7 | Yes | |
Yeelight | miio:basic | yeelink.light.lamp8 | Yes | |
Yeelight Star LED Table Lamp | miio:basic | yeelink.light.lamp9 | Yes | |
Yeelight Star Floor Lamp | miio:basic | yeelink.light.lamp10 | Yes | |
Yeelight Screen Light Bar | miio:basic | yeelink.light.lamp15 | Yes | |
Yeelight Bulb | miio:basic | yeelink.light.mono1 | Yes | |
Yeelight White Bulb v2 | miio:basic | yeelink.light.mono2 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Bulb 1S(Dimmable) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.mono4 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED Filament Bulb | miio:basic | yeelink.light.mono5 | Yes | |
Mi Smart LED Bulb | miio:basic | yeelink.light.mono6 | Yes | |
Yeelight LED smart bulb W3(dimmable) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.monoa | Yes | |
Yeelight GU10 Smart Bulb W1(dimmable) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.monob | Yes | |
Yeelight Whiteglow Panel Light | miio:basic | yeelink.light.panel1 | Yes | |
Yeelight Lightstrip | miio:basic | yeelink.light.strip1 | Yes | |
Yeelight Lightstrip Plus | miio:basic | yeelink.light.strip2 | Yes | |
Yeelight Willow LED Lightstrip | miio:basic | yeelink.light.strip4 | Yes | |
Light Group (Mi & Yeelight) | miio:basic | yeelink.light.virtual | Yes | |
Yeelight Smart Dual Control Module | miio:basic | yeelink.switch.sw1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Yeelight Smart Speaker | miio:unsupported | yeelink.wifispeaker.v1 | No | |
Yilai Ceiling Light Aiyue 480 | miio:basic | yilai.light.ceiling1 | Yes | |
Yilai Ceiling Lamp Hefeng 430 | miio:basic | yilai.light.ceiling2 | Yes | |
Yilai Ceiling Lamp Hefeng Pro | miio:basic | yilai.light.ceiling3 | Yes | |
Mi Water Purifier lx2 | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpuri.lx2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier (Under Counter) | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpuri.lx3 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier lx4 | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpuri.lx4 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier 1A/400G Pro | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpuri.lx5 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier (Under Counter) | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpuri.lx6 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier 500G/500G Pro | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpuri.lx7 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier 600G | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpuri.lx8 | Yes | |
Mi Water Purifier D1 | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpuri.lx9 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier lx10 | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpuri.lx10 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier C1 (Triple Setting) | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpuri.lx11 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier S1 | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpuri.lx12 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier v1 | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpurifier.v1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier v2 | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpurifier.v2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier (Under sink) v3 | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpurifier.v3 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Water Purifier v4 | miio:basic | yunmi.waterpurifier.v4 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Smartmi Ventilation System | miio:basic | zhimi.airfresh.va2 | Yes | |
Smartmi Fresh Air System (Heating) | miio:basic | zhimi.airfresh.va4 | Yes | |
Mi Fresh Air Ventilator C1-80 | miio:basic | zhimi.airfresh.ua1 | Yes | |
Mi PM2.5 Air Quality Monitor | miio:basic | zhimi.airmonitor.v1 | Yes | |
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Compact | miio:basic | zhimi.airp.cpa4 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Air Purifier 3C | miio:basic | zhimi.airp.mb4a | Yes | |
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 | miio:basic | zhimi.airp.mb5 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Pro | miio:basic | zhimi.airp.vb4 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier 2 (mini) | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.m1 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier 2 | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.m2 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier 2S | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.ma1 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier 2S | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.ma2 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier 3 | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.ma4 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Air Purifier 2S | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.mb1 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier 3/3H | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.mb3 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Air Purifier 3C | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.mb4 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier 2S | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.mc1 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier 2H | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.mc2 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier Super | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.sa1 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier MAX / MAX Pro | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.sa2 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier v1 | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.v1 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier v2 | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.v2 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier v3 | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.v3 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier v5 | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.v5 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier Pro v6 | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.v6 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier Pro v7 | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.v7 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier Pro H | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.vb2 | Yes | |
Mi Air Purifier virtual | miio:unsupported | zhimi.airpurifier.virtual | No | |
Mi Air Purifier 2(Virtual) | miio:unsupported | zhimi.airpurifier.vtl_m1 | No | |
Smartmi Air Purifier | miio:basic | zhimi.airpurifier.za1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Standing Fan | miio:basic | | Yes | |
Mi Smart Fan | miio:basic | | Yes | |
Smartmi DC Pedestal Fan | miio:basic | | Yes | |
Smartmi DC Pedestal Fan | miio:basic | | Yes | |
Smartmi Inverter Pedestal Fan | miio:basic | | Yes | |
Smartmi Standing Fan 2 | miio:basic | | Yes | |
Smartmi Standing Fan 2S | miio:basic | | Yes | |
Smartmi Standing Fan 3 | miio:basic | | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Space Heater S | miio:basic | zhimi.heater.ma2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Baseboard Heater E | miio:basic | zhimi.heater.ma3 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Mi Smart Space Heater S | miio:basic | zhimi.heater.mc2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Smartmi Smart Fan | miio:basic | zhimi.heater.na1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Smartmi Smart Fan Heater | miio:basic | zhimi.heater.nb1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Smartmi Radiant Heater Smart Version | miio:basic | zhimi.heater.za1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Smartmi Smart Convector Heater 1S | miio:basic | zhimi.heater.za2 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Smartmi Smart Convector Heater 1S | miio:basic | zhimi.heater.zb1 | Experimental | Experimental support. Please report back if all channels are functional. Preferably share the debug log of property refresh and command responses |
Smartmi Evaporative Humidifier | miio:basic | zhimi.humidifier.ca1 | Yes | |
Smartmi Evaporative Humidifer 2 | miio:basic | zhimi.humidifier.ca4 | Yes | |
Smartmi Evaporative Humidifier | miio:basic | zhimi.humidifier.cb1 | Yes | |
Smartmi Evaporative Humidifier | miio:basic | zhimi.humidifier.cb2 | Yes | |
Smartmi Humidifier | miio:basic | zhimi.humidifier.v1 | Yes | |
Mi AI Alarm | miio:unsupported | zimi.clock.myk01 | No | |
Mi Smart Power Strip | miio:basic | zimi.powerstrip.v2 | Yes |
note: Supported means we received feedback from users this device is working with the binding. For devices with experimental support, we did not yet confirmation that channels are correctly working. Please feedback your findings for these devices (e.g. Are all channels working, do they contain the right information, is controlling the devices working etc.)
# Channels
Depending on the device, different channels are available.
All devices have available the following channels (marked as advanced) besides the device specific channels
Channel | Type | Description |
network#ssid | String | Network SSID |
network#bssid | String | Network BSSID |
network#rssi | Number | Network RSSI |
network#life | Number | Network Life |
actions#commands | String | send commands direct. see below |
actions#rpc | String | send commands via cloud. see below |
note: the ADVANCED actions#commands
and actions#rpc
channels can be used to send commands that are not automated via the binding. This is available for all devices
e.g. openhab:send actionCommand 'upd_timer["1498595904821", "on"]'
would enable a pre-configured timer. See (opens new window) for all known available commands.
# Robo Rock vacuum Channels
Type | Channel | Description |
Number | status#segment_status | Segment Status |
Number | status#map_status | Map Box Status |
Number | status#led_status | Led Box Status |
String | info#carpet_mode | Carpet Mode details |
String | info#fw_features | Firmware Features |
String | info#room_mapping | Room Mapping details |
String | info#multi_maps_list | Maps Listing details |
Additionally depending on the capabilities of your robot vacuum other channels may be enabled at runtime
Type | Channel | Description |
Switch | status#water_box_status | Water Box Status |
Switch | status#lock_status | Lock Status |
Number | status#water_box_mode | Water Box Mode |
Number | status#mop_mode | Mop Mode |
Switch | status#water_box_carriage_status | Water Box Carriage Status |
Switch | status#mop_forbidden_enable | Mop Forbidden |
Switch | status#is_locating | Robot is locating |
Number | actions#segment | Room Clean (enter room #) |
Switch | actions#collect_dust | Start collecting dust |
Switch | actions#clean_mop_start | Start mop wash |
Switch | actions#clean_mop_stop | Stop mop wash |
Number | status#mop_drying_time | Mop drying Time |
Switch | status#is_mop_drying | Mop cleaning active |
Number | status#dock_state_id | Dock status id |
String | status#dock_state | Dock status message |
Note: cleaning map is only available with cloud access.
There are several advanced channels, which may be useful in rules (e.g. for individual room cleaning etc) In case your vacuum does not support one of these commands, it will show "unsupported_method" for string channels or no value for numeric channels.
# Advanced: Vacuum Map Customization
In case the default rendering of the vacuum map is not meeting your integration needs, the rendering can be tailored.
The way to customize this is to create a file with the name mapConfig.json
in the userdata/miio
If the binding finds this file it will read the map rendering preferences from there.
If the file is available but invalid json, it will create a new file with all the default values for you to customize.
This allows you to control the colors, if logo is displayed, if and what text is rendered etc.
To (re-)read the file either restart openHAB, restart the binding or alternatively edit the thing and make (any) minor change.
Note, cropping is disabled (hence showing like the maps in OH3.1 and earlier) for any cropBorder
value < 0.
Note, not all the values need to be in the json file, e.g. a subset of the parameters also works, the parameters not in the mapConfig.json
will take the default values.
# Basic, gateway and lumi Things channels
# Mi Air Frying Pan (careli.fryer.maf01) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["air-fryer-start-cook"="Air Fryer Start Cook","air-fryer-cancel-cooking"="Air Fryer Cancel Cooking","air-fryer-pause"="Air Fryer Pause","custom-start-cook"="Custom Start Cook","custom-resume-cook"="Custom Resume Cook"] |
status | Number | Air Fryer - Status | Value mapping ["0"="Shutdown","1"="Standby","2"="Pause","3"="Appointment","4"="Cooking","5"="Preheat ","6"="Cooked","7"="Preheat Finish","8"="Preheat Pause","9"="Pause2"] |
fault | Number | Air Fryer - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="E1","2"="E2"] |
target_time | Number:Time | Air Fryer - Target Time | |
target_temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Fryer - Target Temperature | |
left_time | Number:Time | Air Fryer - Left Time | |
recipe_id | String | Custom - Recipe Id | |
recipe_name | String | Custom - Recipe Name | |
work_time | Number:Time | Custom - Work Time | |
work_temp | Number:Temperature | Custom - Work Temp | |
appoint_time | Number:Time | Custom - Appoint Time | |
food_quantity | Number | Custom - Food Quantity | Value mapping ["0"="Null","1"="Single","2"="Double","3"="Half","4"="Full"] |
preheat_switch | Number | Custom - Preheat Switch | Value mapping ["0"="Null","1"="Off","2"="On"] |
appoint_time_left | Number:Time | Custom - Appoint Time Left | |
recipe_sync | String | Custom - Recipe Sync | |
turn_pot | Number | Custom - Turn Pot | Value mapping ["1"="Switch Off","0"="Not Turn Pot","2"="Turn Pot"] |
# Mi Smart Air Fryer (3.5L) (careli.fryer.maf02) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["air-fryer-start-cook"="Air Fryer Start Cook","air-fryer-cancel-cooking"="Air Fryer Cancel Cooking","air-fryer-pause"="Air Fryer Pause","custom-start-custom-cook"="Custom Start Custom Cook","custom-resume-cooking"="Custom Resume Cooking"] |
status | Number | Air Fryer - Status | Value mapping ["0"="Shutdown","1"="Standby","2"="Pause","3"="Appointment","4"="Cooking","5"="Preheat ","6"="Cooked","7"="Preheat Finish","8"="Preheat Pause","9"="Pause2"] |
fault | Number | Air Fryer - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="E1","2"="E2"] |
target_time | Number:Time | Air Fryer - Target Time | |
target_temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Fryer - Target Temperature | |
left_time | Number:Time | Air Fryer - Left Time | |
recipe_id | String | Custom - Recipe Id | |
work_time | Number:Time | Custom - Work Time | |
work_temp | Number:Temperature | Custom - Work Temp | |
appoint_time | Number:Time | Custom - Appoint Time | |
food_quantity | Number | Custom - Food Quantity | Value mapping ["0"="Null","1"="Single","2"="Double","3"="Half","4"="Full"] |
preheat_switch | Number | Custom - Preheat Switch | Value mapping ["0"="Null","1"="Off","2"="On"] |
appoint_time_left | Number:Time | Custom - Appoint Time Left | |
turn_pot | Number | Custom - Turn Pot | Value mapping ["1"="Switch Off","0"="Not Turn Pot","2"="Turn Pot"] |
# Mi Air Frying Pan (careli.fryer.maf03) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["air-fryer-start-cook"="Air Fryer Start Cook","air-fryer-cancel-cooking"="Air Fryer Cancel Cooking","air-fryer-pause"="Air Fryer Pause","custom-start-cook"="Custom Start Cook","custom-resume-cook"="Custom Resume Cook"] |
status | Number | Air Fryer - Status | Value mapping ["0"="Shutdown","1"="Standby","2"="Pause","3"="Appointment","4"="Cooking","5"="Preheat ","6"="Cooked","7"="Preheat Finish","8"="Preheat Pause","9"="Pause2"] |
fault | Number | Air Fryer - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="E1","2"="E2"] |
target_time | Number:Time | Air Fryer - Target Time | |
target_temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Fryer - Target Temperature | |
left_time | Number:Time | Air Fryer - Left Time | |
recipe_id | String | Custom - Recipe Id | |
recipe_name | String | Custom - Recipe Name | |
work_time | Number:Time | Custom - Work Time | |
work_temp | Number:Temperature | Custom - Work Temp | |
appoint_time | Number:Time | Custom - Appoint Time | |
food_quantity | Number | Custom - Food Quantity | Value mapping ["0"="Null","1"="Single","2"="Double","3"="Half","4"="Full"] |
preheat_switch | Number | Custom - Preheat Switch | Value mapping ["0"="Null","1"="Off","2"="On"] |
appoint_time_left | Number:Time | Custom - Appoint Time Left | |
recipe_sync | String | Custom - Recipe Sync | |
turn_pot | Number | Custom - Turn Pot | Value mapping ["1"="Switch Off","0"="Not Turn Pot","2"="Turn Pot"] |
# Qingping Air Monitor Lite (cgllc.airm.cgdn1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["settings-set-start-time"="Set Start Time","settings-set-end-time"="Set End Time","settings-set-frequency"="Set Frequency","settings-set-screen-off"="Set Screen Off","settings-set-device-off"="Set Device Off","settings-set-temp-unit"="Set Temp Unit"] |
relative_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
pm2_5_density | Number:Density | Environment - PM2 5 Density | |
pm10_density | Number:Density | Environment - PM10 Density | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
co2_density | Number:Density | Environment - CO2 Density | |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging_state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not charging","3"="Not chargeable"] |
voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Battery - Voltage | |
mac | String | Mac - Mac | |
monitoring_frequency | Number:Time | Settings - Monitoring Frequency | Value mapping ["1"="Second","60"="Second","300"="Second","600"="Second","0"="Null"] |
screen_off | Number:Time | Settings - Screen Off | Value mapping ["15"="Second","30"="Second","60"="Second","300"="Second","0"="Null"] |
device_off | Number:Time | Settings - Device Off | Value mapping ["15"="Minute","30"="Minute","60"="Minute","0"="Null"] |
tempature_unit | String | Settings - Tempature Unit |
# Mi Multifunction Air Monitor (cgllc.airmonitor.b1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
battery | Number | Battery | |
pm25 | Number | PM2.5 | |
co2 | Number | CO2e | |
tvoc | Number | tVOC | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature |
# Qingping Air Monitor (cgllc.airmonitor.s1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
battery | Number | Battery | The device with firmware "4.1.8_9999" stops recognizing parameter "battery" in "get_value" command. The "battery" value request was extracted to separate command in order to keep backward compatibility to the devices with older firmware. |
pm25 | Number | PM2.5 | |
co2 | Number | CO2 | |
tvoc | Number | tVOC | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature |
# Mi Smart Power Plug 2 (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Gateway) (chuangmi.plug.212a01) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
working-time | Number:Time | Working Time | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
power-consumption | Number:Energy | Daily Power Consumption | |
electric-current | Number:Current | Power Consumption - Electric Current | |
voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Power Consumption - Voltage | |
electric-power | Number:Power | Current Power Consumption - Electric Power | |
on-duration | Number:Time | Imilab Timer - On Duration | |
off-duration | Number:Time | Imilab Timer - Off Duration | |
countdown | Number:Time | Imilab Timer - Countdown | |
task-switch | Switch | Imilab Timer - Task Switch | |
countdown-info | Switch | Imilab Timer - Countdown Info | |
bt-gw | String | BT Gateway | Value mapping ["disable"="Disable","enable"="Enable"] |
bt-gw-devices | String | Connected BT Gateway Devices | Note, refreshes every 2nd refresh. Channel requires cloud connectivity to function. Sample widget to visualise the (json) output available from the widget market |
# Mi Smart Plug WiFi (chuangmi.plug.hmi205) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
led | Switch | Indicator light |
# Mi Smart Plug (WiFi) (chuangmi.plug.hmi206) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | If this channel does not respond to on/off upgrade firmware |
usb | Switch | USB | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
led | Switch | Wifi LED |
# Mi Smart Wi-Fi Plug (Bluetooth Gateway) (chuangmi.plug.hmi208) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | If this channel does not respond to on/off upgrade firmware |
usb | Switch | USB | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
led | Switch | Wifi LED |
# Mi Plug Mini (chuangmi.plug.m1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
led | Switch | Indicator light |
# Mi Smart Plug (Wi-Fi) Basic (chuangmi.plug.m3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
led | Switch | Indicator light |
# Mi Smart Power Plug (chuangmi.plug.v1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
usb | Switch | USB | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature |
# Mi Smart Power Plug v2 (chuangmi.plug.v2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
usb | Switch | USB |
# MIJIA Smart Plug Enhanced (chuangmi.plug.v3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | If this channel does not respond to on/off upgrade firmware |
usb | Switch | USB | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
led | Switch | Wifi LED |
# Gosund Smart Plug (cuco.plug.cp1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
FirmwareRevision | String | Device Information-CurrentFirmware Version | |
Manufacturer | String | Device Information-Device Manufacturer | |
Model | String | Device Information-Device Model | |
SerialNumber | String | Device Information-Device Serial Number | |
On | Switch | Switch-Switch Status |
# Xiaomi Smart Plug 2 (Wi-Fi) (cuco.plug.v2eur) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["switch-toggle"="Switch Toggle"] |
on | Switch | Switch - Switch Status | |
default_power_on_state | Number | Switch - Default Power On State | |
fault | Number | Switch - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="Over Temperature","2"="Overload"] |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
power_consumption | Number | Power Consumption - Power Consumption | |
electric_power | Number:Power | Power Consumption - Electric Power | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
delay | Switch | Delay - Delay | |
delay_time | Number:Time | Delay - Delay Time | |
delay_remain_time | Number:Time | Delay - Delay Remain Time | |
on2 | Switch | Charging Protection - On | |
power | Number | Charging Protection - Power | |
protect_time | Number:Time | Charging Protection - Protect Time | |
status | Switch | Cycle - Status | |
data_value | String | Cycle - Data Value | |
on3 | Switch | Max Power Limit - On | |
power1 | Number:Power | Max Power Limit - Power |
# Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier (deerma.humidifier.jsq) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Low","2"="Medium","3"="High","4"="Humidity "] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
humidity_set | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity Setting | |
led | Switch | LED indicator Light | |
sound | Switch | Notification Sounds | |
watertankstatus | Number | Watertank Status |
# Mi S Smart Humidifer (deerma.humidifier.jsq1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Low","2"="Medium","3"="High","4"="Humidity "] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
humidity_set | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity Setting | |
led | Switch | LED indicator Light | |
sound | Switch | Notification Sounds | |
watertankstatus | Number | Watertank Status | |
wet_and_protect | Switch | Wet and Protect |
# Xiaomi Smart Humidifier 2 (deerma.humidifier.jsq2w) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Humidifier - Switch Status | |
fault | Number | Humidifier - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="Insufficient Water","2"="Water Separation"] |
fan_level | Number | Humidifier - Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Humidity"] |
target_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidifier - Target Humidity | |
status | Number | Status | Value mapping ["1"="Idle","2"="Busy"] |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["0"="None","1"="Constant Humidity"] |
relative_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
tank_filed | Switch | Tank Filed | |
water_shortage_fault | Switch | Water Shortage Fault | |
humi_sensor_fault | Switch | Humi-Sensor Fault | |
temp_sensor_fault | Switch | Temp-Sensor Fault | |
overwet_protect | Switch | Overwet Protect | |
overwet_protect_on | Switch | Overwet Protect On | |
overtop_humidity | Switch | Overtop Humidity |
# Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier (deerma.humidifier.jsq5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Humidifier - Switch Status | |
fault | Number | Humidifier - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="Insufficient Water","2"="Water Separation"] |
fan_level | Number | Humidifier - Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Humidity"] |
target_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidifier - Target Humidity | |
relative_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
water_shortage_fault | Switch | Custom - Water Shortage Fault | |
the_tank_filed | Switch | Custom - The Tank Filed |
# Mi Smart Humidifer S (deerma.humidifier.jsqs) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Humidifier - Switch Status | |
fault | Number | Humidifier - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="Insufficient Water","2"="Water Separation"] |
fan_level | Number | Humidifier - Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Humidity"] |
target_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidifier - Target Humidity | |
relative_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
water_shortage_fault | Switch | Custom - Water Shortage Fault | |
the_tank_filed | Switch | Custom - The Tank Filed |
# Mi Smart Humidifier (deerma.humidifier.mjjsq) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Low","2"="Medium","3"="High","4"="Humidity "] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
humidity_set | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity Setting | |
led | Switch | LED indicator Light | |
sound | Switch | Notification Sounds | |
watertankstatus | Number | Watertank Status |
# Mi Fresh Air Ventilator A1-150 (dmaker.airfresh.a1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
airFreshMode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","sleep"="Sleep","favourite"="Favorite"] |
airFreshPTCPower | Switch | PTC | |
airFreshPTCStatus | Switch | PTC Status | |
airFreshDisplay | Switch | Display | |
airFreshChildLock | Switch | Child Lock | |
airFreshSound | Switch | Sound | |
airFreshPM25 | Number | PM2.5 | |
airFreshCO2 | Number | CO2 | |
airFreshCurrentSpeed | Number | Current Speed | |
airFreshFavoriteSpeed | Number | Favorite Speed | |
airFreshTemperature | Number | Temperature Outside | |
airFreshFilterPercents | Number | Filter Percents Remaining | |
airFreshFilterDays | Number | Filter Days Remaining | |
airFreshResetFilterA1 | String | Reset Filter |
# Mi Fresh Air Ventilator (dmaker.airfresh.t2017) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
airFreshMode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","sleep"="Sleep","favourite"="Favorite"] |
airFreshPTCPower | Switch | PTC | |
airFreshPtcLevel | String | PTC Level | Value mapping ["low"="Low","medium"="Medium","high"="High"] |
airFreshPTCStatus | Switch | PTC Status | |
airFreshDisplayDirection | String | Screen direction | Value mapping ["forward"="Normal","left"="Left","right"="Right"] |
airFreshDisplay | Switch | Display | |
airFreshChildLock | Switch | Child Lock | |
airFreshSound | Switch | Sound | |
airFreshPM25 | Number | PM2.5 | |
airFreshCO2 | Number | CO2 | |
airFreshCurrentSpeed | Number | Current Speed | |
airFreshFavoriteSpeed | Number | Favorite Speed | |
airFreshTemperature | Number | Temperature Outside | |
airFreshFilterPercents | Number | Filter Percents Remaining | |
airFreshFilterDays | Number | Filter Days Remaining | |
airFreshFilterProPercents | Number | Filter Pro Percents Remaining | |
airFreshFilterProDays | Number | Filter Pro Days Remaining | |
airFreshResetFilter | String | Reset Filter |
# Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 Lite ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["fan-toggle"="Fan Toggle"] |
On | Switch | Fan - Switch Status | |
FanLevel | Number | Fan-Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
HorizontalSwing | Switch | Fan-Horizontal Swing | |
Mode | Number | Fan-Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Straight Wind","1"="Sleep"] |
OffDelayTime | Number:Time | Fan-Power Off Delay Time | |
Alarm | Switch | Fan-Alarm | |
Brightness | Switch | Fan-Brightness | |
PhysicalControlsLocked | Switch | Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked |
# Mi Smart Standing Fan 1X ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
roll | Switch | Rotation | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
angle | Number | Angle | |
timer | Number | Timer | |
beep | Switch | Beep Sound | |
light | Number | Light | |
child_lock | Switch | Child Lock | |
speed | Number | Speed |
# Mi Smart Standing Fan 1C ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["fan-toggle"="Fan Toggle"] |
On | Switch | Fan - Switch Status | |
FanLevel | Number | Fan-Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
HorizontalSwing | Switch | Fan-Horizontal Swing | |
Mode | Number | Fan-Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Straight Wind","1"="Sleep"] |
OffDelayTime | Number:Time | Fan-Power Off Delay Time | |
Alarm | Switch | Fan-Alarm | |
Brightness | Switch | Fan-Brightness | |
PhysicalControlsLocked | Switch | Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked |
# Mi Smart Tower Fan ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["fan-toggle"="Fan Toggle"] |
On | Switch | Fan-Switch Status | |
FanLevel | Number | Fan-Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4"] |
Mode | Number | Fan-Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Straight Wind","1"="Natural Wind","2"="Sleep"] |
HorizontalSwing | Switch | Fan-Horizontal Swing | |
HorizontalAngle | Number | Fan-Horizontal Angle | Value mapping ["30"="30","60"="60","90"="90","120"="120","150"="150"] |
Alarm | Switch | Fan-Alarm | |
OffDelayTime | Number:Time | Fan - Power Off Delay Time | |
Brightness | Switch | Fan-Brightness | |
MotorControl | Number | Fan-Motor Control | |
SpeedLevel | Number | Fan-Speed Level | |
PhysicalControlsLocked | Switch | Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked |
# Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["fan-toggle"="Fan Toggle"] |
On | Switch | Fan-Switch Status | |
FanLevel | Number | Fan-Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4"] |
Mode | Number | Fan-Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Straight Wind","1"="Natural Wind","2"="Sleep"] |
HorizontalSwing | Switch | Fan-Horizontal Swing | |
HorizontalAngle | Number | Fan-Horizontal Angle | Value mapping ["30"="30","60"="60","90"="90","120"="120","150"="150"] |
Alarm | Switch | Fan-Alarm | |
OffDelayTime | Number:Time | Fan - Power Off Delay Time | |
Brightness | Switch | Fan-Brightness | |
MotorControl | Number | Fan-Motor Control | |
SpeedLevel | Number | Fan-Speed Level | |
PhysicalControlsLocked | Switch | Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked |
# Mi Smart Standing Fan Pro ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Fan - Switch Status | |
fan_level | Number | Fan - Gear Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4"] |
mode | Number | Fan - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Straight Wind","1"="Natural Wind"] |
horizontal_swing | Switch | Fan - Horizontal Swing | |
horizontal_angle | Number | Fan - Horizontal Angle | Value mapping ["30"="30","60"="60","90"="90","120"="120","140"="140"] |
status | Number | Fan - Status | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
fault | Number | Motor Controller - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults"] |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
off_delay_time | Number:Time | Off Delay Time - Off Delay Time | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["off-delay-time-toggle"="Off Delay Time Toggle"] |
# Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["fan-toggle"="Fan Toggle"] |
on | Switch | Fan - Switch Status | |
fan_level | Number | Fan - Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4"] |
mode | Number | Fan - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Straight Wind","1"="Natural Wind"] |
horizontal_swing | Switch | Fan - Horizontal Swing | |
horizontal_angle | Number | Fan - Horizontal Angle | Value mapping ["30"="30","60"="60","90"="90","120"="120","140"="140"] |
off_delay_time | Number:Time | Fan - Power Off Delay Time | |
brightness | Switch | Fan - Brightness | |
alarm | Switch | Fan - Alarm | |
motor_control | Number | Fan - Motor Control | Value mapping ["0"="NO","1"="LEFT","2"="RIGHT"] |
speed_level | Number | Fan - Speed Level | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked |
# Mi Robot Vacuum Mop 1C STYTJ01ZHM (dreame.vacuum.mc1808) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
vacuumaction | String | Vacuum Action | Value mapping ["vacuum"="Vacuum","stop"="Stop","sweep"="Sweep","stopsweep"="Stop Sweep","dock"="Goto Dock"] |
BatteryLevel | Number | Battery-Battery Level | |
ChargingState | Number | Battery-Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","4"="Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
water-mode | Number | Water Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Low","2"="Medium","4"="High"] |
Fault | Number | Robot Cleaner-Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No faults"] |
Status | Number | Robot Cleaner-Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging"] |
BrushLeftTime | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time | |
BrushLifeLevel | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Life Level | |
FilterLifeLevel | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
FilterLeftTime | Number:Time | Filter-Filter Left Time | |
BrushLeftTime1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time | |
BrushLifeLevel1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Life Level | |
WorkMode | Number | clean-workmode | |
Area | String | clean-area | |
Timer | String | clean-timer | |
Mode | Number | clean-mode | Value mapping ["0"="quiet","1"="standard","2"="medium","3"="strong"] |
TotalCleanTime | Number:Time | Clean - Total Clean Time | |
TotalCleanTimes | Number | Clean - Total Clean Times | |
TotalCleanArea | Number:Area | Clean - Total Clean Area | |
CleanLogStartTime | Number | Clean - Clean Log Start Time | |
ButtonLed | Number | Clean - Button Led | |
TaskDone | Number | Clean - Task Done | Value mapping ["0"="in progress","1"="done"] |
LifeSieve | String | Consumable - Life Sieve | |
LifeBrushSide | String | Consumable - Life Brush Side | |
LifeBrushMain | String | Consumable - Life Brush Main | |
Enable | Switch | Annoy - Enable | |
StartTime | String | Annoy - Start Time | |
StopTime | String | Annoy - Stop Time | |
MapView | String | Map - Map View | |
Volume | Number | Audio - Volume | |
VoicePackets | String | Audio - Voice Packets | |
TimeZone | String | Time - Time Zone |
# Dreame Robot Vacuum-Mop F9 (dreame.vacuum.p2008) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults"] |
battery-level | Number | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging-state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
brush-left-time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush-life-level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush-left-time1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush-life-level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
filter-life-level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter-left-time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning-time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning-area | Number:Area | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="mode 0","1"="mode 1","2"="mode 2","3"="mode 3"] |
mop-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="low water","2"="medium water","3"="high water"] |
waterbox-status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="Status 0","1"="Status 1"] |
task-status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | Value mapping ["0"="Status 0","1"="Status 1"] |
break-point-restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
carpet-press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start-time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end-time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
volume | Number | Audio - Volume | |
voice-packet-id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice-change-state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
time-zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer-clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first-clean-time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total-clean-time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total-clean-times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total-clean-area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area | |
save-map-status | Number | Vslam Extend - Save Map Status | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On","-1"="Not Enabled"] |
# Dreame Robot Vacuum D9 (dreame.vacuum.p2009) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
vacuumaction | String | Vacuum Action | Value mapping ["sweep"="Sweep","stopsweep"="Stop Sweep","dock"="Goto Dock","findme"="Find me","testsound"="Test Sound"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Mopping"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="Drop","2"="Cliff","3"="Bumper","4"="Gesture","5"="Bumper Repeat","6"="Drop Repeat","7"="Optical Flow","8"="No Box","9"="No Tankbox","10"="Waterbox Empty","11"="Box full","12"="Brush","13"="Side Brush","14"="Fan","15"="Left Wheel motor","16"="Right Wheel motor","17"="Turn suffocate","18"="Forward suffocate","19"="Charger get","20"="Battery low","21"="Charge fault","22"="Battery percentage","23"="Heart","24"="Camera occlusion","25"="Camera fault","26"="Event battery","27"="Forward looking","28"="Gyroscope"] |
battery-level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging-state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
resetConsumable | String | Consumables Reset | Value mapping ["mainbrush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Reset Main Brush","sidebrush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Reset Side Brush","filter-reset-filter-life"="Reset Filter"] |
brush-left-time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush-life-level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush-left-time1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush-life-level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
filter-life-level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter-left-time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning-time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning-area | Number:Area | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="mode 0","1"="mode 1","2"="mode 2","3"="mode 3"] |
mop-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="low water","2"="medium water","3"="high water"] |
waterbox-status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="Status 0","1"="Status 1"] |
task-status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | Value mapping ["0"="Notask","1"="AutoClean","2"="CustomClean","3"="SelectAreanClean","4"="SpotArea"] |
break-point-restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
carpet-press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
serial-number1 | String | Vacuum Extend - Serial Number | |
clean-rags-tip | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Clean Rags Tip | |
keep-sweeper-time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time | |
faults | String | Vacuum Extend - Faults | |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start-time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end-time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Audio - Volume | |
voice-packet-id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice-change-state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
time-zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer-clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first-clean-time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total-clean-time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total-clean-times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total-clean-area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area |
# Dreame Bot W10 (dreame.vacuum.p2027) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Vacuum Start Sweep","vacuum-stop-sweeping"="Vacuum Stop Sweeping","vacuum-start-room-sweep"="Vacuum Start Room Sweep","battery-start-charge"="Battery Start Charge","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","vacuum-extend-start-clean"="Vacuum Extend Start Clean","vacuum-extend-stop-clean"="Vacuum Extend Stop Clean","map-map-req"="Map Map Req","map-update-map"="Map Update Map","audio-position"="Audio Position","audio-play-sound"="Audio Play Sound","time-delete-timer"="Time Delete Timer"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Mopping","8"="Drying","9"="Washing","10"="Go Washing","11"="Building","12"="Sweeping and Mopping","13"="Charging Completed"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="Drop","2"="Cliff","3"="Bumper","4"="Gesture","5"="Bumper Repeat","6"="Drop Repeat","7"="Optical Flow","8"="No Box","9"="No Tankbox","10"="Waterbox Empty","11"="Box full","12"="Brush","13"="Side Brush","14"="Fan","15"="Left Wheel motor","16"="Right Wheel motor","17"="Turn suffocate","18"="Forward suffocate","19"="Charger get","20"="Battery low","21"="Charge fault","22"="Battery percentage","23"="Heart","24"="Camera occlusion","25"="Camera fault","26"="Event battery","27"="Forward looking","28"="Gyroscope"] |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Basic","2"="Strong","3"="Full Speed"] |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging_state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
brush_left_time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning-area | Number:Area | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="mode 0","1"="mode 1","2"="mode 2","3"="mode 3"] |
mop_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="low water","2"="medium water","3"="high water"] |
waterbox_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="Status 0","1"="Status 1"] |
task_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | Value mapping ["0"="Notask","1"="AutoClean","2"="CustomClean","3"="SelectAreanClean","4"="SpotArea"] |
clean_extend_data | String | Vacuum Extend - Clean Extend Data | |
break_point_restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
carpet_press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
remote_state | String | Vacuum Extend - Remote State | |
clean_rags_tip | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Clean Rags Tip | |
keep_sweeper_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time | |
faults | String | Vacuum Extend - Faults | |
nation_matched | String | Vacuum Extend - Nation Matched | |
relocation_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Relocation Status | |
mop_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Status | |
child_lock | Number | Vacuum Extend - Child Lock | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
clean_cancel | Number | Vacuum Extend - Clean Cancel | |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start_time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end_time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
frame_info | String | Map - Frame Info | |
map_extend_data | String | Map - Map Extend Data | |
mult_map_state | Number | Map - Mult Map State | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
mult_map_info | String | Map - Mult Map Info | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Audio - Volume | |
voice_packet_id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice_change_state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
set_voice | String | Audio - Set Voice | |
time_zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer_clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first_clean_time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total_clean_time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total_clean_times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total_clean_area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area |
# Dreame Bot Z10 Pro (dreame.vacuum.p2028) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Vacuum Start Sweep","vacuum-stop-sweeping"="Vacuum Stop Sweeping","battery-start-charge"="Battery Start Charge","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","vacuum-extend-start-clean"="Vacuum Extend Start Clean","vacuum-extend-stop-clean"="Vacuum Extend Stop Clean","map-map-req"="Map Map Req","map-update-map"="Map Update Map","audio-position"="Audio Position","audio-play-sound"="Audio Play Sound","time-delete-timer"="Time Delete Timer","collect-dust-start-collect"="Collect Dust Start Collect"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Mopping"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="Drop","2"="Cliff","3"="Bumper","4"="Gesture","5"="Bumper Repeat","6"="Drop Repeat","7"="Optical Flow","8"="No Box","9"="No Tankbox","10"="Waterbox Empty","11"="Box full","12"="Brush","13"="Side Brush","14"="Fan","15"="Left Wheel motor","16"="Right Wheel motor","17"="Turn suffocate","18"="Forward suffocate","19"="Charger get","20"="Battery low","21"="Charge fault","22"="Battery percentage","23"="Heart","24"="Camera occlusion","25"="Camera fault","26"="Event battery","27"="Forward looking","28"="Gyroscope"] |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging_state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
brush_left_time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning-area | Number:Area | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="mode 0","1"="mode 1","2"="mode 2","3"="mode 3"] |
mop_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="low water","2"="medium water","3"="high water"] |
waterbox_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="Status 0","1"="Status 1"] |
task_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | Value mapping ["0"="Notask","1"="AutoClean","2"="CustomClean","3"="SelectAreanClean","4"="SpotArea"] |
clean_extend_data | String | Vacuum Extend - Clean Extend Data | |
break_point_restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
carpet_press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
remote_state | String | Vacuum Extend - Remote State | |
clean_rags_tip | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Clean Rags Tip | |
keep_sweeper_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time | |
faults | String | Vacuum Extend - Faults | |
nation_matched | String | Vacuum Extend - Nation Matched | |
relocation_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Relocation Status | |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start_time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end_time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
frame_info | String | Map - Frame Info | |
map_extend_data | String | Map - Map Extend Data | |
mult_map_state | Number | Map - Mult Map State | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
mult_map_info | String | Map - Mult Map Info | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Audio - Volume | |
voice_packet_id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice_change_state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
set_voice | String | Audio - Set Voice | |
time_zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer_clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first_clean_time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total_clean_time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total_clean_times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total_clean_area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area | |
auto_collect | Number | Collect Dust - Auto Collect | Value mapping ["0"="Close-auto-collect","1"="Open-auto-collect"] |
clean_times | Number | Collect Dust - Clean Times | |
dust_enable | Number | Collect Dust - Dust Enable | Value mapping ["0"="Disable","1"="Enable"] |
# Dreame Bot L10 Pro (dreame.vacuum.p2029) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Vacuum Start Sweep","vacuum-stop-sweeping"="Vacuum Stop Sweeping","battery-start-charge"="Battery Start Charge","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","vacuum-extend-start-clean"="Vacuum Extend Start Clean","vacuum-extend-stop-clean"="Vacuum Extend Stop Clean","map-map-req"="Map Map Req","map-update-map"="Map Update Map","audio-position"="Audio Position","audio-play-sound"="Audio Play Sound","time-delete-timer"="Time Delete Timer"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Mopping"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging_state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
brush_left_time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning_area | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Standard","2"="Strong","3"="Turbo"] |
mop_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Low","2"="Medium","3"="High"] |
waterbox_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="Removed","1"="Installed"] |
task_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | |
clean_extend_data | String | Vacuum Extend - Clean Extend Data | |
break_point_restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
carpet_press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="On","1"="Off"] |
serial_number | String | Vacuum Extend - Serial Number | |
remote_state | String | Vacuum Extend - Remote State | |
clean_rags_tip | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Clean Rags Tip | |
keep_sweeper_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time | |
faults | String | Vacuum Extend - Faults | |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start_time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end_time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
frame_info | String | Map - Frame Info | |
map_extend_data | String | Map - Map Extend Data | |
mult_map_state | Number | Map - Mult Map State | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
mult_map_info | String | Map - Mult Map Info | |
volume | Number | Audio - Volume | |
voice_packet_id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice_change_state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
set_voice | String | Audio - Set Voice | |
time_zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer_clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first_clean_time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total_clean_time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total_clean_times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total_clean_area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area |
# Trouver Robot LDS Vacuum-Mop Finder (dreame.vacuum.p2036) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
vacuumaction | String | Vacuum Action | Value mapping ["sweep"="Sweep","stopsweep"="Stop Sweep","dock"="Goto Dock","findme"="Find me","testsound"="Test Sound"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Mopping"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="Drop","2"="Cliff","3"="Bumper","4"="Gesture","5"="Bumper Repeat","6"="Drop Repeat","7"="Optical Flow","8"="No Box","9"="No Tankbox","10"="Waterbox Empty","11"="Box full","12"="Brush","13"="Side Brush","14"="Fan","15"="Left Wheel motor","16"="Right Wheel motor","17"="Turn suffocate","18"="Forward suffocate","19"="Charger get","20"="Battery low","21"="Charge fault","22"="Battery percentage","23"="Heart","24"="Camera occlusion","25"="Camera fault","26"="Event battery","27"="Forward looking","28"="Gyroscope"] |
battery-level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging-state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
resetConsumable | String | Consumables Reset | Value mapping ["mainbrush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Reset Main Brush","sidebrush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Reset Side Brush","filter-reset-filter-life"="Reset Filter"] |
brush-left-time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush-life-level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush-left-time1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush-life-level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
filter-life-level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter-left-time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning-time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning-area | Number:Area | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="mode 0","1"="mode 1","2"="mode 2","3"="mode 3"] |
mop-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="low water","2"="medium water","3"="high water"] |
waterbox-status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="Status 0","1"="Status 1"] |
task-status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | Value mapping ["0"="Notask","1"="AutoClean","2"="CustomClean","3"="SelectAreanClean","4"="SpotArea"] |
break-point-restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
carpet-press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
serial-number1 | String | Vacuum Extend - Serial Number | |
clean-rags-tip | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Clean Rags Tip | |
keep-sweeper-time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time | |
faults | String | Vacuum Extend - Faults | |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start-time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end-time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Audio - Volume | |
voice-packet-id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice-change-state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
time-zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer-clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first-clean-time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total-clean-time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total-clean-times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total-clean-area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area |
# Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro+ (dreame.vacuum.p2041o) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Start Sweep","vacuum-stop-sweeping"="Stop Sweeping","battery-start-charge"="Start Charge","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","vacuum-extend-start-clean"="Vacuum Extend Start Clean","vacuum-extend-stop-clean"="Vacuum Extend Stop Clean","map-map-req"="Map Map Req","map-update-map"="Map Update Map","audio-position"="Audio Position","audio-play-sound"="Audio Play Sound","time-delete-timer"="Time Delete Timer"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Mopping"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Basic","2"="Strong","3"="Full Speed"] |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging_state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
brush_left_time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning-area | Number:Area | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="mode 0","1"="mode 1","2"="mode 2","3"="mode 3"] |
mop_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="low water","2"="medium water","3"="high water"] |
waterbox_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="Status 0","1"="Status 1"] |
task_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | Value mapping ["0"="Notask","1"="AutoClean","2"="CustomClean","3"="SelectAreanClean","4"="SpotArea"] |
break_point_restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
carpet_press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
serial_number | String | Vacuum Extend - Serial Number | |
keep_sweeper_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time | |
faults | String | Vacuum Extend - Faults | |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start_time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end_time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Audio - Volume | |
voice_packet_id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice_change_state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
time_zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer_clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first_clean_time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total_clean_time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total_clean_times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total_clean_area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area | |
save_map_status | Number | Vslam Extend - Save Map Status | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
# Mijia Omni Robot Vacuum-Mop (dreame.vacuum.p2114o) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Vacuum Start Sweep","vacuum-stop-sweeping"="Vacuum Stop Sweeping","vacuum-start-room-sweep"="Vacuum Start Room Sweep","battery-start-charge"="Battery Start Charge","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","vacuum-extend-start-clean"="Vacuum Extend Start Clean","vacuum-extend-stop-clean"="Vacuum Extend Stop Clean","map-map-req"="Map Map Req","map-update-map"="Map Update Map","audio-position"="Audio Position","audio-play-sound"="Audio Play Sound","time-delete-timer"="Time Delete Timer","mop-reset-mop-life"="Mop Reset Mop Life"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Mopping","8"="Drying","9"="Washing","10"="Go Washing","11"="Building","12"="Sweeping and Mopping","13"="Charging Completed"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Basic","2"="Strong","3"="Full Speed"] |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging_state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
brush_left_time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning_area | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="","1"="","2"="","3"=""] |
mop_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Low","2"="Medium","3"="High"] |
waterbox_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="Removed","1"="Installed"] |
task_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | |
clean_extend_data | String | Vacuum Extend - Clean Extend Data | |
break_point_restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
carpet_press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="On","1"="Off"] |
serial_number | String | Vacuum Extend - Serial Number | |
remote_state | String | Vacuum Extend - Remote State | |
clean_rags_tip | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Clean Rags Tip | |
keep_sweeper_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time | |
faults | String | Vacuum Extend - Faults | |
nation_matched | String | Vacuum Extend - Nation Matched | |
relocation_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Relocation Status | Value mapping ["0"="1000000"] |
laser_switch | Number | Vacuum Extend - Laser Switch | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start_time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end_time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
mult_map_info | String | Map - Mult Map Info | |
volume | Number | Audio - Volume | |
voice_packet_id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice_change_state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
set_voice | String | Audio - Set Voice | |
time_zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer_clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first_clean_time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total_clean_time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total_clean_times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total_clean_area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area | |
mop_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Mop - Mop Life Level | |
mop_left_time | Number:Time | Mop - Mop Left Time |
# MOVA Z500 Robot Vacuum and Mop Cleaner (dreame.vacuum.p2156o) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Start Sweep","vacuum-stop-sweeping"="Stop Sweeping","battery-start-charge"="Start Charge","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","vacuum-extend-start-clean"="Vacuum Extend Start Clean","vacuum-extend-stop-clean"="Vacuum Extend Stop Clean","map-map-req"="Map Map Req","map-update-map"="Map Update Map","audio-position"="Audio Position","audio-play-sound"="Audio Play Sound","time-delete-timer"="Time Delete Timer"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Mopping"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Basic","2"="Strong","3"="Full Speed"] |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging_state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
brush_left_time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning-area | Number:Area | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="mode 0","1"="mode 1","2"="mode 2","3"="mode 3"] |
mop_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="low water","2"="medium water","3"="high water"] |
waterbox_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="Status 0","1"="Status 1"] |
task_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | Value mapping ["0"="Notask","1"="AutoClean","2"="CustomClean","3"="SelectAreanClean","4"="SpotArea"] |
break_point_restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
carpet_press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
serial_number | String | Vacuum Extend - Serial Number | |
keep_sweeper_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time | |
faults | String | Vacuum Extend - Faults | |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start_time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end_time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Audio - Volume | |
voice_packet_id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice_change_state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
time_zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer_clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first_clean_time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total_clean_time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total_clean_times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total_clean_area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area | |
save_map_status | Number | Vslam Extend - Save Map Status | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
# MOVA L600 Robot Vacuum and Mop Cleaner (dreame.vacuum.p2157) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
vacuumaction | String | Vacuum Action | Value mapping ["sweep"="Sweep","stopsweep"="Stop Sweep","dock"="Goto Dock","findme"="Find me","testsound"="Test Sound"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Mopping"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="Drop","2"="Cliff","3"="Bumper","4"="Gesture","5"="Bumper Repeat","6"="Drop Repeat","7"="Optical Flow","8"="No Box","9"="No Tankbox","10"="Waterbox Empty","11"="Box full","12"="Brush","13"="Side Brush","14"="Fan","15"="Left Wheel motor","16"="Right Wheel motor","17"="Turn suffocate","18"="Forward suffocate","19"="Charger get","20"="Battery low","21"="Charge fault","22"="Battery percentage","23"="Heart","24"="Camera occlusion","25"="Camera fault","26"="Event battery","27"="Forward looking","28"="Gyroscope"] |
battery-level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging-state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
resetConsumable | String | Consumables Reset | Value mapping ["mainbrush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Reset Main Brush","sidebrush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Reset Side Brush","filter-reset-filter-life"="Reset Filter"] |
brush-left-time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush-life-level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush-left-time1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush-life-level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
filter-life-level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter-left-time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning-time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning-area | Number:Area | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="mode 0","1"="mode 1","2"="mode 2","3"="mode 3"] |
mop-mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="low water","2"="medium water","3"="high water"] |
waterbox-status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="Status 0","1"="Status 1"] |
task-status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | Value mapping ["0"="Notask","1"="AutoClean","2"="CustomClean","3"="SelectAreanClean","4"="SpotArea"] |
break-point-restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
carpet-press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
serial-number1 | String | Vacuum Extend - Serial Number | |
clean-rags-tip | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Clean Rags Tip | |
keep-sweeper-time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time | |
faults | String | Vacuum Extend - Faults | |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start-time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end-time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Audio - Volume | |
voice-packet-id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice-change-state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
time-zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer-clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first-clean-time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total-clean-time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total-clean-times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total-clean-area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area |
# Dreame Bot D9 Max (dreame.vacuum.p2259) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Vacuum Start Sweep","vacuum-stop-sweeping"="Vacuum Stop Sweeping","vacuum-start-room-sweep"="Vacuum Start Room Sweep","battery-start-charge"="Battery Start Charge","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","vacuum-extend-start-clean"="Vacuum Extend Start Clean","vacuum-extend-stop-clean"="Vacuum Extend Stop Clean","map-map-req"="Map Map Req","map-update-map"="Map Update Map","audio-position"="Audio Position","audio-play-sound"="Audio Play Sound","time-delete-timer"="Time Delete Timer"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Mopping"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="Drop","2"="Cliff","3"="Bumper","4"="Gesture","5"="Bumper Repeat","6"="Drop Repeat","7"="Optical Flow","8"="No Box","9"="No Tankbox","10"="Waterbox Empty","11"="Box full","12"="Brush","13"="Side Brush","14"="Fan","15"="Left Wheel motor","16"="Right Wheel motor","17"="Turn suffocate","18"="Forward suffocate","19"="Charger get","20"="Battery low","21"="Charge fault","22"="Battery percentage","23"="Heart","24"="Camera occlusion","25"="Camera fault","26"="Event battery","27"="Forward looking","28"="Gyroscope"] |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Basic","2"="Strong","3"="Full Speed"] |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging_state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
brush_left_time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time1 | Number:Time | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning_area | Number:Area | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Quiet","1"="Standard","2"="Medium","3"="Strong"] |
mop_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="low water","2"="medium water","3"="high water"] |
waterbox_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="Status 0","1"="Status 1"] |
task_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | Value mapping ["0"="Notask","1"="AutoClean","2"="CustomClean","3"="SelectAreanClean","4"="SpotArea"] |
clean_extend_data | String | Vacuum Extend - Clean Extend Data | |
break_point_restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
carpet_press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
remote_state | String | Vacuum Extend - Remote State | |
clean_rags_tip | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Clean Rags Tip | |
keep_sweeper_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time | |
faults | String | Vacuum Extend - Faults | |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start_time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end_time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
frame_info | String | Map - Frame Info | |
map_extend_data | String | Map - Map Extend Data | |
mult_map_state | Number | Map - Mult Map State | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
mult_map_info | String | Map - Mult Map Info | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Audio - Volume | |
voice_packet_id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice_change_state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
set_voice | String | Audio - Set Voice | |
time_zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer_clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first_clean_time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total_clean_time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total_clean_times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total_clean_area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area |
# DreameBot L10s Ultra (dreame.vacuum.r2228o) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Vacuum Start Sweep","vacuum-stop-sweeping"="Vacuum Stop Sweeping","vacuum-start-room-sweep"="Vacuum Start Room Sweep","battery-start-charge"="Battery Start Charge","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","vacuum-extend-start-clean"="Vacuum Extend Start Clean","vacuum-extend-stop-clean"="Vacuum Extend Stop Clean","map-map-req"="Map Map Req","map-update-map"="Map Update Map","audio-position"="Audio Position","audio-play-sound"="Audio Play Sound","time-delete-timer"="Time Delete Timer","collect-dust-start-collect"="Collect Dust Start Collect","sensor-reset-sensor-life"="Sensor Reset Sensor Life","mop-reset-mop-life"="Mop Reset Mop Life","silver-ion-reset-silverion-life"="Silver Ion Reset Silverion Life"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Sweeping","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","8"="Drying","9"="Washing","7"="Mopping","10"="Go Washing","11"="Building","12"="Sweeping and Mopping","13"="Charging Completed","14"="Upgrading"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Basic","2"="Strong","3"="Full Speed"] |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging_state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not Charging","5"="Go Charging"] |
brush_left_time | Number:Time | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time1 | Number:Time | Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
work_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Work Mode | |
cleaning_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning_area | Number:Area | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area | |
cleaning_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Quiet","1"="Standard","2"="Medium","3"="Strong"] |
mop_mode | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Low","2"="Middle","3"="Height"] |
waterbox_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status | Value mapping ["0"="No","1"="Yes"] |
task_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Task Status | Value mapping ["0"="Notask","1"="AutoClean","2"="CustomClean","3"="SelectAreanClean","4"="SpotArea"] |
clean_extend_data | String | Vacuum Extend - Clean Extend Data | |
break_point_restart | Number | Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
carpet_press | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
serial_number | String | Vacuum Extend - Serial Number | |
remote_state | String | Vacuum Extend - Remote State | |
clean_rags_tip | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Clean Rags Tip | |
keep_sweeper_time | Number:Time | Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time | |
faults | String | Vacuum Extend - Faults | |
nation_matched | String | Vacuum Extend - Nation Matched | |
relocation_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Relocation Status | |
laser_switch | Number | Vacuum Extend - Laser Switch | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
ai_switch | Number | Vacuum Extend - Ai Switch | |
clean_setting | Number | Vacuum Extend - Clean Setting | |
mop_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Status | |
custom_enable | Number | Vacuum Extend - Custom Enable | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
child_lock | Number | Vacuum Extend - Child Lock | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
sensitivity | Number | Vacuum Extend - Sensitivity | |
mop_way | Number | Vacuum Extend - Mop Way | |
clean_cancel | Number | Vacuum Extend - Clean Cancel | |
carpet_distinguish | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Distinguish | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
autowash_switch | Number | Vacuum Extend - Autowash Switch | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
warn_status | Number | Vacuum Extend - Warn Status | |
carpet_clean | Number | Vacuum Extend - Carpet Clean | |
auto_add_detergent | Number | Vacuum Extend - Auto Add Detergent | |
dry_time | Number | Vacuum Extend - Dry Time | |
nowater_tips | Number | Vacuum Extend - Nowater Tips | |
enable | Switch | Do Not Disturb - Enable | |
start_time | String | Do Not Disturb - Start Time | |
end_time | String | Do Not Disturb - End Time | |
frame_info | String | Map - Frame Info | |
map_extend_data | String | Map - Map Extend Data | |
mult_map_state | Number | Map - Mult Map State | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
mult_map_info | String | Map - Mult Map Info | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Audio - Volume | |
voice_packet_id | String | Audio - Voice Packet Id | |
voice_change_state | String | Audio - Voice Change State | |
set_voice | String | Audio - Set Voice | |
time_zone | String | Time - Time Zone | |
timer_clean | String | Time - Timer Clean | |
first_clean_time | Number | Clean Logs - First Clean Time | |
total_clean_time | Number:Time | Clean Logs - Total Clean Time | |
total_clean_times | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Times | |
total_clean_area | Number | Clean Logs - Total Clean Area | |
auto_collect | Number | Collect Dust - Auto Collect | Value mapping ["0"="Close-auto-collect","1"="Open-auto-collect"] |
clean_times | Number | Collect Dust - Clean Times | |
dust_enable | Number | Collect Dust - Dust Enable | Value mapping ["0"="Disable","1"="Enable"] |
dust_status | Number | Collect Dust - Dust Status | |
mop_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Mop - Mop Life Level | |
mop_left_time | Number:Time | Mop - Mop Left Time | |
silverion_life_time | Number:Time | Silver Ion - Silverion Life Time | |
silverion_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Silver Ion - Silverion Life Level |
# HUIZUO ARIES For Bedroom (huayi.light.ari013) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO ARIES For Living Room (huayi.light.aries) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO Fan Light (huayi.light.fanwy) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature | |
on1 | Switch | Fan - Power | |
fan-level | Number:Dimensionless | Fan - Fan Level | |
motor-reverse | Switch | Fan - Motor Reverse | |
mode | Number | Fan - Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Normal Wind","2"="Natural Wind"] |
# HUIZUO Fan Light(2020) (huayi.light.fanwy2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature | |
on1 | Switch | Fan - Power | |
fan-level | Number:Dimensionless | Fan - Fan Level | |
mode | Number | Fan - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Basic","1"="Natural Wind"] |
time-off | Number:Time | Presets - Time Off | |
pre-colortemp | Number:Temperature | Presets - Pre Colortemp | |
pre-brightness | Dimmer | Presets - Pre Brightness | |
pre-speed | Number:Dimensionless | Presets - Pre Speed | |
reversal | Number | Presets - Reversal | Value mapping ["0"="Postitive","1"="Reverse"] |
pre-custom | Number | Presets - Pre Custom | Value mapping ["0"="Switch Off","1"="Open"] |
flabellum | Switch | Presets - Flabellum |
# HUIZUO PEGASUS For Living Room (huayi.light.peg091) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO PEGASUS For Bedroom (huayi.light.peg093) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO PISCES For Bedroom (huayi.light.pis123) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO PISCES For Living Room (huayi.light.pisces) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO TAURUS For Bedroom (huayi.light.tau023) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO TAURUS For Living Room (huayi.light.taurus) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO VIRGO For Bedroom (huayi.light.vir063) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO VIRGO For Living Room (huayi.light.virgo) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO Ceiling Light (huayi.light.wy) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO LIANGCHEN(BLE Mesh) (huayi.light.wy200) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO SAG Downlight (BLE Mesh) (huayi.light.wy201) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO Bulb (BLE Mesh) (huayi.light.wy202) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO YONG Downlight (BLE Mesh) (huayi.light.wy203) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# huayi.light.wy204 (huayi.light.wy204) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# HUIZUO Heating Lamp (huayi.light.wyheat) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature | |
on1 | Switch | Heater - Power | |
fault | Number | Heater - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults"] |
heat-level | Number | Heater - Heat Level | |
screenshow | Switch | Other - Screenshow |
# HUIZUO ZIWEI Ceiling Lamp (huayi.light.zw131) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Light - Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Light - Brightness | |
color-temperature | Number:Temperature | Light - Color Temperature |
# Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro (ijai.vacuum.v3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Robot Cleaner - Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Start","vacuum-start-sweep-mop"="Start Sweep+Mop","vacuum-start-only-sweep"="Start Sweep","vacuum-start-only-mop"="Start Only Mop","vacuum-start-mop"="Start Mop","vacuum-start-room-sweep"="Room Sweep","battery-start-charge"="Start Charge"] |
advanced_actions | String | Robot Cleaner - Advanced Actions | Value mapping ["sweep-reset-consumable"="Reset Consumable","sweep-set-calibration"="Set Calibration","sweep-set-room-clean"="Set Room Clean","sweep-set-preference-clean"="Set Preference Clean","sweep-get-preference-clean"="Get Preference Clean","sweep-set-preference-type"="Set Preference Type","sweep-set-go-charging"="Set Go Charging","sweep-erase-preference"="Erase Preference","sweep-set-preference-ii"="Set Preference Ii","sweep-get-preference-ii"="Get Preference Ii","order-add"="Order Add","order-del"="Order Del","order-get"="Order Get","order-add-ii"="Order Add Ii","order-get-map-order-count"="Order Get Map Order Count","point-zone-start-point-clean"="Point Zone Start Point Clean","point-zone-pause-point-clean"="Point Zone Pause Point Clean","point-zone-start-zone-clean"="Point Zone Start Zone Clean","point-zone-pause-zone-clean"="Point Zone Pause Zone Clean","point-zone-set-virtual-wall"="Point Zone Set Virtual Wall","point-zone-set-zone-point"="Point Zone Set Zone Point","point-zone-start-point-clean-ii"="Point Zone Start Point Clean Ii","map-get-map-list"="Map Get Map List","map-upload-by-mapid"="Map Upload By Mapid","map-set-cur-map"="Map Set Cur Map","map-del-map"="Map Del Map","map-rename-map"="Map Rename Map","map-upload-by-maptype"="Map Upload By Maptype","map-rename-room"="Map Rename Room","map-arrange-room"="Map Arrange Room","map-split-room"="Map Split Room","map-reset-map"="Map Reset Map","map-build-new-map"="Map Build New Map","map-get-cur-path"="Map Get Cur Path","map-get-map-room-list"="Map Get Map Room List","map-upload-by-mapid-ii"="Map Upload By Mapid Ii","map-upload-by-maptype-ii"="Map Upload By Maptype Ii","map-reset-map-ii"="Map Reset Map Ii","map-build-map-ii"="Map Build Map Ii","map-set-mijia-room-list"="Map Set Mijia Room List","disturb-set-notdisturb"="Disturb Set Notdisturb","language-download-voice"="Language Download Voice","language-get-download-status"="Language Get Download Status"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["0"="Sleep","1"="Idle","2"="Paused","3"="Go Charging","4"="Charging","5"="Sweeping","6"="Sweeping and Mopping","7"="Mopping","8"="Upgrading"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Sweep","1"="Sweep And Mop","2"="Mop"] |
sweep_type | Number | Robot Cleaner - Sweep Type | Value mapping ["0"="Global","1"="Mop","2"="Edge","3"="Area","4"="Point","5"="Remote","6"="Explore","7"="Room","8"="Floor"] |
on | String | Robot Cleaner - Switch Status | |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Locating Volume | |
repeat_state | Switch | Sweep - Repeat State | |
door_state | Number | Sweep - Door State | Value mapping ["0"="None","1"="DustBox","2"="WaterBox","3"="TwoInOne"] |
cloth_state | Contact | Sweep - Cloth State | |
suction_state | Number | Robot Cleaner - Power | Value mapping ["0"="Slient","1"="Standard","2"="Medium","3"="Turbo"] |
water_state | Number | Sweep - Water State | Value mapping ["0"="Low","1"="Mid","2"="High"] |
mop_route | Number | Sweep - Mop Route | Value mapping ["0"="S","1"="Y"] |
side_brush_life | Number:Dimensionless | Sweep - Side Brush Life | |
side_brush_hours | Number:Time | Sweep - Side Brush Hours | |
main_brush_life | Number:Dimensionless | Sweep - Main Brush Life | |
main_brush_hours | Number:Time | Sweep - Main Brush Hours | |
hypa_life | Number:Dimensionless | Sweep - Hypa Life | |
hypa_hours | Number:Time | Sweep - Hypa Hours | |
mop_life | Number:Dimensionless | Sweep - Mop Life | |
mop_hours | Number:Time | Sweep - Mop Hours | |
direction | Number | Sweep - Direction | Value mapping ["1"="Forward","2"="Left","3"="Right","4"="Back","5"="Stop","10"="Exit"] |
time_zone | Number | Sweep - Time Zone | |
cur_lang | String | Sweep - Cur Lang | |
cleaning_time | Number:Time | Sweep - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning_area | Number | Sweep - Cleaning Area | |
multi_prop_vacuum | String | Sweep - Multi Prop Vacuum | |
tank_shake | Switch | Sweep - Tank Shake | |
shake_shift | Number | Sweep - Shake Shift | Value mapping ["1"="Low","2"="Mid","3"="High"] |
order_id | Number | Order - Order Id | |
enable | Switch | Order - Enable | |
day | Number:Time | Order - Day | |
hour | Number:Time | Order - Hour | |
minute | Number:Time | Order - Minute | |
repeat | Switch | Order - Repeat | |
clean_way | Number | Order - Clean Way | Value mapping ["0"="Sweep","1"="Sweep Mop","2"="Mop"] |
suction | Number | Order - Suction | Value mapping ["0"="Slient","1"="Normal","2"="Medium","3"="Turbo"] |
water | Number | Order - Water | Value mapping ["0"="Low","1"="Mid","2"="High"] |
twice_clean | Switch | Order - Twice Clean | |
mapid | Number | Order - Mapid | |
room_count | Number | Order - Room Count | |
room_data | String | Order - Room Data | |
time_zone1 | Number | Order - Time Zone | |
all_enable_count | String | Order - All Enable Count | |
zone_points | String | Point Zone - Zone Points | |
restrict_points | String | Point Zone - Restrict Points | |
target_point | String | Point Zone - Target Point | |
remember_state | Switch | Map - Remember State | |
cur_map_id | Number | Map - Cur Map Id | |
map_num | Number | Map - Map Num | |
cur_cleaning_path | String | Map - Cur Cleaning Path | |
build_map | Number | Map - Build Map | Value mapping ["0"="None","1"="Build","2"="Clean"] |
has_new_map | Number | Map - Has New Map | Value mapping ["0"="Without Map To Save","1"="Wait To Rename Map"] |
map_uploads | Number | Map - Map Uploads | Value mapping ["0"="Upload","1"="Do Not Upload"] |
dnd_enable | Contact | Disturb - Dnd Enable | |
dnd_start_hour | Number:Time | Disturb - Dnd Start Hour | |
dnd_start_minute | Number:Time | Disturb - Dnd Start Minute | |
dnd_end_hour | Number:Time | Disturb - Dnd End Hour | |
dnd_end_minute | Number:Time | Disturb - Dnd End Minute | |
multi_prop_dnd | String | Disturb - Multi Prop Dnd |
# Xiaomi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2S (ijai.vacuum.v19) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Robot Cleaner - Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Start","vacuum-start-sweep-mop"="Start Sweep+Mop","vacuum-start-only-sweep"="Start Sweep","vacuum-start-only-mop"="Start Mop","vacuum-dock"="Dock","vacuum-stop-sweeping"="Pause","vacuum-start-room-sweep"="Start Room Sweep"] |
advanced_actions | String | Robot Cleaner - Advanced Actions | Value mapping ["sweep-reset-consumable"="Sweep Reset Consumable","sweep-set-calibration"="Sweep Set Calibration","sweep-set-room-clean"="Sweep Set Room Clean","sweep-set-preference-clean"="Sweep Set Preference Clean","sweep-get-preference-clean"="Sweep Get Preference Clean","sweep-set-preference-type"="Sweep Set Preference Type","sweep-set-go-charging"="Sweep Set Go Charging","sweep-erase-preference"="Sweep Erase Preference","sweep-set-preference-ii"="Sweep Set Preference Ii","sweep-get-preference-ii"="Sweep Get Preference Ii","order-add"="Order Add","order-del"="Order Del","order-get"="Order Get","order-add-ii"="Order Add Ii","order-get-map-order-count"="Order Get Map Order Count","order-add-iii"="Order Add Iii","point-zone-start-point-clean"="Point Zone Start Point Clean","point-zone-pause-point-clean"="Point Zone Pause Point Clean","point-zone-start-zone-clean"="Point Zone Start Zone Clean","point-zone-pause-zone-clean"="Point Zone Pause Zone Clean","point-zone-set-beauty-wall"="Point Zone Set Beauty Wall","point-zone-set-virtual-wall"="Point Zone Set Virtual Wall","point-zone-set-zone-point"="Point Zone Set Zone Point","point-zone-start-point-clean-ii"="Point Zone Start Point Clean Ii","map-get-map-list"="Map Get Map List","map-upload-by-mapid"="Map Upload By Mapid","map-set-cur-map"="Map Set Cur Map","map-del-map"="Map Del Map","map-rename-map"="Map Rename Map","map-upload-by-maptype"="Map Upload By Maptype","map-rename-room"="Map Rename Room","map-arrange-room"="Map Arrange Room","map-split-room"="Map Split Room","map-reset-map"="Map Reset Map","map-build-new-map"="Map Build New Map","map-get-cur-path"="Map Get Cur Path","map-get-map-room-list"="Map Get Map Room List","map-upload-by-mapid-ii"="Map Upload By Mapid Ii","map-upload-by-maptype-ii"="Map Upload By Maptype Ii","map-reset-map-ii"="Map Reset Map Ii","map-build-map-ii"="Map Build Map Ii","map-set-mijia-room-list"="Map Set Mijia Room List","disturb-set-notdisturb"="Disturb Set Notdisturb","language-download-voice"="Language Download Voice","language-get-download-status"="Language Get Download Status"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["0"="Sleep","1"="Idle","2"="Paused","3"="Go Charging","4"="Charging","5"="Sweeping","6"="Sweeping and Mopping","7"="Mopping","8"="Upgrading"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Sweep","1"="Sweep And Mop","2"="Mop"] |
sweep_type | Number | Robot Cleaner - Sweep Type | Value mapping ["0"="Global","1"="Mop","2"="Edge","3"="Area","4"="Point","5"="Remote","6"="Explore","7"="Room","8"="Floor"] |
on | String | Robot Cleaner - Switch Status | |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Robot Cleaner - Battery Level | |
alarm | Switch | Robot Cleaner - Locate | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Robot Cleaner - Locate Volume | |
repeat_state | Switch | Sweep - Repeat State | |
door_state | Number | Sweep - Door State | Value mapping ["0"="None","1"="DustBox","2"="WaterBox","3"="TwoInOne"] |
cloth_state | Contact | Sweep - Cloth State | |
suction_state | Number | Robot Cleaner - Power | Value mapping ["0"="Slient","1"="Standard","2"="Medium","3"="Turbo"] |
water_state | Number | Sweep - Water State | Value mapping ["0"="Low","1"="Mid","2"="High"] |
mop_route | Number | Sweep - Mop Route | Value mapping ["0"="S","1"="Y"] |
side_brush_life | Number:Dimensionless | Sweep - Side Brush Life | |
side_brush_hours | Number:Time | Sweep - Side Brush Hours | |
main_brush_life | Number:Dimensionless | Sweep - Main Brush Life | |
main_brush_hours | Number:Time | Sweep - Main Brush Hours | |
hypa_life | Number:Dimensionless | Sweep - Hypa Life | |
hypa_hours | Number:Time | Sweep - Hypa Hours | |
mop_life | Number:Dimensionless | Sweep - Mop Life | |
mop_hours | Number:Time | Sweep - Mop Hours | |
direction | Number | Sweep - Direction | Value mapping ["1"="Forward","2"="Left","3"="Right","4"="Back","5"="Stop","10"="Exit"] |
time_zone | Number | Sweep - Time Zone | |
cur_lang | String | Sweep - Cur Lang | |
cleaning_time | Number:Time | Sweep - Cleaning Time | |
cleaning_area | Number | Sweep - Cleaning Area | |
dirt_recognize | Switch | Sweep - Dirt Recognize | |
pet_recognize | Switch | Sweep - Pet Recognize | |
ai_recognize | Switch | Sweep - Ai Recognize | |
carpet_booster | Switch | Sweep - Carpet Booster | |
multi_prop_vacuum | String | Sweep - Multi Prop Vacuum | |
carpet_avoid | Switch | Sweep - Carpet Avoid | |
tank_shake | Switch | Sweep - Tank Shake | |
shake_shift | Number | Sweep - Shake Shift | Value mapping ["1"="Low","2"="Mid","3"="High"] |
map_encrypt | Contact | Sweep - Map Encrypt | |
order_id | Number | Order - Order Id | |
enable | Switch | Order - Enable | |
day | Number:Time | Order - Day | |
hour | Number:Time | Order - Hour | |
minute | Number:Time | Order - Minute | |
repeat | Switch | Order - Repeat | |
clean_way | Number | Order - Clean Way | Value mapping ["0"="Sweep","1"="Sweep Mop","2"="Mop"] |
suction | Number | Order - Suction | Value mapping ["0"="Slient","1"="Normal","2"="Medium","3"="Turbo"] |
water | Number | Order - Water | Value mapping ["0"="Low","1"="Mid","2"="High"] |
twice_clean | Switch | Order - Twice Clean | |
mapid | Number | Order - Mapid | |
room_count | Number | Order - Room Count | |
room_data | String | Order - Room Data | |
time_zone1 | Number | Order - Time Zone | |
all_enable_count | String | Order - All Enable Count | |
zone_points | String | Point Zone - Zone Points | |
restrict_points | String | Point Zone - Restrict Points | |
target_point | String | Point Zone - Target Point | |
remember_state | Switch | Map - Remember State | |
cur_map_id | Number | Map - Cur Map Id | |
map_num | Number | Map - Map Num | |
cur_cleaning_path | String | Map - Cur Cleaning Path | |
build_map | Number | Map - Build Map | Value mapping ["0"="None","1"="Build","2"="Clean"] |
has_new_map | Contact | Map - Has New Map | |
dnd_enable | Contact | Disturb - Dnd Enable | |
dnd_start_hour | Number:Time | Disturb - Dnd Start Hour | |
dnd_start_minute | Number:Time | Disturb - Dnd Start Minute | |
dnd_end_hour | Number:Time | Disturb - Dnd End Hour | |
dnd_end_minute | Number:Time | Disturb - Dnd End Minute | |
multi_prop_dnd | String | Disturb - Multi Prop Dnd |
# IKEA E27 white spectrum opal (ikea.light.led1545g12) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
colour_temperature | Number | Color Temperature |
# IKEA E27 white spectrum clear (ikea.light.led1546g12) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
colour_temperature | Number | Color Temperature |
# IKEA E14 white spectrum (ikea.light.led1536g5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
colour_temperature | Number | Color Temperature |
# IKEA GU10 white spectrum (ikea.light.led1537r6) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
colour_temperature | Number | Color Temperature |
# IKEA E27 warm white (ikea.light.led1623g12) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
colour_temperature | Number | Color Temperature |
# IKEA GU10 warm white (ikea.light.led1650r5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
colour_temperature | Number | Color Temperature |
# IKEA E14 warm white (ikea.light.led1649c5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
colour_temperature | Number | Color Temperature |
# Xiaomiyoupin Curtain Controller (Wi-Fi) (lumi.curtain.hagl05) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
fault | Number | Curtain - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No faults"] |
motor_control | Number | Curtain - Motor Control | Value mapping ["0"="Pause","1"="Open","2"="Close","3"="auto"] |
current-position | Number:Dimensionless | Curtain - Current Position | |
status | Number | Curtain - Status | Value mapping ["0"="Stopped","1"="Opening","2"="Closing"] |
target-position | Number:Dimensionless | Curtain - Target Position | |
manual-enabled | Number | curtain_cfg - Manual Enabled | Value mapping ["0"="Disable","1"="Enable"] |
polarity | Number | Curtain_cfg - Polarity | Value mapping ["0"="Positive","1"="Reverse"] |
pos-limit | Number | curtain_cfg - Position Limit | Value mapping ["0"="Unlimit","1"="Limit"] |
en_night_tip_light | Number | Curtain_cfg - En_night_tip_light | Value mapping ["0"="Disable","1"="Enable"] |
run-time | Number | Curtain_cfg - Run-time | |
adjust_value | Number | Motor_controller - Adjust_value |
# Mi Air Purifier virtual (lumi.gateway.mgl03) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
telnetEnable | Switch | Enable Telnet | Access the device with telnet to further unlock developer mode. See forum |
doorbellVol | Number | Doorbell Volume | |
gatewayVol | Number | Gateway Volume | |
alarmingVol | Number | Alarming Volume | |
doorbellPush | String | Doorbell Push |
# Mi smart Home Gateway Hub (lumi.gateway.mieu01) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
guard | Switch | Guard | |
corridor | Switch | Automatic Night Light | |
nightlight | Color | Night Light | |
rgb | Color | Colored Light | |
doorbell_volume | Number | Doorbell Volume | |
alarming_volume | Number | Alarming Volume | |
gateway_volume | Number | Gateway Volume | |
arming_time | Number:Time | Arming Time | |
corridor_on_time | Number:Time | Corridor on time | |
language | String | Voice prompt Language | |
zigbee_channel | String | Zigbee Channel | |
lumi_bind | String | Lumi_bind info | |
doorbell_push | String | Doorbell Push |
# Mi smart Home Gateway Hub v1 (lumi.gateway.v1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
telnetEnable | Switch | Enable Telnet | Access the device with telnet to further unlock developer mode. See forum |
doorbellVol | Number | Doorbell Volume | |
gatewayVol | Number | Gateway Volume | |
alarmingVol | Number | Alarming Volume | |
doorbellPush | String | Doorbell Push |
# Mi smart Home GatewayHub v2 (lumi.gateway.v2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
telnetEnable | Switch | Enable Telnet | Access the device with telnet to further unlock developer mode. See forum |
doorbellVol | Number | Doorbell Volume | |
gatewayVol | Number | Gateway Volume | |
alarmingVol | Number | Alarming Volume | |
doorbellPush | String | Doorbell Push |
# Mi smart Home Gateway Hub v3 (lumi.gateway.v3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
telnetEnable | Switch | Enable Telnet | Access the device with telnet to further unlock developer mode. See forum |
doorbellVol | Number | Doorbell Volume | |
gatewayVol | Number | Gateway Volume | |
alarmingVol | Number | Alarming Volume | |
doorbellPush | String | Doorbell Push |
# Aqara LED Light Bulb (Tunable White) (lumi.light.aqcn02) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
colour_temperature | Number | Color Temperature |
# Door lock (lumi.lock.v1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
status | String | Status | |
log | String | Device Log | This channel uses cloud to get data. See widget market place for suitable widget to display the data |
# Aqara Door Lock (lumi.lock.aq1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
status | String | Status | |
log | String | Device Log | This channel uses cloud to get data. See widget market place for suitable widget to display the data |
# Aqara Door Lock S2 (lumi.lock.acn02) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
status | String | Status | |
log | String | Device Log | This channel uses cloud to get data. See widget market place for suitable widget to display the data |
# Aqara Door lock S2 Pro (lumi.lock.acn03) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
status | String | Status | |
log | String | Device Log | This channel uses cloud to get data. See widget market place for suitable widget to display the data |
# Mi Smart Plug (Zigbee) (lumi.plug.mmeu01) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
load_power | Number | Load Power | |
en_night_tip_light | Switch | Led Light | |
poweroff_memory | Switch | Poweroff Memory | |
max_power | Number | Max Power | |
log | String | Device Log | This channel uses cloud to get data. See widget market place for suitable widget to display the data. |
# Mi Window and Door Sensor (lumi.sensor_magnet.v2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
log | String | Device Log | This channel uses cloud to get data. See widget market place for suitable widget to display the data. |
# Mi Motion Sensor (lumi.sensor_motion.aq2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
log | String | Device Log | This channel uses cloud to get data. See widget market place for suitable widget to display the data |
# Mi Motion Sensor (lumi.sensor_motion.v2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
log | String | Device Log | This channel uses cloud to get data. See widget market place for suitable widget to display the data |
# Mi Temperature and Humidity Sensor (lumi.sensor_ht.v1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity |
# Water Leak Sensor (lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
leak | Switch | Leaking | |
log | String | Device Log | This channel uses cloud to get data. See widget market place for suitable widget to display the data |
# Aqara Temperature and Humidity Sensor ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
pressure | Number:Pressure | pressure |
# Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop Essential (mijia.vacuum.v2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
vacuumaction | String | Vacuum Action | This channel accepts start , stop , findme and dock . |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Idle","2"="Sweeping","3"="Paused","4"="Error","5"="Charging","6"="Go Charging"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="Left-wheel-error","2"="Right-wheel-error","3"="Cliff-error","4"="Low-battery-error","5"="Bump-error","6"="Main-brush-error","7"="Side-brush-error","8"="Fan-motor-error","9"="Dustbin-error","10"="Charging-error","11"="No-wate-error","12"="Pick-up-error"] |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Auto-clean","2"="Spot-clean","3"="Wallflow-clean"] |
target-water-level | Number | Robot Cleaner - Target Water Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
fan-level | Number | Robot Cleaner - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Silence","1"="Stanrd","2"="Middle","3"="Enchance"] |
battery-level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging-state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["0"="Not-charging","1"="Charging","2"="Charging-competely"] |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Alarm - Volume | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter-left-time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
brush-life-level | Number:Dimensionless | Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level | |
brush-left-time | Number:Time | Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time | |
brush-life-level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level | |
brush-left-time1 | Number:Time | Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time | |
direction_key | Number | Remote Control - Direction Key | Value mapping ["0"="direction 0","1"="direction 1","2"="direction 2","3"="direction 3","4"="direction 4"] |
clean-area | Number:Area | Clean Record - Clean Area | |
clean_time | Number | Clean Record - Clean Time | |
total-clean-area | Number:Area | Clean Record - Total Clean Area | |
total-clean-time | Number | Clean Record - Total Clean Time | |
total-clean-count | Number | Clean Record - Total Clean Count | |
language | Number | Language - Language | Value mapping ["0"="English","1"="Chinese","2"="Spanish","3"="Russian","4"="Italian","5"="French","6"="German","7"="Korean","8"="Polish"] |
not-disturb-switch | Switch | Language - Not Disturb Switch | |
mop-status | Number | Other Status - Mop Status | Value mapping ["0"="Mop Uninstall","1"="Mop Install"] |
# Mijia Smart Pet Water Dispenser (mmgg.pet_waterer.s1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
fault | Number | Pet Drinking Fountain - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No faults"] |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Common","2"="Smart "] |
filter-left-time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch | |
cotton-left-time | Number:Time | Filter Cotton - Cotton Left Time | |
remain-clean-time | Number:Time | Remain Clean Time - Remain Clean Time | |
no-water-flag | Switch | No Water Flag - No Water Flag | |
resetConsumable | String | Consumables Reset | Value mapping ["remain-clean-time-reset-clean-time"="Reset Clean Time","filter-cotton-reset-cotton-life"="Reset Cotton Time","filter-reset-filter-life"="Reset Filter Life"] |
no-water-time | Number:Time | No Water Flag - No Water Time |
# Mijia Smart Pet Water Dispenser (mmgg.pet_waterer.s2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
fault | Number | Pet Drinking Fountain - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No faults"] |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Common","2"="Smart "] |
filter-left-time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch | |
cotton-left-time | Number:Time | Filter Cotton - Cotton Left Time | |
remain-clean-time | Number:Time | Remain Clean Time - Remain Clean Time | |
no-water-flag | Switch | No Water Flag - No Water Flag | |
resetConsumable | String | Consumables Reset | Value mapping ["remain-clean-time-reset-clean-time"="Reset Clean Time","filter-cotton-reset-cotton-life"="Reset Cotton Time","filter-reset-filter-life"="Reset Filter Life"] |
no-water-time | Number:Time | No Water Flag - No Water Time | |
pump-block-flag | Switch | No Water Flag - Pump Block Flag |
# Mijia Smart Pet Water Dispenser (mmgg.pet_waterer.s3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
fault | Number | Pet Drinking Fountain - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No faults"] |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Common","2"="Smart "] |
filter-left-time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch | |
cotton-left-time | Number:Time | Filter Cotton - Cotton Left Time | |
remain-clean-time | Number:Time | Remain Clean Time - Remain Clean Time | |
no-water-flag | Switch | No Water Flag - No Water Flag | |
resetConsumable | String | Consumables Reset | Value mapping ["remain-clean-time-reset-clean-time"="Reset Clean Time","filter-cotton-reset-cotton-life"="Reset Cotton Time","filter-reset-filter-life"="Reset Filter Life"] |
no-water-time | Number:Time | No Water Flag - No Water Time | |
pump-block-flag | Switch | No Water Flag - Pump Block Flag |
# XIAOWAN Smart Pet Water Dispenser (mmgg.pet_waterer.s4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
fault | Number | Pet Drinking Fountain - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No faults"] |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Common","2"="Smart "] |
filter-left-time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch | |
cotton-left-time | Number:Time | Filter Cotton - Cotton Left Time | |
remain-clean-time | Number:Time | Remain Clean Time - Remain Clean Time | |
no-water-flag | Switch | No Water Flag - No Water Flag | |
resetConsumable | String | Consumables Reset | Value mapping ["remain-clean-time-reset-clean-time"="Reset Clean Time","filter-cotton-reset-cotton-life"="Reset Cotton Time","filter-reset-filter-life"="Reset Filter Life"] |
no-water-time | Number:Time | No Water Flag - No Water Time | |
pump-block-flag | Switch | No Water Flag - Pump Block Flag |
# MR.BOND (mrbond.airer.m1pro) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
dry | Switch | Dry | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
motor | Number | Motor | |
drytime | Number | Dry Time | |
airer_location | Number | Airer Location | |
disinfect | Switch | disinfect | |
distime | Number | Disinfect Time |
# MR.BOND (mrbond.airer.m1s) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
dry | Switch | Dry | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
motor | Number | Motor | |
drytime | Number | Dry Time | |
airer_location | Number | Airer Location | |
disinfect | Switch | disinfect | |
distime | Number | Disinfect Time |
# MR.BOND (mrbond.airer.m1super) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
dry | Switch | Dry | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
motor | Number | Motor | |
drytime | Number | Dry Time | |
airer_location | Number | Airer Location | |
disinfect | Switch | disinfect | |
distime | Number | Disinfect Time |
# WIDETECH WDH318EFW1 Internet Dehumidifier (nwt.derh.wdh318efw1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | |
autohumidity | Number:Dimensionless | Auto humidity | |
fanspeed | Number | Fan Speed | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer | |
led | Switch | LED | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
tankfull | Switch | Tank Full | |
compressorstatus | Switch | Compressor Status | |
defroststatus | Switch | Defrost Status | |
fanst | Number | Fan St | |
alarm | String | Alarm |
# Philips Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Bedroom 40W (philips.light.bceiling1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
sw | Switch | Switch | |
bl | Switch | Night Light | |
ms | Switch | MiBand Notifications | |
ac | Switch | Auto Ambiance | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off | |
mb | Switch | MiBand |
# Philips Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Bedroom 28W (philips.light.bceiling2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
sw | Switch | Switch | |
bl | Switch | Night Light | |
ms | Switch | MiBand Notifications | |
ac | Switch | Auto Ambiance | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off | |
mb | Switch | MiBand |
# Philips ZhiRui E27 bulb (philips.light.bulb) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
switchscene | Switch | Switch Scene | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off |
# Philips ZhiRui E14 Candle Lamp Frosted version (philips.light.candle) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off | |
toggle | Switch | Toggle |
# Philips ZhiRui E14 Candle Lamp Crystal version (philips.light.candle2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off | |
toggle | Switch | Toggle |
# Mijia Philips Color Bulb (philips.light.cbulb) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
cid | Color | Color | |
switchscene | Switch | Switch Scene | |
switch_en | Switch | Switch Enabled | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off |
# Philips Light (philips.light.cbulbs) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
cid | Color | Color | |
switchscene | Switch | Switch Scene | |
switch_en | Switch | Switch Enabled | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off |
# Philips Connected Ceiling (philips.light.ceiling) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
switchscene | Switch | Switch Scene | |
toggle | Switch | Toggle |
# Philips Light (philips.light.dcolor) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
cid | Color | Color | |
switchscene | Switch | Switch Scene | |
switch_en | Switch | Switch Enabled | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off |
# ZhiRui Dimmable Downlight (philips.light.dlight) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Philips ZhiRui Downlight (philips.light.downlight) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
switchscene | Switch | Switch Scene | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off |
# Philips Wi-Fi bulb E27 White (philips.light.hbulb) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
switchscene | Switch | Switch Scene | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off |
# Philips ZhiYi Ceiling Lamp FL 40W (philips.light.lnblight1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
sw | Switch | Switch | |
bl | Switch | Night Light | |
ms | Switch | MiBand Notifications | |
ac | Switch | Auto Ambiance | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off | |
mb | Switch | MiBand |
# Philips ZhiYi Ceiling Lamp FL 28W (philips.light.lnblight2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
sw | Switch | Switch | |
bl | Switch | Night Light | |
ms | Switch | MiBand Notifications | |
ac | Switch | Auto Ambiance | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off | |
mb | Switch | MiBand |
# Philips ZhiYi Ceiling Lamp FL 80W (philips.light.lnlrlight) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
sw | Switch | Switch | |
bl | Switch | Night Light | |
ms | Switch | MiBand Notifications | |
ac | Switch | Auto Ambiance | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off | |
mb | Switch | MiBand |
# Philips Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Living room 80W (philips.light.lrceiling) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
sw | Switch | Switch | |
bl | Switch | Night Light | |
ms | Switch | MiBand Notifications | |
ac | Switch | Auto Ambiance | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off | |
mb | Switch | MiBand |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Nordic 80W (philips.light.mceil) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Nordic 40W (philips.light.mceilm) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Nordic 28W (philips.light.mceils) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Philips Smart Lamp (philips.light.mono1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
scene | Number | Scene |
# Philips ZhiRui Bedside Lamp (philips.light.moonlight) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
gonight | Switch | Go Night | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off | |
toggle | Switch | Toggle |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Black 80W (philips.light.obceil) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Black 40W (philips.light.obceim) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Black 28W (philips.light.obceis) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Mijia Philips Study Desk Lamp (philips.light.rwread) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
flm | Number | Follow Me | |
dv | Number | DV |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Starry 80W (philips.light.sceil) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Starry 40W (philips.light.sceilm) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Starry 28W (philips.light.sceils) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Philips EyeCare Connected Desk Lamp gen2. (philips.light.sread1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
ambientPower | Switch | Ambient Power | |
ambientBrightness | Number | Ambient Brightness | |
illumination | Number | Ambient Illumination | |
eyecare | Switch | Eyecare | |
bl | Switch | Night Light |
# Mijia Philips Desk Lamp 2S (philips.light.sread2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
ambientPower | Switch | Ambient Power | |
ambientBrightness | Number | Ambient Brightness | |
illumination | Number | Ambient Illumination | |
eyecare | Switch | Eyecare | |
bl | Switch | Night Light |
# Philips Connected Lights (philips.light.virtual) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
switchscene | Switch | Switch Scene | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Gorgeous 80W (philips.light.xzceil) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Gorgeous 40W (philips.light.xzceim) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Zhirui Ceiling Lamp Gorgeous 28W (philips.light.xzceis) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Number | Color Temperature | |
dv | Number | Delayed Turn-off | |
WallSceneEn | Switch | Wall Scene Enable | |
WallScene | String | Wall Scene | |
autoCct | String | Auto CCT | |
dimmingPeriod | Number | Dimming Period | |
MibandStatus | String | Mi Band Status | |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["light-brightness-down"="Light Brightness Down","light-brightness-up"="Light Brightness Up","light-toggle"="Light Toggle"] |
# Philips ZhiYi Ceiling lamp (philips.light.zyceiling) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
switchscene | Switch | Switch Scene | |
toggle | Switch | Toggle |
# Philips ZhiYi Desk Lamp (philips.light.zysread) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
switchscene | Switch | Switch Scene | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off |
# Philips ZhiYi Strip (philips.light.zystrip) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
cct | Dimmer | Correlated Color Temperature | |
scene | Number | Scene | |
dv | Number | DV | |
switchscene | Switch | Switch Scene | |
delayoff | Switch | Delay Off |
# CHINGMI Smart Power Strip v1 (qmi.powerstrip.v1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["normal"="Normal","green"="Green"] |
powerUsage | Number:Power | Power Consumption | |
voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage | |
led | Switch | wifi LED | |
power_price | Number | Power Price | |
power_factor | Number | Power Factor | |
current | Number:ElectricCurrent | Current | |
elec_leakage | Number:ElectricCurrent | Electic Leakage | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature |
# ROIDMI EVE vacuum (roidmi.vacuum.v60) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Vacuum Start Sweep","vacuum-stop-sweeping"="Vacuum Stop Sweeping","vacuum-start-room-sweep"="Vacuum Start Room Sweep","battery-start-charge"="Battery Start Charge","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","custom-find-robot"="Custom Find Robot","custom-stop-find-charge"="Custom Stop Find Charge","custom-continue-sweep"="Custom Continue Sweep","custom-start-dust"="Custom Start Dust","custom-pause"="Custom Pause","custom-pause-find-charge"="Custom Pause Find Charge","custom-continue-find-charge"="Custom Continue Find Charge","custom-update-audio"="Custom Update Audio","custom-set-voice"="Custom Set Voice","map-request-path"="Map Request Path","map-change-area-name"="Map Change Area Name","map-set-auto-area"="Map Set Auto Area","map-local-map"="Map Local Map","map-area-custom"="Map Area Custom","map-area-order"="Map Area Order","sweep-start-sweep"="Sweep Start Sweep"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Dormant","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Sweeping","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Error","8"="Rfctrl","9"="Fullcharge","10"="Shutdown","11"="Findchargerpause"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="Low Battery Find Charger","2"="Low Battery And Poweroff","3"="Wheel Trap","4"="Collision Error","5"="Tile Do Task","6"="Lidar Point Error","7"="Front Wall Error","8"="Psd Dirty","9"="Middle Brush Fatal","10"="Sid Brush","11"="Fan Speed Error","12"="Lidar Cover","13"="Garbage Box Full","14"="Garbage Box Out","15"="Garbage Box Full Out","16"="Physical Trapped","17"="Pick Up Do Task","18"="No Water Box Do Task","19"="Water Box Empty","20"="Clean Cannot Arrive","21"="Start Form Forbid","22"="Drop","23"="Kit Water Pump","24"="Find Charger Failed","25"="Low Power Clean"] |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Silent","2"="Basic","3"="Strong","4"="Full Speed","0"="Sweep"] |
sweep_type | Number | Robot Cleaner - Sweep Type | Value mapping ["0"="Sweep","1"="Mop","2"="Mop And Sweep"] |
on | Number | Robot Cleaner - Switch Status | Value mapping ["1"="Open"] |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging_state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not charging","3"="Not chargeable"] |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Speaker - Volume | |
mute | Switch | Speaker - Mute | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
brush_left_time | Number:Time | Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time1 | Number:Time | Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time2 | Number:Time | Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level2 | Number:Dimensionless | Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level | |
mop | Switch | Custom - Mop | |
work_station_freq | Number | Custom - Work Station Freq | |
timing | String | Custom - Timing | |
clean_area | Number | Custom - Clean Area | |
uid | String | Custom - Uid | |
auto_boost | Switch | Custom - Auto Boost | |
forbid_mode | String | Custom - Forbid Mode | |
water_level | Number | Custom - Water Level | Value mapping ["1"="First","2"="Second","3"="Three","4"="Fourth","0"="Mop"] |
total_clean_time | Number:Time | Custom - Total Clean Time | |
total_clean_areas | Number | Custom - Total Clean Areas | |
clean_counts | Number | Custom - Clean Counts | |
clean_time | Number:Time | Custom - Clean Time | |
double_clean | Switch | Custom - Double Clean | |
edge_sweep | Switch | Custom - Edge Sweep | |
led_switch | Switch | Custom - Led Switch | |
lidar_collision | Switch | Custom - Lidar Collision | |
station_key | Switch | Custom - Station Key | |
station_led | Switch | Custom - Station Led | |
current_audio | String | Custom - Current Audio | |
progress | String | Custom - Progress | |
station_type | Number | Custom - Station Type | |
voice_conf | String | Custom - Voice Conf | |
clean_path | String | Map - Clean Path | |
restricted_zone | String | Map - Restricted Zone | |
auto_area | String | Map - Auto Area | |
map_memory | Switch | Map - Map Memory | |
map_name | String | Map - Map Name | |
use_auto_area | Switch | Map - Use Auto Area | |
path_type | Number | Map - Path Type | Value mapping ["0"="Normal","1"="Y-Mopping","2"="Repeat-Mopping"] |
sweep_mode | Number | Sweep - Sweep Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Total","2"="Area","3"="Curpoint","4"="Point","7"="Smart","8"="AmartArea","9"="DepthTotal","10"="AlongWall","0"="Idle"] |
# ROIDMI EVA (roidmi.vacuum.v66) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["vacuum-start-sweep"="Vacuum Start Sweep","vacuum-stop-sweeping"="Vacuum Stop Sweeping","vacuum-start-room-sweep"="Vacuum Start Room Sweep","battery-start-charge"="Battery Start Charge","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","brush-cleaner-reset-brush-life"="Brush Cleaner Reset Brush Life","custom-find-robot"="Custom Find Robot","custom-stop-find-charge"="Custom Stop Find Charge","custom-continue-sweep"="Custom Continue Sweep","custom-start-dust"="Custom Start Dust","custom-pause"="Custom Pause","custom-pause-find-charge"="Custom Pause Find Charge","custom-continue-find-charge"="Custom Continue Find Charge","custom-update-audio"="Custom Update Audio","custom-set-voice"="Custom Set Voice","map-request-path"="Map Request Path","map-change-area-name"="Map Change Area Name","map-set-auto-area"="Map Set Auto Area","map-local-map"="Map Local Map","map-area-custom"="Map Area Custom","map-area-order"="Map Area Order","map-set-current-map"="Map Set Current Map","map-change-map-name"="Map Change Map Name","map-delete-map-list"="Map Delete Map List","map-save-map"="Map Save Map","sweep-start-sweep"="Sweep Start Sweep","mop-reset-mop-life"="Mop Reset Mop Life","basestation-start-ota"="Basestation Start Ota","basestation-set-ap-name"="Basestation Set Ap Name","basestation-set-back-clean-freq"="Basestation Set Back Clean Freq"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["1"="Dormant","2"="Idle","3"="Paused","4"="Sweeping","5"="Go Charging","6"="Charging","7"="Error","8"="Rfctrl","9"="Fullcharge","10"="Shutdown","11"="Findchargerpause","12"="Station Working","13"="Backing Clean"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="Low Battery Find Charger","2"="Low Battery And Poweroff","3"="Wheel Trap","4"="Collision Error","5"="Tile Do Task","6"="Lidar Point Error","7"="Front Wall Error","8"="Psd Dirty","9"="Middle Brush Fatal","10"="Side Brush","11"="Fan Speed Error","12"="Lidar Cover","13"="Garbage Box Full","14"="Garbage Box Out","15"="Garbage Box Full Out","16"="Physical Trapped","17"="Pick Up Do Task","18"="No Water Box Do Task","19"="Water Box Empty","20"="Clean Cannot Arrive","21"="Start Form Forbid","22"="Drop","23"="Kit Water Pump","24"="Find Charger Failed","25"="Err 25","26"="Err 26","27"="Err 27","28"="Err 28","29"="Err 29"] |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Silent","2"="Basic","3"="Strong","4"="Full Speed","0"="Sweep"] |
sweep_type | Number | Robot Cleaner - Sweep Type | Value mapping ["0"="Sweep","1"="Mop","2"="Mop And Sweep"] |
on | Switch | Robot Cleaner - Switch Status | |
battery_level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
charging_state | Number | Battery - Charging State | Value mapping ["1"="Charging","2"="Not charging","3"="Not chargeable"] |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Speaker - Volume | |
mute | Switch | Speaker - Mute | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
brush_left_time | Number:Time | Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time1 | Number:Time | Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level1 | Number:Dimensionless | Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level | |
brush_left_time2 | Number:Time | Brush Cleaner - Brush Left Time | |
brush_life_level2 | Number:Dimensionless | Brush Cleaner - Brush Life Level | |
mop | Switch | Custom - Mop | |
work_station_freq | Number | Custom - Work Station Freq | |
timing | String | Custom - Timing | |
clean_area | Number | Custom - Clean Area | |
uid | String | Custom - Uid | |
auto_boost | Switch | Custom - Auto Boost | |
forbid_mode | String | Custom - Forbid Mode | |
water_level | Number | Custom - Water Level | Value mapping ["1"="First","2"="Second","3"="Three","4"="Fourth","0"="Mop"] |
total_clean_time | Number:Time | Custom - Total Clean Time | |
total_clean_areas | Number | Custom - Total Clean Areas | |
clean_counts | Number | Custom - Clean Counts | |
clean_time | Number:Time | Custom - Clean Time | |
double_clean | Switch | Custom - Double Clean | |
edge_sweep | Switch | Custom - Edge Sweep | |
led_switch | Switch | Custom - Led Switch | |
lidar_collision | Switch | Custom - Lidar Collision | |
current_audio | String | Custom - Current Audio | |
progress | String | Custom - Progress | |
station_type | Number | Custom - Station Type | |
voice_conf | String | Custom - Voice Conf | |
rug_avoid | Switch | Custom - Rug Avoid | |
clean_path | String | Map - Clean Path | |
restricted_zone | String | Map - Restricted Zone | |
auto_area | String | Map - Auto Area | |
map_memory | Switch | Map - Map Memory | |
map_name | String | Map - Map Name | |
use_auto_area | Switch | Map - Use Auto Area | |
path_type | Number | Map - Path Type | Value mapping ["0"="Normal","1"="Y-Mopping","2"="Repeat-Mopping"] |
sweep_mode | Number | Sweep - Sweep Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Total","2"="Area","3"="Curpoint","4"="Point","7"="Smart","8"="Smart Area","9"="DepthTotal","10"="AlongWall","0"="Idle"] |
mop_life_time | Number:Time | Mop - Mop Life Time | |
mop_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Mop - Mop Life Level | |
signal | Number | Basestation - Signal | |
clear_tank_status | Switch | Basestation - Clear Tank Status | |
sewage_tank_status | Switch | Basestation - Sewage Tank Status | |
work_status | Number | Basestation - Work Status | |
version | String | Basestation - Version | |
ota_progress | String | Basestation - Ota Progress | |
ap_name | String | Basestation - Ap Name | |
back_clean_freq | Number:Time | Basestation - Back Clean Freq |
# PTX OneKey Switch (WIFI) (090615.switch.xswitch01) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
switch1state | Number | Switch 1 | |
switch1name | String | Switch Name 1 |
# PTX Twokey switch(wifi) (090615.switch.xswitch02) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
switch1state | Number | Switch 1 | |
switch2state | Number | Switch 2 | |
switch1name | String | Switch Name 1 | |
switch2name | String | Switch Name 2 |
# PTX ThreeKey Switch (WIFI) (090615.switch.xswitch03) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
switch1state | Number | Switch 1 | |
switch2state | Number | Switch 2 | |
switch3state | Number | Switch 3 | |
switch1name | String | Switch Name 1 | |
switch2name | String | Switch Name 2 | |
switch3name | String | Switch Name 3 |
# SCISHARE Smart Capsule Coffee Machine ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
Status | String | status | |
expresso | Number | Brew Expresso | Value is the amount of coffee in ml. 2nd parameter in the json db is the water temperature |
expresso | Number | Brew Americano | Value is the amount of coffee in ml. parameters in json are cupAmount: [set by OH], coffee: 40,water: 80, temp: 90 |
boil | Number | Boil water | Value is the amount of water (ml) to heat. 2nd parameter in the json db is the water temperature |
# Xiaomi Scishare Smart Capsule Coffee Machine ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
Status | String | status | |
expresso | Number | Brew Expresso | Value is the amount of coffee in ml. 2nd parameter in the json db is the water temperature |
expresso | Number | Brew Americano | Value is the amount of coffee in ml. parameters in json are cupAmount: [set by OH], coffee: 40,water: 80, temp: 90 |
boil | Number | Boil water | Value is the amount of water (ml) to heat. 2nd parameter in the json db is the water temperature |
# Viomi Cleaning Robot V-RVCLM21B (viomi.vacuum.v6) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
vacuumaction | Number | Vacuum Action | Value mapping ["1"="Start","0"="Stop","2"="Pause","3"="Dock"] |
state | Number | State | Value mapping ["0"="Idle Undocked","1"="Idle","2"="Paused","3"="Sweeping","4"="Go Charging","5"="Charging","6"="Sweeping and Mopping","7"="Mopping"] |
mode | Number | Clean Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Everywhere","1"="Edges","2"="Surface","3"="Fixed Location"] |
err_state | Number | Error | Value mapping ["0"="Sleeping and not charging","500"="Radar timed out","501"="Wheels stuck","502"="Low battery","503"="Dust bin missing","508"="Uneven ground","509"="Cliff sensor erro","510"="Collision sensor error","511"="Could not return to dock","512"="Could not return to dock","513"="Could not navigate","514"="Vacuum stuck","515"="Charging erro","516"="Mop temperature error","521"="Water tank is not installed","522"="Mop is not installed","525"="Insufficient water in water tank","527"="Remove mop","528"="Dust bin missing","529"="Mop and water tank missing","530"="Mop and water tank missin","531"="Water tank is not installed","2101"="Unsufficient battery, continuing cleaning after recharge","2103"="Charging","2104"="Fully charged"] |
battery_life | Number | Battery | |
box_type | Number | Box type | Value mapping ["0"="No Bin","1"="Sweep","2"="Mop","3"="Sweep and Mop"] |
mop_type | Number | mop_type | |
mop_route | Number | Mop Route | Value mapping ["0"="S-Pattern","1"="Y-Pattern"] |
s_time | Number | Clean time | |
s_area | Number | Clean Area | |
suction_grade | Number | suction_grade | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Basic","2"="Medium","3"="Strong"] |
water_grade | Number | water_grade | Value mapping ["11"="Low","12"="Medium","13"="High"] |
remember_map | Number | remember_map | |
has_map | Number | has_map | |
is_mop | Number | is_mop | Value mapping ["0"="Vacuum","1"="Vacuum And Mop","2"="Mop","3"="CleanZone","4"="CleanSpot"] |
has_newmap | Number | has_newmap |
# Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P (viomi.vacuum.v7) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
vacuumaction | Number | Vacuum Action | Value mapping ["1"="Start","0"="Stop","2"="Pause","3"="Dock"] |
state | Number | State | Value mapping ["0"="Idle Undocked","1"="Idle","2"="Paused","3"="Sweeping","4"="Go Charging","5"="Charging","6"="Sweeping and Mopping","7"="Mopping"] |
mode | Number | Clean Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Everywhere","1"="Edges","2"="Surface","3"="Fixed Location"] |
err_state | Number | Error | Value mapping ["0"="Sleeping and not charging","500"="Radar timed out","501"="Wheels stuck","502"="Low battery","503"="Dust bin missing","508"="Uneven ground","509"="Cliff sensor erro","510"="Collision sensor error","511"="Could not return to dock","512"="Could not return to dock","513"="Could not navigate","514"="Vacuum stuck","515"="Charging erro","516"="Mop temperature error","521"="Water tank is not installed","522"="Mop is not installed","525"="Insufficient water in water tank","527"="Remove mop","528"="Dust bin missing","529"="Mop and water tank missing","530"="Mop and water tank missin","531"="Water tank is not installed","2101"="Unsufficient battery, continuing cleaning after recharge","2103"="Charging","2104"="Fully charged"] |
battery_life | Number | Battery | |
box_type | Number | Box type | Value mapping ["0"="No Bin","1"="Sweep","2"="Mop","3"="Sweep and Mop"] |
mop_type | Number | mop_type | |
mop_route | Number | Mop Route | Value mapping ["0"="S-Pattern","1"="Y-Pattern"] |
s_time | Number | Clean time | |
s_area | Number | Clean Area | |
suction_grade | Number | suction_grade | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Basic","2"="Medium","3"="Strong"] |
water_grade | Number | water_grade | Value mapping ["11"="Low","12"="Medium","13"="High"] |
remember_map | Number | remember_map | |
has_map | Number | has_map | |
is_mop | Number | is_mop | Value mapping ["0"="Vacuum","1"="Vacuum And Mop","2"="Mop","3"="CleanZone","4"="CleanSpot"] |
has_newmap | Number | has_newmap |
# Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P (viomi.vacuum.v8) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
vacuumaction | Number | Vacuum Action | Value mapping ["1"="Start","0"="Stop","2"="Pause","3"="Dock"] |
state | Number | State | Value mapping ["0"="Idle Undocked","1"="Idle","2"="Paused","3"="Sweeping","4"="Go Charging","5"="Charging","6"="Sweeping and Mopping","7"="Mopping"] |
mode | Number | Clean Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Everywhere","1"="Edges","2"="Surface","3"="Fixed Location"] |
err_state | Number | Error | Value mapping ["0"="Sleeping and not charging","500"="Radar timed out","501"="Wheels stuck","502"="Low battery","503"="Dust bin missing","508"="Uneven ground","509"="Cliff sensor erro","510"="Collision sensor error","511"="Could not return to dock","512"="Could not return to dock","513"="Could not navigate","514"="Vacuum stuck","515"="Charging erro","516"="Mop temperature error","521"="Water tank is not installed","522"="Mop is not installed","525"="Insufficient water in water tank","527"="Remove mop","528"="Dust bin missing","529"="Mop and water tank missing","530"="Mop and water tank missin","531"="Water tank is not installed","2101"="Unsufficient battery, continuing cleaning after recharge","2103"="Charging","2104"="Fully charged"] |
battery_life | Number | Battery | |
box_type | Number | Box type | Value mapping ["0"="No Bin","1"="Sweep","2"="Mop","3"="Sweep and Mop"] |
mop_type | Number | mop_type | |
mop_route | Number | Mop Route | Value mapping ["0"="S-Pattern","1"="Y-Pattern"] |
s_time | Number | Clean time | |
s_area | Number | Clean Area | |
suction_grade | Number | suction_grade | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Basic","2"="Medium","3"="Strong"] |
water_grade | Number | water_grade | Value mapping ["11"="Low","12"="Medium","13"="High"] |
remember_map | Number | remember_map | |
has_map | Number | has_map | |
is_mop | Number | is_mop | Value mapping ["0"="Vacuum","1"="Vacuum And Mop","2"="Mop","3"="CleanZone","4"="CleanSpot"] |
has_newmap | Number | has_newmap |
# Viomi S9 (viomi.vacuum.v18) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
vacuumaction | String | Vacuum Action | Value mapping ["start-sweep"="Sweep","stop-sweeping"="Stop Sweep","pause"="Pause","start-charge"="Goto Dock","stop-massage"="Stop Sweep","start-mop"="Start Mop","start-only-sweep"="Start Sweep Only","start-sweep-mop"="Start Sweep Mop"] |
status | Number | Robot Cleaner - Status | Value mapping ["0"="Sleep","1"="Idle","2"="Paused","3"="Go Charging","4"="Charging","5"="Sweeping","6"="Sweeping and Mopping","7"="Mopping"] |
fault | Number | Robot Cleaner - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="Low Battery Find Charge","2"="Low Bat Need Poweroff","3"="Wheel Trap","4"="Collision Error","5"="Tile Do Task","6"="Lidar Point Err","7"="Front Wall Err","8"="Along Wall Err","9"="Mid Brush Err","10"="Side Brush Err","11"="Fan Err","12"="Lidar Cover","13"="Garbage Full","14"="Garbage Out","15"="Garbage Full Out","16"="Trapped","17"="Pick Up","20"="Cannot Arrive","21"="Start From Forbid","22"="Drop","23"="Kit Water Pump","24"="Find Charge Failed","18"="Garbage Out","25"="No Mop Clean","26"="Low Battery Cant Clean"] |
wdr-mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Wide Dynamic Range Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Mode 0","1"="Mode 1","2"="Mode 2"] |
door-state | Number | Robot Cleaner - Door State | Value mapping ["0"="Door 0","1"="Door 1","2"="Door 2","3"="Door 3"] |
contact-state | Number | Robot Cleaner - Contact State | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
contact-state1 | Number:Time | Robot Cleaner - Contact State | |
contact-state2 | Number | Robot Cleaner - Contact State | |
mute | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mute | |
sweep-type | Number | Robot Cleaner - Sweep Type | Value mapping ["0"="Total","2"="Wall","3"="Zone","4"="Point","5"="Control"] |
mode | Number | Robot Cleaner - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Basic","2"="Medium","3"="Strong"] |
battery-level | Number:Dimensionless | Battery - Battery Level | |
repeat-state | Switch | Viomi Vacuum - Repeat State | |
remember-state | Switch | Viomi Vacuum - Remember State | Value mapping ["0"="å…³","1"="å¼€"] |
mop-route | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Mop Route | Value mapping ["0"="C-Curved","1"="Y-Route"] |
side-brush-life | Number:Dimensionless | Viomi Vacuum - Side Brush Life | |
side-brush-hours | Number:Time | Viomi Vacuum - Side Brush Hours | |
main-brush-life | Number:Dimensionless | Viomi Vacuum - Main Brush Life | |
main-brush-hours | Number:Time | Viomi Vacuum - Main Brush Hours | |
hypa-life | Number:Dimensionless | Viomi Vacuum - Hypa Life | |
hypa-hours | Number:Time | Viomi Vacuum - Hypa Hours | |
mop-life | Number:Dimensionless | Viomi Vacuum - Mop Life | |
mop-hours | Number:Time | Viomi Vacuum - Mop Hours | |
suction-grade | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Suction Grade | Value mapping ["0"="Silent","1"="Standard","2"="Medium","3"="Strong"] |
water-grade | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Water Grade | Value mapping ["0"="1 Block","1"="2 Blocks","2"="3 Blocks"] |
map-num | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Map Num | |
time-zone | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Time Zone | |
clean-start-time | Number:Time | Viomi Vacuum - Clean Start Time | |
clean-use-time | Number:Time | Viomi Vacuum - Clean Use Time | |
clean-area | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Clean Area | |
clean-map-url | String | Viomi Vacuum - Clean Map Url | |
clean-mode | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Clean Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Everywhere","1"="Edges","2"="Surface","3"="Fixed Location"] |
clean-way | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Clean Way | Value mapping ["0"="Sweep Floor","1"="Sweep","2"="Mop"] |
cur-lang | String | Viomi Vacuum - Cur Lang | |
cur-map-id | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Cur Map Id | |
cur-map-url | String | Viomi Vacuum - Cur Map Url | |
last-update-time | Number:Time | Viomi Vacuum - Last Update Time | |
has-map | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Has Map | Value mapping ["0"="No map in memory","1"="Map in memory"] |
has-newmap | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Has Newmap | Value mapping ["0"="None","1"="New","2"="Cover"] |
dust-collection | Number | Viomi Vacuum - Dust Collection | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Open"] |
dnd-enable | Number | Order - Dnd Enable | Value mapping ["0"="Disabled","1"="Enabled"] |
dnd-start-hour | Number:Time | Order - Dnd Start Hour | |
dnd-start-minute | Number:Time | Order - Dnd Start Minute | |
dnd-end-hour | Number:Time | Order - Dnd End Hour | |
dnd-end-minute | Number:Time | Order - Dnd End Minute | |
dnd-timezone | Number | Order - Dnd Timezone | |
timestamp | Number | Order - Timestamp | |
orderdata | String | Order - Orderdata | |
target-point | String | Point Zone - Target Point | |
map-type | Number | Map - Map Type | Value mapping ["0"="Upload to url0","1"="Upload to url1","2"="Upload to url2"] |
map-id | Number | Map - Map Id | |
map-name | String | Map - Map Name | |
cur-cleaning-path | String | Map - Cur Cleaning Path | |
map-list | String | Map - Map List | |
oper-result | String | Map - Oper Result | |
auto-area-id | Number | Map - Auto Area Id | |
target-voice | String | Voice - Target Voice | |
cur-voice | String | Voice - Cur Voice | |
download-status | Number | Voice - Download Status | Value mapping ["0"="Free","1"="Downloading"] |
download-progress | Number:Dimensionless | Voice - Download Progress |
# VIOMI Internet Electric Water Heater 1A (60L) (viomi.waterheater.e1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
washStatus | Number | Wash Status | |
velocity | Number | Velocity | |
waterTemp | Number:Temperature | Water Temperature | |
targetTemp | Number:Temperature | Target Temperature | |
errStatus | Number | Error Status | |
hotWater | Number | Hot Water | |
needClean | Switch | Need Clean | |
modeType | Number | Mode | |
appointStart | Number | Appoint Start | |
appointEnd | Number | Appoint End |
# Mi Inverter Air Conditioner (1.5HP) (xiaomi.aircondition.ma1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Cool","2"="Dry","3"="Heat","4"="Fan"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status |
# Mi Inverter Air Conditioner (1.5HP, China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.ma2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Cool","2"="Dry","3"="Heat","4"="Fan"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status |
# Mi Vertical Air Conditioner (2HP) (xiaomi.aircondition.ma4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Cool","2"="Dry","3"="Heat","4"="Fan"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status |
# Mi Smart Vertical Air Conditioner C1 (2HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.ma5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Cool","2"="Dry","3"="Heat","4"="Fan"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status |
# Mi Smart Air Conditioner C1 (1.5HP / Conventional / China Energy Label Level 3) (xiaomi.aircondition.ma6) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Cool","2"="Dry","3"="Heat","4"="Fan"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status |
# Mi Smart Air Conditioner C1 (1HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.ma9) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["1"="Cool","2"="Dry","3"="Heat","4"="Fan"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status |
# Mi Smart Air Conditioner A (1HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mc1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Air Conditioner A (1.5HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mc2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Air Conditioner A (1HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level <1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mc4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Air Conditioner A (1.5HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level <1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mc5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Vertical Air Conditioner A (2HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level <1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mc6) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Vertical Air Conditioner A (3HP / Inverter / China Energy Label Level <1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mc7) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Air Conditioner(1.5HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 3) (xiaomi.aircondition.mc8) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Vertical Air Conditioner(2HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 3) (xiaomi.aircondition.mc9) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Vertical Air Conditioner (2HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.c10) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Vertical Air Conditioner (3HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.c11) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Air Conditioner C (1HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mh1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Air Conditioner C (1.5HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mh2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Air Conditioner(1HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 3) (xiaomi.aircondition.mh3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Air Conditioner X (1HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mt1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Air Conditioner X (1.5HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mt2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Gentle Breeze Air Conditioner (1HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mt3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Gentle Breeze Air Conditioner (1.5HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mt4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Gentle Breeze Vertical Air Conditioner (3HP / Inverter / New China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mt5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Air Conditioner (1HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mt7) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Mi Smart Ultra Electricity Saving Air Conditioner (1.5HP/Inverter/New China Energy Label Level 1) (xiaomi.aircondition.mt8) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Air Conditioner - Mode | Value mapping ["2"="Cool","3"="Dry","4"="Fan","5"="Heat"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Air Conditioner - Target Temperature | |
eco | Switch | Air Conditioner - Eco | |
heater | Switch | Air Conditioner - Heater | |
dryer | Switch | Air Conditioner - Dryer | |
sleep-mode | Switch | Air Conditioner - Sleep Mode | |
fan-level | Number | Fan Control - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","4"="Level4","5"="Level5","6"="Level6","7"="Level7"] |
vertical-swing | Switch | Fan Control - Vertical Swing | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
electricity | Number:Energy | Power consumption accumulation in kWh | |
elec-count | Number | Electricity - Count | |
clean | String | Maintenance - Clean | |
examine | String | Maintenance - Examine | |
running-duration | Number:Time | Maintenance - Running Duration | |
fan-percent | Number:Dimentionless | Fan Speed % | |
timer | String | Enhance - Timer |
# Uclean Smart Toilet Seat ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
seat_temp | Number:Temperature | Seat Temperature | |
status_seatheat | Number | Seat Status | |
water_temp_t | Number:Temperature | Water Temperature | |
fan_temp | Number:Temperature | Fan Temperature | |
status_led | Number | Night Light |
# Uclean Smart Toilet pure (xjx.toilet.pure) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
seat_temp | Number:Temperature | Seat Temperature | |
status_seatheat | Number | Seat Status | |
water_temp_t | Number:Temperature | Water Temperature | |
fan_temp | Number:Temperature | Fan Temperature | |
status_led | Number | Night Light |
# Uclean Smart Toilet relax (xjx.toilet.relax) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
seat_temp | Number:Temperature | Seat Temperature | |
status_seatheat | Number | Seat Status | |
water_temp_t | Number:Temperature | Water Temperature | |
fan_temp | Number:Temperature | Fan Temperature | |
status_led | Number | Night Light |
# Whale Spout Smart Toilet Zero ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
seat_temp | Number:Temperature | Seat Temperature | |
status_seatheat | Number | Seat Status | |
water_temp_t | Number:Temperature | Water Temperature | |
fan_temp | Number:Temperature | Fan Temperature | |
status_led | Number | Night Light |
# Yeelight Smart Bath Heater Pro (yeelink.bhf_light.v1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
bh_mode | String | Bath Heater mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
nightlightBrightness | Number | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Smart Bath Heater (yeelink.bhf_light.v2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
bh_mode | String | Bath Heater mode | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
nightlightBrightness | Number | Nightlight Brightness |
# Mi Bedside Lamp (yeelink.light.bslamp1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Mi Bedside Lamp 2 (yeelink.light.bslamp2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Bedside Lamp II (yeelink.light.bslamp3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Ceiling Light (yeelink.light.ceiling1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Ceiling Light SE (yeelink.light.ceiling2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight LED Ceiling Light (yeelink.light.ceiling3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight LED Ceiling Light (yeelink.light.ceiling4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
ambientBrightness | Dimmer | Ambient Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
ambientPower | Switch | Ambient Power | |
ambientColor | Color | Ambient Color | |
ambientColorTemperature | Number | Ambient Color Temperature | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
ambientColorMode | Number | Ambient Color Mode | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling4.ambi) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Mi LED Ceiling Light (yeelink.light.ceiling5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight HaoShi LED Ceiling Lamp Pro (yeelink.light.ceiling6) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Haoshi Ceiling Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling7) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# LED Ceiling Light Crystal Plus (yeelink.light.ceiling8) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight HaoShi LED Ceiling Lamp Pro (yeelink.light.ceiling9) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Crystal Pendant Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling10) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
ambientBrightness | Dimmer | Ambient Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
ambientPower | Switch | Ambient Power | |
ambientColor | Color | Ambient Color | |
ambientColorTemperature | Number | Ambient Color Temperature | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
ambientColorMode | Number | Ambient Color Mode | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling10.ambi) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Ceiling Light 320 1S (yeelink.light.ceiling11) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Stylized Ceiling Light Pro (yeelink.light.ceiling12) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Ceiling Light (yeelink.light.ceiling13) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Ceiling Light Mini (yeelink.light.ceiling14) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Ceiling Light 480 1S (yeelink.light.ceiling15) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Xingyu Ceiling Light (yeelink.light.ceiling16) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight ShaoHua Celing Light (yeelink.light.ceiling17) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Ceiling Light Pro (yeelink.light.ceiling18) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Ceiling Light Pro (yeelink.light.ceiling19) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling19.ambi) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Ceiling Light (yeelink.light.ceiling20) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight LED Ceiling Ambi Lamp (yeelink.light.ceiling20.ambi) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Mi Smart LED Living Room Ceiling Light (yeelink.light.ceiling21) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Mi Smart LED Ceiling Light (yeelink.light.ceiling22) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Mi Smart LED Ceiling Light (350mm) (yeelink.light.ceiling23) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Jade Smart LED Ceiling Light C2001 (yeelink.light.ceil26) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Color Bulb (yeelink.light.color1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight LED Bulb (Color) (yeelink.light.color2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Mi LED Smart Bulb (White and Color) (yeelink.light.color3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight LED Bulb 1S(Color) (yeelink.light.color4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Mi Smart LED Bulb Essential (White and Color) (yeelink.light.color5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Smart LED Bulb 1SE (color) (yeelink.light.colora) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Smart LED Bulb W3 (color) (yeelink.light.colorb) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight LED Bulb (Tunable) (yeelink.light.ct2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Mi LED Desk Lamp (yeelink.light.lamp1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Mi Smart LED Desk Lamp Pro (yeelink.light.lamp2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight LED Lamp (yeelink.light.lamp3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Mi LED Desk Lamp 1S (yeelink.light.lamp4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Smart Desk Lamp Prime (yeelink.light.lamp5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight (yeelink.light.lamp6) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight LED Light Sensor Desk Lamp V1 (yeelink.light.lamp7) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight (yeelink.light.lamp8) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Star LED Table Lamp (yeelink.light.lamp9) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Star Floor Lamp (yeelink.light.lamp10) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Screen Light Bar (yeelink.light.lamp15) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number:Temperature | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
ambientBrightness | Dimmer | Ambient Brightness | |
ambientPower | Switch | Ambient Power | |
ambientColor | Color | Ambient Color | |
ambientColorTemperature | Number | Ambient Color Temperature | |
ambientColorMode | Number | Ambient Color Mode |
# Yeelight Bulb (yeelink.light.mono1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight White Bulb v2 (yeelink.light.mono2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight LED Bulb 1S(Dimmable) (yeelink.light.mono4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight LED Filament Bulb (yeelink.light.mono5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Mi Smart LED Bulb (yeelink.light.mono6) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight LED smart bulb W3(dimmable) (yeelink.light.monoa) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight GU10 Smart Bulb W1(dimmable) (yeelink.light.monob) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Whiteglow Panel Light (yeelink.light.panel1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yeelight Lightstrip (yeelink.light.strip1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Lightstrip Plus (yeelink.light.strip2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
rgbColor | Color | RGB Color | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
colorflow | Switch | Color Flow | |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Willow LED Lightstrip (yeelink.light.strip4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Light Group (Mi & Yeelight) (yeelink.light.virtual) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name |
# Yeelight Smart Dual Control Module (yeelink.switch.sw1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | First Switch - Switch Status | |
mode | Number | First Switch Default - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
mode1 | Number | First Switch - Delay | |
on1 | Switch | Second Switch - Switch Status | |
mode2 | Number | Second Switch Default - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="On"] |
mode3 | Number | Second Switch Service - Delay | |
interlock | Switch | Extension - Interlock | |
flash | Number | Extension - Flash | |
rc-list | String | Extension - Rc List |
# Yilai Ceiling Light Aiyue 480 (yilai.light.ceiling1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yilai Ceiling Lamp Hefeng 430 (yilai.light.ceiling2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Yilai Ceiling Lamp Hefeng Pro (yilai.light.ceiling3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
delayoff | Number:Time | Shutdown Timer | |
colorTemperature | Number | Color Temperature | |
colorMode | Number | Color Mode | Note, currently only supporting switching to RGB or CT mode. Value mapping ["0"="Default","2"="CT mode","1"="RGB mode","3"="HSV mode","4"="Color Flow mode","5"="Night Light mode"] |
name | String | Name | |
customScene | String | Set Scene | |
nightlightBrightness | Dimmer | Nightlight Brightness |
# Mi Water Purifier lx2 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier (Under Counter) (yunmi.waterpuri.lx3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier lx4 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier 1A/400G Pro (yunmi.waterpuri.lx5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier (Under Counter) (yunmi.waterpuri.lx6) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier 500G/500G Pro (yunmi.waterpuri.lx7) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier 600G (yunmi.waterpuri.lx8) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier D1 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx9) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier lx10 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx10) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier C1 (Triple Setting) (yunmi.waterpuri.lx11) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier S1 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx12) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier v1 (yunmi.waterpurifier.v1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier v2 (yunmi.waterpurifier.v2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier (Under sink) v3 (yunmi.waterpurifier.v3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Mi Water Purifier v4 (yunmi.waterpurifier.v4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
run_status | Number | Run Status | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
rinse | Number | Rinse | |
tds_in | Number | TDS in | |
tds_out | Number | TDS out | |
f1_totalflow | Number | Filter 1 Total Flow | |
f1_totaltime | Number | Filter 1 Total Time | |
f1_usedflow | Number | Filter 1 Used Flow | |
f1_usedtime | Number | Filter 1 Used Time | |
f2_totalflow | Number | Filter 2 Total Flow | |
f2_totaltime | Number | Filter 2 Total Time | |
f2_usedflow | Number | Filter 2 Used Flow | |
f2_usedtime | Number | Filter 2 Used Time | |
f3_totalflow | Number | Filter 3 Total Flow | |
f3_totaltime | Number | Filter 3 Total Time | |
f3_usedflow | Number | Filter 3 Used Flow | |
f3_usedtime | Number | Filter 3 Used Time | |
f4_totalflow | Number | Filter 4 Total Flow | |
f4_totaltime | Number | Filter 4 Total Time | |
f4_usedflow | Number | Filter 4 Used Flow | |
f4_usedtime | Number | Filter 4 Used Time | |
maintenance_state | Number | Maintenance State | |
maintenance_interval | Number | Maintenance Interval | |
tds_warn_thd | Number | TDS Warn Threshold | |
tds_out_avg | Number | Average TDS out | |
lightMode | Number | Light Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Simple Mode","1"="Special Mode"] |
# Smartmi Ventilation System (zhimi.airfresh.va2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
heater | Switch | Heater | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["interval"="Interval","silent"="Night","low"="1","middle"="2","strong"="3","auto"="Auto"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
co2 | Number:Dimensionless | CO2 | |
childLock | Switch | Child Lock | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
led_level | Number | Led - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="High","1"="Low","2"="Idle"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature |
# Smartmi Fresh Air System (Heating) (zhimi.airfresh.va4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
heater | Switch | Heater | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["interval"="Interval","silent"="Night","low"="1","middle"="2","strong"="3","auto"="Auto"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
co2 | Number:Dimensionless | CO2 | |
childLock | Switch | Child Lock | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
led_level | Number | Led - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="High","1"="Low","2"="Idle"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature |
# Mi Fresh Air Ventilator C1-80 (zhimi.airfresh.ua1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life"] |
on | Switch | Air Fresh - Switch Status | |
fault | Number | Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults"] |
fan_level | Number | Air Fresh - Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
heater | Switch | Heater | |
filter_used_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Used Time | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
brightness | Dimmer | Indicator Light - Brightness | |
motor_a_speed_rpm | Number | Custom Service - Motor A Speed Rpm | |
motor_b_speed_rpm | Number | Custom Service - Motor B Speed Rpm | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Custom Service - Temperature |
# Mi PM2.5 Air Quality Monitor (zhimi.airmonitor.v1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
battery | Number | Battery | |
usb_state | Switch | USB State | |
time_state | Switch | Time State | |
night_state | Switch | Night State | |
night_begin | Number | Night Begin Time | |
night_end | Number | Night End Time |
# Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Compact (zhimi.airp.cpa4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["air-purifier-toggle"="Air Purifier Toggle","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","custom-service-toggle-mode"="Custom Service Toggle Mode"] |
power | Switch | Air Purifier - Switch Status | |
fault | Number | Air Purifier - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","2"="Motor Stuck","3"="Sensor Lost"] |
mode | Number | Air Purifier - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Sleep","2"="Favorite"] |
pm2_5_density | Number | Environment - PM2 5 Density | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_used_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Used Time | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
brightness | Number:Dimensionless | Screen - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Off","1"="Bright","2"="Brightest"] |
motor_speed_rpm | Number | Custom Service - Motor Speed Rpm | |
country_code | Number | Custom Service - Country Code | Value mapping ["17230"="CN","17749"="EU","21843"="US"] |
favorite_level | Number | Custom Service - Favorite Level | |
filter_used_time_dbg | Number:Time | Custom Service - Filter Used Time Dbg | |
aqi_updata_heartbeat | Number | Aqi - Aqi Updata Heartbeat |
# Mi Air Purifier 3C (zhimi.airp.mb4a) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life"] |
on | Switch | Power | |
fault | String | Air Purifier - Device Fault | |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Sleep","2"="Favorite"] |
pm2_5_density | Number | Environment - PM2 5 Density | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_used_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Used Time | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
brightness | Number | Screen - Brightness | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
moto_speed_rpm | Number | Custom Service - Motor Speed Rpm | |
miio_lib_version | String | Custom Service - Miio Lib Version | |
favorite_speed | Number | Custom Service - Favorite Speed | |
aqi_updata_heartbeat | Number:Time | Custom Service - Aqi Updata Heartbeat |
# Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 (zhimi.airp.mb5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["air-purifier-toggle"="Air Purifier Toggle","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","custom-service-toggle-mode"="Custom Service Toggle Mode","custom-service-toggle-fan-level"="Custom Service Toggle Fan Level"] |
on | Switch | Air Purifier - Switch Status | |
fault | Number | Air Purifier - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="Sensor PM Error","2"="Temp Error","3"="Hum Error","4"="No Filter"] |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Sleep","2"="Favorite","3"="Manual"] |
fan_level | Number | Air Purifier - Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
anion | Switch | Air Purifier - Anion | |
relative_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
pm2_5_density | Number | Environment - PM2 5 Density | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_used_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Used Time | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
brightness | Number | Screen - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Bright","2"="Brightest"] |
temperature_display_unit | Number | Device Display Unit - Temperature Display Unit | Value mapping ["1"="Celsius","2"="Fahrenheit"] |
motor_speed_rpm | Number | Custom Service - Motor Speed Rpm | |
favorite_speed | Number | Custom Service - Favorite Speed | |
motor_set_speed | Number | Custom Service - Motor Set Speed | |
favorite_level | Number | Custom Service - Favorite Level | |
bottom_door | Switch | Custom Service - Bottom Door | |
reboot_cause | Number | Custom Service - Reboot Cause | Value mapping ["0"="REASON-HW-BOOT","1"="REASON-USER-REBOOT","2"="REASON-UPDATE","3"="REASON-WDT"] |
manual_level | Number | Custom Service - Manual Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
country_code | Number | Custom Service - Country Code | Value mapping ["2"="EU","1"="US","82"="KR","886"="TW","66"="TH","44"="UK","91"="IN"] |
iic_error_count | Number | Custom Service - Iic Error Count | |
filter_used_debug | Number:Time | Filter Time - Filter Used Debug | |
purify_volume | Number | Aqi - Purify Volume | |
average_aqi | Number | Aqi - Average Aqi | |
aqi_state | Number | Aqi - Aqi State | Value mapping ["0"="AQI-GOOD-L","1"="AQI-GOOD-H","2"="AQI-MID-L","3"="AQI-MID-H","4"="AQI-BAD-L","5"="AQI-BAD-H"] |
# Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Pro (zhimi.airp.vb4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["air-purifier-toggle"="Air Purifier Toggle","filter-reset-filter-life"="Filter Reset Filter Life","custom-service-toggle-mode"="Custom Service Toggle Mode","custom-service-toggle-fan-level"="Custom Service Toggle Fan Level"] |
on | Switch | Air Purifier - Switch Status | |
fault | Number | Air Purifier - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Faults","1"="Sensor PM Error","2"="Temp Error","3"="Hum Error","4"="No Filter"] |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Sleep","2"="Favorite","3"="Manual"] |
fan_level | Number | Air Purifier - Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
anion | Switch | Air Purifier - Anion | |
relative_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
pm2_5_density | Number | Environment - PM2 5 Density | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
pm10_density | Number | Environment - PM10 Density | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_used_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Used Time | |
filter_left_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Left Time | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked | |
brightness | Number | Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Close","1"="Bright","2"="Brightest"] |
temperature_display_unit | Number | Temperature Display Unit | Value mapping ["1"="Celsius","2"="Fahrenheit"] |
motor_speed_rpm | Number | Motor Speed Rpm | |
favorite_speed | Number | Favorite Speed | |
motor_set_speed | Number | Motor Set Speed | |
favorite_level | Number | Favorite Level | |
bottom_door | Switch | Bottom Door | |
reboot_cause | Number | Reboot Cause | Value mapping ["0"="REASON-HW-BOOT","1"="REASON-USER-REBOOT","2"="REASON-UPDATE","3"="REASON-WDT"] |
manual_level | Number | Manual Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
country_code | Number | Country Code | Value mapping ["2"="EU","1"="US","82"="KR","886"="TW","66"="TH","44"="UK","91"="IN"] |
filter_used_debug | Number:Time | Filter Time - Filter Used Debug | |
purify_volume | Number | Aqi - Purify Volume | |
average_aqi | Number | Aqi - Average Aqi | |
aqi_state | Number | Aqi - Aqi State | Value mapping ["0"="AQI-GOOD-L","1"="AQI-GOOD-H","2"="AQI-MID-L","3"="AQI-MID-H","4"="AQI-BAD-L","5"="AQI-BAD-H"] |
# Mi Air Purifier 2 (mini) (zhimi.airpurifier.m1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier 2 (zhimi.airpurifier.m2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier 2S (zhimi.airpurifier.ma1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier 2S (zhimi.airpurifier.ma2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
bright | Dimmer | LED Brightness | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number | Purivied Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier 3 (zhimi.airpurifier.ma4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
fault | Number | Air Purifier - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No faults","1"="m1_run","2"="m1_stuck","3"="no_sensor","4"="error_hum","5"="error_temp"] |
on | Switch | Air Purifier - Switch Status | |
fan-level | Number | Air Purifier - Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
mode | Number | Air Purifier - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Sleep","2"="Favorite","3"="None"] |
pm2_5-density | Number | Environment - Pm2.5 Density | |
relative-humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
filter-life-level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter-used-time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Used Time | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
brightness | Number:Dimensionless | Indicator Light - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="brightest","1"="glimmer","2"="led_closed"] |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
physical-controls-locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
button-pressed | String | Button - Button_pressed | |
filter-max-time | Number:Time | Filter Time - Filter Max Time | |
filter-hour-used-debug | Number | Filter Time - Filter Hour Used Debug | |
m1-strong | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Strong | |
m1-high | Number | Motor Speed - M1 High | |
m1-med | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Med | |
m1-med-l | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Med L | |
m1-low | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Low | |
m1-silent | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Silent | |
m1-favorite | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Favorite | |
motor1-speed | Number | Motor Speed - Motor1 Speed | |
motor1-set-speed | Number | Motor Speed - Motor1 Set Speed | |
favorite-fan-level | Number | Motor Speed - Favorite Fan Level | |
use-time | Number:Time | Use Time - Use Time | |
purify-volume | Number:Volume | Aqi - Purify Volume | |
average-aqi | Number | Aqi - Average Aqi | |
average-aqi-cnt | Number | Aqi - Average Aqi Cnt | |
aqi-zone | String | Aqi - Aqi Zone | |
sensor-state | String | Aqi - Sensor State | |
aqi-goodh | Number | Aqi - Aqi Goodh | |
aqi-runstate | Number | Aqi - Aqi Runstate | Value mapping ["0"="continue","1"="hold","2"="sleep"] |
aqi-state | Number | Aqi - Aqi State | Value mapping ["0"="AQI_GOOD_L","1"="AQI_GOOD_H","2"="AQI_MID_L","3"="AQI_MID_H","4"="AQI_BAD_L","5"="AQI_BAD_H"] |
aqi-updata-heartbeat | Number | Aqi - Aqi Updata Heartbeat | |
rfid-tag | String | Rfid - Rfid Tag | |
rfid-factory-id | String | Rfid - Rfid Factory Id | |
rfid-product-id | String | Rfid - Rfid Product Id | |
rfid-time | String | Rfid - Rfid Time | |
rfid-serial-num | String | Rfid - Rfid Serial Num | |
app-extra | Number | Others - App Extra | |
main-channel | Number | Others - Main Channel | |
slave-channel | Number | Others - Slave Channel | |
cola | String | Others - Cola | |
buttom-door | Switch | Others - Buttom Door | |
reboot-cause | Number | Others - Reboot_cause | Value mapping ["0"="REASON_HW_BOOT","1"="REASON_USER_REBOOT","2"="REASON_UPDATE","3"="REASON_WDT"] |
hw-version | Number | Others - Hw Version | |
i2c-error-count | Number | Others - I2c Error Count | |
manual-level | Number | Others - Manual Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
# Mi Air Purifier 2S (zhimi.airpurifier.mb1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier 3/3H (zhimi.airpurifier.mb3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
fault | Number | Air Purifier - Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No faults","1"="m1_run","2"="m1_stuck","3"="no_sensor","4"="error_hum","5"="error_temp"] |
on | Switch | Air Purifier - Switch Status | |
fan-level | Number | Air Purifier - Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
mode | Number | Air Purifier - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Sleep","2"="Favorite","3"="None"] |
pm2_5-density | Number | Environment - Pm2.5 density | |
relative-humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
filter-life-level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter-used-time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Used Time | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
brightness | Number:Dimensionless | Indicator Light - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Brightest","1"="Glimmer","2"="Led Closed"] |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
physical-controls-locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
button-pressed | String | Button - Button Pressed | |
filter-max-time | Number | Filter Time - Filter Max Time | |
filter-hour-debug | Number | Filter Time - Filter Hour Debug | |
motor-strong | Number | Motor Speed - Motor Strong | |
motor-high | Number | Motor Speed - Motor High | |
motor-med | Number | Motor Speed - Motor Med | |
motor-med-l | Number | Motor Speed - Motor Med L | |
motor-low | Number | Motor Speed - Motor Low | |
motor-silent | Number | Motor Speed - Motor Silent | |
motor-favorite | Number | Motor Speed - Motor Favorite | |
motor-speed | Number | Motor Speed - Motor Speed | |
motor-set-speed | Number | Motor Speed - Motor Set Speed | |
favorite-fan-level | Number | Motor Speed - Favorite Fan Level | |
use-time | Number:Time | Use Time - Use Time | |
purify-volume | Number:Volume | Aqi - Purify Volume | |
average-aqi | Number | Aqi - Average Aqi | |
average-aqi-cnt | Number | Aqi - Average Aqi Cnt | |
aqi-zone | String | Aqi - Aqi Zone | |
sensor-state | String | Aqi - Sensor State | |
aqi-goodh | Number | Aqi - Aqi Goodh | |
aqi-runstate | Number | Aqi - Aqi Runstate | Value mapping ["0"="continuous sampling","1"="preparing sampling","2"="stop sampling"] |
aqi-state | Number | Aqi - Aqi State | Value mapping ["0"="best","1"="good","2"="normal","3"="bad","4"="worse","5"="unhealthy"] |
aqi-updata-heartbeat | Number | Aqi - Aqi Updata Heartbeat | |
rfid-tag | String | Rfid - Rfid Tag | |
rfid-factory-id | String | Rfid - Rfid Factory Id | |
rfid-product-id | String | Rfid - Rfid Product Id | |
rfid-time | String | Rfid - Rfid Time | |
rfid-serial-num | String | Rfid - Rfid Serial Num | |
app-extra | Number | Others - App Extra | |
main-channel | Number | Others - Main Channel | |
slave-channel | Number | Others - Slave Channel | |
cola | String | Others - Cola | |
buttom-door | Switch | Others - Buttom Door | |
reboot-cause | Number | Others - Reboot Cause | Value mapping ["0"="hardware reboot","1"="software reboot","2"="update reboot","3"="dog reboot"] |
hw-version | Number | Others - Hw Version | |
iic-error-count | Number | Others - Iic Error Count | |
manual-level | Number | Others - Manual Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3"] |
country-code | Number | Others - National Code | Value mapping ["91"="India","44"="UK","852"="Hong Kong","886"="Taiwan","82"="Korea"] |
# Mi Air Purifier 3C (zhimi.airpurifier.mb4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Power | |
fault | String | Air Purifier - Device Fault | |
mode | Number | Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Sleep","2"="Favorite"] |
pm2_5_density | Number | Environment - Pm2 5 Density | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_used_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Used Time | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
brightness | Number | Screen - Brightness | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
moto_speed_rpm | Number | Custom Service - Moto Speed Rpm | |
miio_lib_version | String | Custom Service - Miio Lib Version | |
favorite_speed | Number | Custom Service - Favorite Speed | |
aqi_updata_heartbeat | Number:Time | Custom Service - Aqi Updata Heartbeat |
# Mi Air Purifier 2S (zhimi.airpurifier.mc1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier 2H (zhimi.airpurifier.mc2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier Super (zhimi.airpurifier.sa1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier MAX / MAX Pro (zhimi.airpurifier.sa2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier v1 (zhimi.airpurifier.v1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier v2 (zhimi.airpurifier.v2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier v3 (zhimi.airpurifier.v3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier v5 (zhimi.airpurifier.v5) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | Value mapping ["auto"="Auto","favorite"="Favorite","silent"="Silent","high"="High","medium"="Medium","idle"="Idle","strong"="Strong"] |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | Value mapping ["0"="Favorite 0","1"="Favorite 1","2"="Favorite 2","3"="Favorite 3","4"="Favorite 4","5"="Favorite 5","6"="Favorite 6","7"="Favorite 7","8"="Favorite 8","9"="Favorite 9","10"="Favorite 10","11"="Favorite 11","12"="Favorite 13","13"="Favorite 13","14"="Favorite 14","15"="Favorite 15"] |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number:Volume | Purified Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier Pro v6 (zhimi.airpurifier.v6) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
bright | Dimmer | LED Brightness | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
purifyvolume | Number | Purivied Volume | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier Pro v7 (zhimi.airpurifier.v7) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
averageaqi | Number | Average Air Quality Index | |
volume | Number | Volume | |
led | Switch | LED Status | |
illuminance | Number | Illuminance | |
filtermaxlife | Number | Filter Max Life | |
filterhours | Number:Time | Filter Hours used | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
motorspeed2 | Number | Motor Speed 2 | |
filterlife | Number | Filter Life | |
favoritelevel | Number | Favorite Level | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Air Purifier Pro H (zhimi.airpurifier.vb2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["button-toggle"="Toggle","button-toggle-mode"="Toggle Mode"] |
fault | Number | Air Purifier - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No faults","1"="m1_run","2"="m1_stuck","3"="no_sensor","4"="error_hum","5"="error_temp","6"="timer_error1","7"="timer_error2"] |
on | Switch | Air Purifier - Power | |
fan_level | Number | Air Purifier - Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level1","2"="Level2","3"="Level3","0"="Sleep"] |
mode | Number | Air Purifier - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Night","2"="Favourite","3"="Manual"] |
pm2_5_density | Number | Environment - PM2 5 Density | |
relative_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_used_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Used Time | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
volume | Number:Dimensionless | Alarm - Volume | |
brightness | Number | Indicator Light - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="brightest","1"="glimmer","2"="not bright"] |
on1 | Switch | Indicator Light - Switch Status | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
button_pressed | String | Button - Button_pressed | |
filter_max_time | Number:Time | Filter Time - Filter Max Time | |
filter_hour_used_debug | Number:Time | Filter Time - Filter Hour Used Debug | |
m1_strong | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Strong | |
m1_high | Number | Motor Speed - M1 High | |
m1_med | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Med | |
m1_med_l | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Med L | |
m1_low | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Low | |
m1_silent | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Silent | |
m1_favorite | Number | Motor Speed - M1 Favorite | |
motor1_speed | Number | Motor Speed - Motor1 Speed | |
motor1_set_speed | Number | Motor Speed - Motor1 Set Speed | |
favorite_level | Number | Motor Speed - Favorite Level | |
use_time | Number:Time | Use Time - Use Time | |
purify_volume | Number | Aqi - Purify Volume | |
average_aqi | Number | Aqi - Average Aqi | |
average_aqi_cnt | Number | Aqi - Average_aqi Read Times | |
aqi_zone | String | Aqi - Aqi Zone | |
sensor_state | Number | Aqi - Sensor State | Value mapping ["0"="waiting","1"="ready"] |
aqi_goodh | Number | Aqi - Aqi Goodh | |
aqi_runstate | Number | Aqi - Runstate | Value mapping ["0"="continue","1"="hold","2"="sleep"] |
aqi_state | Number | Aqi - Aqi State | Value mapping ["0"="AQI_GOOD_L","1"="AQI_GOOD_H","2"="AQI_MID_L","3"="AQI_MID_H","4"="AQI_BAD_L","5"="AQI_BAD_H"] |
rfid_tag | String | Rfid - Rfid Tag | |
rfid_factory_id | String | Rfid - Rfid Factory Id | |
rfid_product_id | String | Rfid - Rfid Product Id | |
rfid_time | String | Rfid - Rfid Time | |
rfid_serial_num | String | Rfid - Rfid Serial Num | |
app_extra | Number | Others - App Extra | |
main_channel | Number | Others - Main Channel | |
slave_channel | Number | Others - Slave Channel | |
cola | String | Others - Cola | |
buttom_door | String | Others - Buttom Door | |
reboot_cause | Number | Others - Reboot_cause | Value mapping ["0"="REASON_HW_BOOT","1"="REASON_USER_REBOOT","2"="REASON_UPDATE","3"="REASON_WDT"] |
manual_level | Number | Others - Manual Level | Value mapping ["1"="level1","2"="level2","3"="level3"] |
powertime | Number:Time | Others - Powertime | |
country_code | Number | Others - Country Code | Value mapping ["91"="India","44"="UK","852"="Hong Kong","886"="Taiwan","82"="Korea"] |
# Smartmi Air Purifier (zhimi.airpurifier.za1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Air Purifier - Switch Status | |
fault | Number | Air Purifier - Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No faults","1"="m1_run","2"="m1_stuck","3"="no_sensor","4"="error_hum","5"="error_temp","6"="timer_error1","7"="timer_error2"] |
mode | Number | Air Purifier - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Sleep","2"="Favorite"] |
air_quality | Number | Environment - Air Quality | |
pm2_5_density | Number | Environment - PM2 5 Density | |
relative_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
filter_life_level | Number:Dimensionless | Filter - Filter Life Level | |
filter_used_time | Number:Time | Filter - Filter Used Time | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
brightness | Number | Indicator Light - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Light","2"="Off"] |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
filter_max_time | Number:Time | Filter Time - Filter Max Time | |
favorite_fan_level | Number | Motor Speed - Favorite Fan Level | |
motor_speed | Number | Motor Speed - Motor Speed | |
use_time | Number:Time | Use Time - Use Time | |
purify_volume | Number | Aqi - Purify Volume | |
average_aqi | Number | Aqi - Average Aqi | |
aqi_zone | String | Aqi - Aqi Zone | |
sensor_state | Number | Aqi - Sensor State | Value mapping ["0"="waiting","1"="ready"] |
rfid_tag | String | Rfid - Rfid Tag | |
rfid_factory_id | String | Rfid - Rfid Factory Id | |
rfid_product_id | String | Rfid - Rfid Product Id | |
rfid_time | String | Rfid - Rfid Time | |
rfid_serial_num | String | Rfid - Rfid Serial Num | |
reboot_cause | Number | Others - Reboot Cause | Value mapping ["0"="hardware","1"="human","2"="upgrade","3"="watchdog"] |
hw_version | Number | Others - Hw Version | |
sgp_ethanol | Number | Others - Sgp Ethanol | |
sgp_serial | Number | Others - Sgp Serial | |
sgp_version | String | Others - Sgp Version | |
country_code | Number | Others - Country Code | Value mapping ["1"="America","2"="Canada","3"="Singapore","4"="Europe","5"="Australian","6"="Korea","7"="China","8"="France","9"="Japanese","10"="Taiwan"] |
gesture_status | Switch | Others - Gesture Status |
# Mi Standing Fan ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
angleEnable | Switch | Rotation | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
angle | Number:Angle | Angle | Value mapping ["30"="30","60"="60","90"="90","120"="120"] |
poweroffTime | Number:Time | Power-Off Timer | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer | |
led_b | Number | LED | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dimmed","2"="Off"] |
child_lock | Switch | Child Lock | |
speedLevel | Dimmer | Speed Level | |
speed | Number | Speed | |
naturalLevel | Dimmer | Natural Level | |
acPower | Switch | AC Power | |
move | String | Move Direction | Value mapping [""="None","left"="Left","right"="Right"] |
# Mi Smart Fan ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
angleEnable | Switch | Rotation | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
angle | Number:Angle | Angle | Value mapping ["30"="30","60"="60","90"="90","120"="120"] |
poweroffTime | Number:Time | Power-Off Timer | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer | |
led_b | Number | LED | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dimmed","2"="Off"] |
child_lock | Switch | Child Lock | |
speedLevel | Dimmer | Speed Level | |
speed | Number | Speed | |
naturalLevel | Dimmer | Natural Level | |
temp_dec | Number | Temperature | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
acPower | Switch | AC Power | |
mode | String | Battery Charge | |
battery | Number | Battery | |
move | String | Move Direction | Value mapping [""="None","left"="Left","right"="Right"] |
# Smartmi DC Pedestal Fan ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
angleEnable | Switch | Rotation | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
angle | Number:Angle | Angle | Value mapping ["30"="30","60"="60","90"="90","120"="120"] |
poweroffTime | Number:Time | Power-Off Timer | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer | |
led_b | Number | LED | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dimmed","2"="Off"] |
child_lock | Switch | Child Lock | |
speedLevel | Dimmer | Speed Level | |
speed | Number | Speed | |
naturalLevel | Dimmer | Natural Level | |
temp_dec | Number | Temperature | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
acPower | Switch | AC Power | |
mode | String | Battery Charge | |
battery | Number | Battery | |
move | String | Move Direction | Value mapping [""="None","left"="Left","right"="Right"] |
# Smartmi DC Pedestal Fan ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
angleEnable | Switch | Rotation | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
angle | Number:Angle | Angle | Value mapping ["30"="30","60"="60","90"="90","120"="120"] |
poweroffTime | Number:Time | Power-Off Timer | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer | |
led_b | Number | LED | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dimmed","2"="Off"] |
child_lock | Switch | Child Lock | |
speedLevel | Dimmer | Speed Level | |
speed | Number | Speed | |
naturalLevel | Dimmer | Natural Level | |
temp_dec | Number | Temperature | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
acPower | Switch | AC Power | |
mode | String | Battery Charge | |
battery | Number | Battery | |
move | String | Move Direction | Value mapping [""="None","left"="Left","right"="Right"] |
# Smartmi Inverter Pedestal Fan ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
angleEnable | Switch | Rotation | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
angle | Number:Angle | Angle | Value mapping ["30"="30","60"="60","90"="90","120"="120"] |
poweroffTime | Number:Time | Power-Off Timer | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer | |
led_b | Number | LED | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dimmed","2"="Off"] |
child_lock | Switch | Child Lock | |
speedLevel | Dimmer | Speed Level | |
speed | Number | Speed | |
naturalLevel | Dimmer | Natural Level | |
acPower | Switch | AC Power | |
move | String | Move Direction | Value mapping [""="None","left"="Left","right"="Right"] |
# Smartmi Standing Fan 2 ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
angleEnable | Switch | Rotation | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
angle | Number | Angle | |
poweroffTime | Number | Timer | |
buzzer | Number | Buzzer | |
led_b | Number | LED | |
child_lock | Switch | Child Lock | |
speedLevel | Number | Speed Level | |
speed | Number | Speed | |
naturalLevel | Number | Natural Level | |
move | String | Move Direction | Value mapping [""="None","left"="Left","right"="Right"] |
# Smartmi Standing Fan 2S ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
angleEnable | Switch | Rotation | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
angle | Number | Angle | |
poweroffTime | Number | Timer | |
buzzer | Number | Buzzer | |
led_b | Number | LED | |
child_lock | Switch | Child Lock | |
speedLevel | Number | Speed Level | |
speed | Number | Speed | |
naturalLevel | Number | Natural Level | |
move | String | Move Direction | Value mapping [""="None","left"="Left","right"="Right"] |
# Smartmi Standing Fan 3 ( Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Fan - Power | |
fan_level | Number | Fan - Fan Level | Value mapping ["1"="Level 1","2"="Level 2","3"="Level 3","4"="Level 4"] |
horizontal_swing | Switch | Fan - Horizontal Swing | |
horizontal_angle | Number | Fan - Horizontal Angle | |
mode | Number | Fan - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Natural Wind","1"="Straight Wind"] |
off_delay | Number | Fan - Power Off Delay | |
anion | Switch | Fan - Anion | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
brightness | Number:Dimensionless | Indicator Light - Brightness | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
relative_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
button_press | Number | Custom Service - Button Press | Value mapping ["1"="power","2"="swing","0"="No Button Pressed"] |
battery_state | Switch | Custom Service - Battery State | |
speed_now | Number | Custom Service - Speed Now | |
ac_state | Switch | Custom Service - Ac State | |
speed_level | Number:Dimensionless | Custom Service - Speed Level |
# Mi Smart Space Heater S (zhimi.heater.ma2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Heater - Switch Status | |
fault | Number | Heater - Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="NTC Connect Error","2"="High Temperature Alarm","3"="EEPROM Error","4"="Multi Errors"] |
target_temperature | Number:Temperature | Heater - Target Temperature | |
countdown_time | Number:Time | Countdown - Countdown Time | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
brightness | Number:Dimensionless | Indicator Light - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dark","2"="Extinguished"] |
hw_enable | Switch | Private Service - Hw Enable | |
use_time | Number:Time | Private Service - Use Time |
# Mi Smart Baseboard Heater E (zhimi.heater.ma3) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
actions | String | Actions | Value mapping ["private-service-toggle-switch"="Toggle Private Service"] |
on | Switch | Heater - Switch Status | |
fault | Number | Heater - Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="NTC Connect Error","2"="High Temperature Alarm","3"="EEPROM Error","4"="Multi Errors"] |
target_temperature | Number:Temperature | Heater - Target Temperature | |
mode | Number | Heater - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="LL Mode","2"="HH Mode"] |
countdown_time | Number:Time | Countdown - Countdown Time | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
brightness | Number:Dimensionless | Indicator Light - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dark","2"="Extinguished"] |
use_time | Number:Time | Private Service - Use Time |
# Mi Smart Space Heater S (zhimi.heater.mc2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Heater - Power | |
fault | Number | Heater - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="NTC Connect Error","2"="High Temperature Alarm","3"="EEPROM Error","4"="Multi Errors"] |
target_temperature | Number:Temperature | Heater - Target Temperature | |
countdown_time | Number:Time | Countdown - Countdown Time | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
brightness | Number | Indicator Light - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dark","2"="Extinguished"] |
hw_enable | Switch | Private Service - Hw Enable | |
use_time | Number:Time | Private Service - Use Time | |
country_code | Number | Private Service - Country Code | Value mapping ["0"="Unknown","1"="US","82"="KR","44"="EU","81"="JP","7"="RU","86"="CN","852"="HK","886"="TW","33"="FR"] |
# Smartmi Smart Fan (zhimi.heater.na1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Heater - Power | |
fault | Number | Heater - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="NTC Connect Error","2"="High Temperature Alarm","3"="EEPROM Error","4"="Multi Errors"] |
heat_level | Number | Heater - Heat Level | Value mapping ["1"="High","2"="Low"] |
mode | Number | Heater - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Fan not swing","1"="Fan swing"] |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
countdown_time | Number:Time | Countdown - Countdown Time | |
brightness | Number | Indicator Light - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dark","2"="Extinguished"] |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
return_to_middle | Switch | Private Service - Return To Middle |
# Smartmi Smart Fan Heater (zhimi.heater.nb1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Heater - Power | |
fault | Number | Heater - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="NTC Connect Error","2"="High Temperature Alarm","3"="EEPROM Error","4"="Multi Errors"] |
heat_level | Number | Heater - Heat Level | Value mapping ["1"="High","2"="Low"] |
mode | Number | Heater - Mode | Value mapping ["0"="Fan not swing","1"="Fan swing"] |
target_temperature | Number:Temperature | Heater - Target Temperature | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
countdown_time | Number:Time | Countdown - Countdown Time | |
brightness | Number | Indicator Light - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dark","2"="Extinguished"] |
physical_controls_locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked | |
return_to_middle | Switch | Private Service - Return To Middle | |
country_code | Number | Private Service - Country Code | Value mapping ["0"="Unknown","1"="US","82"="KR","44"="EU","81"="JP","7"="RU","86"="CN","852"="HK","886"="TW","33"="FR"] |
hw_en | Switch | Private Service - Hw En |
# Smartmi Radiant Heater Smart Version (zhimi.heater.za1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
target_temperature | Number:Temperature | Target Temperature | |
brightness | Dimmer | Brightness | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
relative_humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Relative Humidity | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock | |
HWSwitch | Switch | HW Switch | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time |
# Smartmi Smart Convector Heater 1S (zhimi.heater.za2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
fault | Number | Heater - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="NTC Connect Error","2"="High Temperature Alarm","3"="EEPROM Error","4"="Multi Errors"] |
on | Switch | Heater - Power | |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Heater - Target Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
countdown-time | Number:Time | Countdown - Countdown Time | |
relative-humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
brightness | Number | Indicator Light - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dark","2"="Extinguished"] |
physical-controls-locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Controls Locked | |
use-time | Number:Time | Private-Service - Use Time |
# Smartmi Smart Convector Heater 1S (zhimi.heater.zb1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
on | Switch | Heater - Power | |
fault | Number | Heater - Device Fault | Value mapping ["0"="No Error","1"="NTC Connect Error","2"="High Temperature Alarm","3"="EEPROM Error","4"="Multi Errors"] |
target-temperature | Number:Temperature | Heater - Target Temperature | |
alarm | Switch | Alarm - Alarm | |
countdown-time | Number:Time | Countdown - Countdown Time | |
relative-humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Environment - Relative Humidity | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Environment - Temperature | |
brightness | Number | Indicator Light - Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Bright","1"="Dark","2"="Extinguished"] |
physical-controls-locked | Switch | Physical Control Locked - Physical Controls Locked | |
use-time | Number:Time | Private-Service - Use Time | |
country-code | Number | Private-Service - Country-Code | Value mapping ["0"="Unknown","1"="US","82"="KR","44"="EU","81"="JP","7"="RU","86"="CN","852"="HK","886"="TW","33"="FR"] |
# Smartmi Evaporative Humidifier (zhimi.humidifier.ca1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
setHumidity | Number | Humidity Set | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
translevel | Number | Trans_level | |
bright | Dimmer | LED Brightness | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
depth | Number | Depth | |
dry | Switch | Dry | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Smartmi Evaporative Humidifer 2 (zhimi.humidifier.ca4) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | Number | Mode - Fan Level | Value mapping ["0"="Auto","1"="Silent","2"="Normal","3"="Maximum"] |
Fault | Number | Humidifier Device Fault | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
targetHumidity | Number:Dimensionless | Target Humidity | |
waterlevel | Number | Water Level | |
bright | Number | LED Brightness | Value mapping ["0"="Dark","1"="Dimmed","2"="Brightest"] |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
dry | Switch | Dry | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
powerhours | Number:Time | Power Time | |
targetmotorspeed | Number | Target Motor Speed | |
actualmotorspeed | Number | Actual Motor Speed | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock | |
ButtonPressed | Number | Button Pressed | Value mapping ["0"="none","1"="led","2"="power"] |
clean | Switch | Clean Mode |
# Smartmi Evaporative Humidifier (zhimi.humidifier.cb1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
humidifierMode | String | Humidifier Mode | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
setHumidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity Set | |
bright | Dimmer | LED Brightness | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
depth | Number | Depth | |
dry | Switch | Dry | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Smartmi Evaporative Humidifier (zhimi.humidifier.cb2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
humidifierMode | String | Humidifier Mode | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
setHumidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity Set | |
bright | Dimmer | LED Brightness | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
depth | Number | Depth | |
dry | Switch | Dry | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Smartmi Humidifier (zhimi.humidifier.v1) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
mode | String | Mode | |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | Humidity | |
setHumidity | Number | Humidity Set | |
aqi | Number | Air Quality Index | |
translevel | Number | Trans_level | |
bright | Dimmer | LED Brightness | |
buzzer | Switch | Buzzer Status | |
depth | Number | Depth | |
dry | Switch | Dry | |
usedhours | Number:Time | Run Time | |
motorspeed | Number | Motor Speed | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
childlock | Switch | Child Lock |
# Mi Smart Power Strip (zimi.powerstrip.v2) Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
power | Switch | Power | |
powerUsage | Number | Power Consumption | |
led | Switch | wifi LED | |
power_price | Number | power_price | |
current | Number | Current | |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | |
lp_autooff | Number | Low Power Auto Off | |
lp_autooff_delay | Number | Low Power Limit Time | |
lp_threshold | Number | Low Power Threshold |
# Example item file Rockrobo vacuum
Group gVac "Xiaomi Robot Vacuum" <fan>
Group gVacStat "Status Details" <status> (gVac)
Group gVacCons "Consumables Usage" <line-increase> (gVac)
Group gVacDND "Do Not Disturb Settings" <moon> (gVac)
Group gVacHist "Cleaning History" <calendar> (gVac)
Group gVacLast "Last Cleaning Details" <calendar> (gVac)
String actionControl "Vacuum Control" {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:actions#control" }
String actionCommand "Vacuum Command" {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:actions#commands" }
Number statusBat "Battery Level [%1.0f%%]" <battery> (gVac,gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#battery" }
Number statusArea "Cleaned Area [%1.0fm²]" <zoom> (gVac,gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#clean_area" }
Number statusTime "Cleaning Time [%1.0f']" <clock> (gVac,gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#clean_time" }
String statusError "Error [%s]" <error> (gVac,gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#error_code" }
Number statusFanPow "Fan Power [%1.0f%%]" <signal> (gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#fan_power" }
Number statusClean "In Cleaning Status [%1.0f]" <switch> (gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#in_cleaning" }
Switch statusDND "DND Activated" (gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#dnd_enabled" }
Number statusStatus "Status [%1.0f]" <status> (gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#state"}
Switch isLocating "Locating" (gVacStat) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:status#is_locating" }
Number consumableMain "Main Brush [%1.0f]" (gVacCons) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:consumables#main_brush_time"}
Number consumableSide "Side Brush [%1.0f]" (gVacCons) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:consumables#side_brush_time"}
Number consumableFilter "Filter Time[%1.0f]" (gVacCons) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:consumables#filter_time" }
Number consumableSensor "Sensor [%1.0f]" (gVacCons) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:consumables#sensor_dirt_time"}
Switch dndFunction "DND Function" <moon> (gVacDND) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:dnd#dnd_function"}
String dndStart "DND Start Time [%s]" <clock> (gVacDND) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:dnd#dnd_start"}
String dndEnd "DND End Time [%s]" <clock-on> (gVacDND) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:dnd#dnd_end"}
Number historyArea "Total Cleaned Area [%1.0fm²]" <zoom> (gVacHist) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:history#total_clean_area"}
String historyTime "Total Clean Time [%s]" <clock> (gVacHist) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:history#total_clean_time"}
Number historyCount "Total # Cleanings [%1.0f]" <office> (gVacHist) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:history#total_clean_count"}
String lastStart "Last Cleaning Start time [%s]" <clock> (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_start_time"}
String lastEnd "Last Cleaning End time [%s]" <clock> (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_end_time"}
Number lastArea "Last Cleaned Area [%1.0fm²]" <zoom> (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_area"}
Number lastTime "Last Clean Time [%1.0f']" <clock> (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_duration"}
Number lastError "Error [%s]" <error> (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_error" }
Switch lastCompleted "Last Cleaning Completed" (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#last_clean_finish" }
Image map "Cleaning Map" (gVacLast) {channel="miio:vacuum:034F0E45:cleaning#map"}
# Basic, gateway and lumi Things item files examples
# Mi Air Frying Pan (careli.fryer.maf01) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fryer) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fryer "Mi Air Frying Pan" <status>
String actions "Actions" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:actions"}
Number status "Air Fryer - Status" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:status"}
Number fault "Air Fryer - Device Fault" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:fault"}
Number:Time target_time "Air Fryer - Target Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:target_time"}
Number:Temperature target_temperature "Air Fryer - Target Temperature" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:target_temperature"}
Number:Time left_time "Air Fryer - Left Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:left_time"}
String recipe_id "Custom - Recipe Id" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:recipe_id"}
String recipe_name "Custom - Recipe Name" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:recipe_name"}
Number:Time work_time "Custom - Work Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:work_time"}
Number:Temperature work_temp "Custom - Work Temp" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:work_temp"}
Number:Time appoint_time "Custom - Appoint Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:appoint_time"}
Number food_quantity "Custom - Food Quantity" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:food_quantity"}
Number preheat_switch "Custom - Preheat Switch" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:preheat_switch"}
Number:Time appoint_time_left "Custom - Appoint Time Left" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:appoint_time_left"}
String recipe_sync "Custom - Recipe Sync" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:recipe_sync"}
Number turn_pot "Custom - Turn Pot" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:turn_pot"}
# Mi Smart Air Fryer (3.5L) (careli.fryer.maf02) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fryer) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fryer "Mi Smart Air Fryer (3.5L)" <status>
String actions "Actions" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:actions"}
Number status "Air Fryer - Status" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:status"}
Number fault "Air Fryer - Device Fault" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:fault"}
Number:Time target_time "Air Fryer - Target Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:target_time"}
Number:Temperature target_temperature "Air Fryer - Target Temperature" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:target_temperature"}
Number:Time left_time "Air Fryer - Left Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:left_time"}
String recipe_id "Custom - Recipe Id" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:recipe_id"}
Number:Time work_time "Custom - Work Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:work_time"}
Number:Temperature work_temp "Custom - Work Temp" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:work_temp"}
Number:Time appoint_time "Custom - Appoint Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:appoint_time"}
Number food_quantity "Custom - Food Quantity" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:food_quantity"}
Number preheat_switch "Custom - Preheat Switch" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:preheat_switch"}
Number:Time appoint_time_left "Custom - Appoint Time Left" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:appoint_time_left"}
Number turn_pot "Custom - Turn Pot" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:turn_pot"}
# Mi Air Frying Pan (careli.fryer.maf03) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fryer) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fryer "Mi Air Frying Pan" <status>
String actions "Actions" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:actions"}
Number status "Air Fryer - Status" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:status"}
Number fault "Air Fryer - Device Fault" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:fault"}
Number:Time target_time "Air Fryer - Target Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:target_time"}
Number:Temperature target_temperature "Air Fryer - Target Temperature" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:target_temperature"}
Number:Time left_time "Air Fryer - Left Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:left_time"}
String recipe_id "Custom - Recipe Id" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:recipe_id"}
String recipe_name "Custom - Recipe Name" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:recipe_name"}
Number:Time work_time "Custom - Work Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:work_time"}
Number:Temperature work_temp "Custom - Work Temp" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:work_temp"}
Number:Time appoint_time "Custom - Appoint Time" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:appoint_time"}
Number food_quantity "Custom - Food Quantity" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:food_quantity"}
Number preheat_switch "Custom - Preheat Switch" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:preheat_switch"}
Number:Time appoint_time_left "Custom - Appoint Time Left" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:appoint_time_left"}
String recipe_sync "Custom - Recipe Sync" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:recipe_sync"}
Number turn_pot "Custom - Turn Pot" (G_fryer) {channel="miio:basic:fryer:turn_pot"}
# Qingping Air Monitor Lite (cgllc.airm.cgdn1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airm) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airm "Qingping Air Monitor Lite" <status>
String actions "Actions" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:actions"}
Number:Dimensionless relative_humidity "Environment - Relative Humidity" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:relative_humidity"}
Number:Density pm2_5_density "Environment - PM2 5 Density" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:pm2_5_density"}
Number:Density pm10_density "Environment - PM10 Density" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:pm10_density"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Environment - Temperature" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:temperature"}
Number:Density co2_density "Environment - CO2 Density" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:co2_density"}
Number:Dimensionless battery_level "Battery - Battery Level" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:battery_level"}
Number charging_state "Battery - Charging State" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:charging_state"}
Number:ElectricPotential voltage "Battery - Voltage" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:voltage"}
String mac "Mac - Mac" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:mac"}
Number:Time monitoring_frequency "Settings - Monitoring Frequency" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:monitoring_frequency"}
Number:Time screen_off "Settings - Screen Off" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:screen_off"}
Number:Time device_off "Settings - Device Off" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:device_off"}
String tempature_unit "Settings - Tempature Unit" (G_airm) {channel="miio:basic:airm:tempature_unit"}
# Mi Multifunction Air Monitor (cgllc.airmonitor.b1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airmonitor) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airmonitor "Mi Multifunction Air Monitor" <status>
Number battery "Battery" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:battery"}
Number pm25 "PM2.5" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:pm25"}
Number co2 "CO2e" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:co2"}
Number tvoc "tVOC" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:tvoc"}
Number:Dimensionless humidity "Humidity" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:humidity"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Temperature" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:temperature"}
# Qingping Air Monitor (cgllc.airmonitor.s1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airmonitor) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airmonitor "Qingping Air Monitor" <status>
Number battery "Battery" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:battery"}
Number pm25 "PM2.5" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:pm25"}
Number co2 "CO2" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:co2"}
Number tvoc "tVOC" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:tvoc"}
Number:Dimensionless humidity "Humidity" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:humidity"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Temperature" (G_airmonitor) {channel="miio:basic:airmonitor:temperature"}
# Mi Smart Power Plug 2 (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Gateway) (chuangmi.plug.212a01) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Smart Power Plug 2 (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Gateway)" <status>
Switch on "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:on"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Number:Time working_time "Working Time" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:working-time"}
Switch on1 "Indicator Light - Switch Status" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:on1"}
Number:Energy power_consumption "Daily Power Consumption" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power-consumption"}
Number:Current electric_current "Power Consumption - Electric Current" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:electric-current"}
Number:ElectricPotential voltage "Power Consumption - Voltage" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:voltage"}
Number:Power electric_power "Current Power Consumption - Electric Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:electric-power"}
Number:Time on_duration "Imilab Timer - On Duration" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:on-duration"}
Number:Time off_duration "Imilab Timer - Off Duration" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:off-duration"}
Number:Time countdown "Imilab Timer - Countdown" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:countdown"}
Switch task_switch "Imilab Timer - Task Switch" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:task-switch"}
Switch countdown_info "Imilab Timer - Countdown Info" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:countdown-info"}
String bt_gw "BT Gateway" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:bt-gw"}
String bt_gw_devices "Connected BT Gateway Devices" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:bt-gw-devices"}
# Mi Smart Plug WiFi (chuangmi.plug.hmi205) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Smart Plug WiFi" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Indicator light" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
# Mi Smart Plug (WiFi) (chuangmi.plug.hmi206) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Smart Plug (WiFi)" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Switch usb "USB" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:usb"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Wifi LED" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
# Mi Smart Wi-Fi Plug (Bluetooth Gateway) (chuangmi.plug.hmi208) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Smart Wi-Fi Plug (Bluetooth Gateway)" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Switch usb "USB" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:usb"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Wifi LED" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
# Mi Plug Mini (chuangmi.plug.m1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Plug Mini" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Indicator light" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
# Mi Smart Plug (Wi-Fi) Basic (chuangmi.plug.m3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Smart Plug (Wi-Fi) Basic" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Indicator light" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
# Mi Smart Power Plug (chuangmi.plug.v1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Smart Power Plug" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Switch usb "USB" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:usb"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
# Mi Smart Power Plug v2 (chuangmi.plug.v2) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Mi Smart Power Plug v2" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Switch usb "USB" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:usb"}
# MIJIA Smart Plug Enhanced (chuangmi.plug.v3) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "MIJIA Smart Plug Enhanced" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Switch usb "USB" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:usb"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Temperature" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:temperature"}
Switch led "Wifi LED" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:led"}
# Gosund Smart Plug (cuco.plug.cp1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Gosund Smart Plug" <status>
String FirmwareRevision "Device Information-CurrentFirmware Version" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:FirmwareRevision"}
String Manufacturer "Device Information-Device Manufacturer" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:Manufacturer"}
String Model "Device Information-Device Model" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:Model"}
String SerialNumber "Device Information-Device Serial Number" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:SerialNumber"}
Switch On "Switch-Switch Status" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:On"}
# Xiaomi Smart Plug 2 (Wi-Fi) (cuco.plug.v2eur) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (plug) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_plug "Xiaomi Smart Plug 2 (Wi-Fi)" <status>
String actions "Actions" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:actions"}
Switch on "Switch - Switch Status" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:on"}
Number default_power_on_state "Switch - Default Power On State" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:default_power_on_state"}
Number fault "Switch - Device Fault" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:fault"}
Switch physical_controls_locked "Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:physical_controls_locked"}
Number power_consumption "Power Consumption - Power Consumption" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power_consumption"}
Number:Power electric_power "Power Consumption - Electric Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:electric_power"}
Switch on1 "Indicator Light - Switch Status" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:on1"}
Switch delay "Delay - Delay" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:delay"}
Number:Time delay_time "Delay - Delay Time" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:delay_time"}
Number:Time delay_remain_time "Delay - Delay Remain Time" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:delay_remain_time"}
Switch on2 "Charging Protection - On" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:on2"}
Number power "Charging Protection - Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power"}
Number:Time protect_time "Charging Protection - Protect Time" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:protect_time"}
Switch status "Cycle - Status" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:status"}
String data_value "Cycle - Data Value" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:data_value"}
Switch on3 "Max Power Limit - On" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:on3"}
Number:Power power1 "Max Power Limit - Power" (G_plug) {channel="miio:basic:plug:power1"}
# Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier (deerma.humidifier.jsq) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (humidifier) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_humidifier "Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:power"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:mode"}
Number:Dimensionless humidity "Humidity" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:humidity"}
Number:Dimensionless humidity_set "Humidity Setting" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:humidity_set"}
Switch led "LED indicator Light" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:led"}
Switch sound "Notification Sounds" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:sound"}
Number watertankstatus "Watertank Status" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:watertankstatus"}
# Mi S Smart Humidifer (deerma.humidifier.jsq1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (humidifier) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_humidifier "Mi S Smart Humidifer " <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:power"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:mode"}
Number:Dimensionless humidity "Humidity" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:humidity"}
Number:Dimensionless humidity_set "Humidity Setting" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:humidity_set"}
Switch led "LED indicator Light" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:led"}
Switch sound "Notification Sounds" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:sound"}
Number watertankstatus "Watertank Status" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:watertankstatus"}
Switch wet_and_protect "Wet and Protect" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:wet_and_protect"}
# Xiaomi Smart Humidifier 2 (deerma.humidifier.jsq2w) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (humidifier) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_humidifier "Xiaomi Smart Humidifier 2" <status>
Switch on "Humidifier - Switch Status" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:on"}
Number fault "Humidifier - Device Fault" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:fault"}
Number fan_level "Humidifier - Fan Level" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:fan_level"}
Number:Dimensionless target_humidity "Humidifier - Target Humidity" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:target_humidity"}
Number status "Status" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:status"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:mode"}
Number:Dimensionless relative_humidity "Environment - Relative Humidity" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:relative_humidity"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Environment - Temperature" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:temperature"}
Switch alarm "Alarm - Alarm" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:alarm"}
Switch on1 "Indicator Light - Switch Status" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:on1"}
Switch tank_filed "Tank Filed" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:tank_filed"}
Switch water_shortage_fault "Water Shortage Fault" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:water_shortage_fault"}
Switch humi_sensor_fault "Humi-Sensor Fault" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:humi_sensor_fault"}
Switch temp_sensor_fault "Temp-Sensor Fault" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:temp_sensor_fault"}
Switch overwet_protect "Overwet Protect" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:overwet_protect"}
Switch overwet_protect_on "Overwet Protect On" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:overwet_protect_on"}
Switch overtop_humidity "Overtop Humidity" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:overtop_humidity"}
# Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier (deerma.humidifier.jsq5) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (humidifier) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_humidifier "Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier" <status>
Switch on "Humidifier - Switch Status" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:on"}
Number fault "Humidifier - Device Fault" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:fault"}
Number fan_level "Humidifier - Fan Level" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:fan_level"}
Number:Dimensionless target_humidity "Humidifier - Target Humidity" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:target_humidity"}
Number:Dimensionless relative_humidity "Environment - Relative Humidity" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:relative_humidity"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Environment - Temperature" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:temperature"}
Switch alarm "Alarm - Alarm" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:alarm"}
Switch on1 "Indicator Light - Switch Status" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:on1"}
Switch water_shortage_fault "Custom - Water Shortage Fault" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:water_shortage_fault"}
Switch the_tank_filed "Custom - The Tank Filed" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:the_tank_filed"}
# Mi Smart Humidifer S (deerma.humidifier.jsqs) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (humidifier) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_humidifier "Mi Smart Humidifer S" <status>
Switch on "Humidifier - Switch Status" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:on"}
Number fault "Humidifier - Device Fault" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:fault"}
Number fan_level "Humidifier - Fan Level" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:fan_level"}
Number:Dimensionless target_humidity "Humidifier - Target Humidity" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:target_humidity"}
Number:Dimensionless relative_humidity "Environment - Relative Humidity" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:relative_humidity"}
Number:Temperature temperature "Environment - Temperature" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:temperature"}
Switch alarm "Alarm - Alarm" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:alarm"}
Switch on1 "Indicator Light - Switch Status" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:on1"}
Switch water_shortage_fault "Custom - Water Shortage Fault" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:water_shortage_fault"}
Switch the_tank_filed "Custom - The Tank Filed" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:the_tank_filed"}
# Mi Smart Humidifier (deerma.humidifier.mjjsq) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (humidifier) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_humidifier "Mi Smart Humidifier" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:power"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:mode"}
Number:Dimensionless humidity "Humidity" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:humidity"}
Number:Dimensionless humidity_set "Humidity Setting" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:humidity_set"}
Switch led "LED indicator Light" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:led"}
Switch sound "Notification Sounds" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:sound"}
Number watertankstatus "Watertank Status" (G_humidifier) {channel="miio:basic:humidifier:watertankstatus"}
# Mi Fresh Air Ventilator A1-150 (dmaker.airfresh.a1) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airfresh) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airfresh "Mi Fresh Air Ventilator A1-150" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:power"}
String airFreshMode "Mode" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshMode"}
Switch airFreshPTCPower "PTC" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshPTCPower"}
Switch airFreshPTCStatus "PTC Status" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshPTCStatus"}
Switch airFreshDisplay "Display" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshDisplay"}
Switch airFreshChildLock "Child Lock" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshChildLock"}
Switch airFreshSound "Sound" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshSound"}
Number airFreshPM25 "PM2.5" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshPM25"}
Number airFreshCO2 "CO2" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshCO2"}
Number airFreshCurrentSpeed "Current Speed" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshCurrentSpeed"}
Number airFreshFavoriteSpeed "Favorite Speed" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshFavoriteSpeed"}
Number airFreshTemperature "Temperature Outside" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshTemperature"}
Number airFreshFilterPercents "Filter Percents Remaining" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshFilterPercents"}
Number airFreshFilterDays "Filter Days Remaining" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshFilterDays"}
String airFreshResetFilterA1 "Reset Filter" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshResetFilterA1"}
# Mi Fresh Air Ventilator (dmaker.airfresh.t2017) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (airfresh) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_airfresh "Mi Fresh Air Ventilator" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:power"}
String airFreshMode "Mode" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshMode"}
Switch airFreshPTCPower "PTC" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshPTCPower"}
String airFreshPtcLevel "PTC Level" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshPtcLevel"}
Switch airFreshPTCStatus "PTC Status" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshPTCStatus"}
String airFreshDisplayDirection "Screen direction" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshDisplayDirection"}
Switch airFreshDisplay "Display" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshDisplay"}
Switch airFreshChildLock "Child Lock" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshChildLock"}
Switch airFreshSound "Sound" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshSound"}
Number airFreshPM25 "PM2.5" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshPM25"}
Number airFreshCO2 "CO2" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshCO2"}
Number airFreshCurrentSpeed "Current Speed" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshCurrentSpeed"}
Number airFreshFavoriteSpeed "Favorite Speed" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshFavoriteSpeed"}
Number airFreshTemperature "Temperature Outside" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshTemperature"}
Number airFreshFilterPercents "Filter Percents Remaining" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshFilterPercents"}
Number airFreshFilterDays "Filter Days Remaining" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshFilterDays"}
Number airFreshFilterProPercents "Filter Pro Percents Remaining" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshFilterProPercents"}
Number airFreshFilterProDays "Filter Pro Days Remaining" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshFilterProDays"}
String airFreshResetFilter "Reset Filter" (G_airfresh) {channel="miio:basic:airfresh:airFreshResetFilter"}
# Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 Lite ( item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 Lite" <status>
String actions "Actions" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:actions"}
Switch On "Fan - Switch Status" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:On"}
Number FanLevel "Fan-Fan Level" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:FanLevel"}
Switch HorizontalSwing "Fan-Horizontal Swing" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:HorizontalSwing"}
Number Mode "Fan-Mode" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Mode"}
Number:Time OffDelayTime "Fan-Power Off Delay Time" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:OffDelayTime"}
Switch Alarm "Fan-Alarm" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Alarm"}
Switch Brightness "Fan-Brightness" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Brightness"}
Switch PhysicalControlsLocked "Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:PhysicalControlsLocked"}
# Mi Smart Standing Fan 1X ( item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Mi Smart Standing Fan 1X" <status>
Switch power "Power" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:power"}
Switch roll "Rotation" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:roll"}
Number mode "Mode" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:mode"}
Number angle "Angle" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:angle"}
Number timer "Timer" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:timer"}
Switch beep "Beep Sound" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:beep"}
Number light "Light" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:light"}
Switch child_lock "Child Lock" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:child_lock"}
Number speed "Speed" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:speed"}
# Mi Smart Standing Fan 1C ( item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Mi Smart Standing Fan 1C" <status>
String actions "Actions" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:actions"}
Switch On "Fan - Switch Status" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:On"}
Number FanLevel "Fan-Fan Level" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:FanLevel"}
Switch HorizontalSwing "Fan-Horizontal Swing" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:HorizontalSwing"}
Number Mode "Fan-Mode" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Mode"}
Number:Time OffDelayTime "Fan-Power Off Delay Time" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:OffDelayTime"}
Switch Alarm "Fan-Alarm" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Alarm"}
Switch Brightness "Fan-Brightness" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Brightness"}
Switch PhysicalControlsLocked "Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:PhysicalControlsLocked"}
# Mi Smart Tower Fan ( item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Mi Smart Tower Fan" <status>
String actions "Actions" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:actions"}
Switch On "Fan-Switch Status" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:On"}
Number FanLevel "Fan-Fan Level" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:FanLevel"}
Number Mode "Fan-Mode" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Mode"}
Switch HorizontalSwing "Fan-Horizontal Swing" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:HorizontalSwing"}
Number HorizontalAngle "Fan-Horizontal Angle" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:HorizontalAngle"}
Switch Alarm "Fan-Alarm" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Alarm"}
Number:Time OffDelayTime "Fan - Power Off Delay Time" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:OffDelayTime"}
Switch Brightness "Fan-Brightness" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Brightness"}
Number MotorControl "Fan-Motor Control" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:MotorControl"}
Number SpeedLevel "Fan-Speed Level" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:SpeedLevel"}
Switch PhysicalControlsLocked "Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:PhysicalControlsLocked"}
# Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 ( item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Mi Smart Standing Fan 2" <status>
String actions "Actions" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:actions"}
Switch On "Fan-Switch Status" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:On"}
Number FanLevel "Fan-Fan Level" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:FanLevel"}
Number Mode "Fan-Mode" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Mode"}
Switch HorizontalSwing "Fan-Horizontal Swing" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:HorizontalSwing"}
Number HorizontalAngle "Fan-Horizontal Angle" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:HorizontalAngle"}
Switch Alarm "Fan-Alarm" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Alarm"}
Number:Time OffDelayTime "Fan - Power Off Delay Time" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:OffDelayTime"}
Switch Brightness "Fan-Brightness" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:Brightness"}
Number MotorControl "Fan-Motor Control" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:MotorControl"}
Number SpeedLevel "Fan-Speed Level" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:SpeedLevel"}
Switch PhysicalControlsLocked "Physical Control Locked-Physical Control Locked" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:PhysicalControlsLocked"}
# Mi Smart Standing Fan Pro ( item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Mi Smart Standing Fan Pro" <status>
Switch on "Fan - Switch Status" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:on"}
Number fan_level "Fan - Gear Fan Level" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:fan_level"}
Number mode "Fan - Mode" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:mode"}
Switch horizontal_swing "Fan - Horizontal Swing" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:horizontal_swing"}
Number horizontal_angle "Fan - Horizontal Angle" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:horizontal_angle"}
Number status "Fan - Status" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:status"}
Switch on1 "Indicator Light - Switch Status" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:on1"}
Switch alarm "Alarm - Alarm" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:alarm"}
Number fault "Motor Controller - Device Fault" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:fault"}
Switch physical_controls_locked "Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:physical_controls_locked"}
Number:Time off_delay_time "Off Delay Time - Off Delay Time" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:off_delay_time"}
String actions "Actions" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:actions"}
# Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 ( item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (fan) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_fan "Mi Smart Standing Fan 2" <status>
String actions "Actions" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:actions"}
Switch on "Fan - Switch Status" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:on"}
Number fan_level "Fan - Fan Level" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:fan_level"}
Number mode "Fan - Mode" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:mode"}
Switch horizontal_swing "Fan - Horizontal Swing" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:horizontal_swing"}
Number horizontal_angle "Fan - Horizontal Angle" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:horizontal_angle"}
Number:Time off_delay_time "Fan - Power Off Delay Time" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:off_delay_time"}
Switch brightness "Fan - Brightness" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:brightness"}
Switch alarm "Fan - Alarm" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:alarm"}
Number motor_control "Fan - Motor Control" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:motor_control"}
Number speed_level "Fan - Speed Level" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:speed_level"}
Switch physical_controls_locked "Physical Control Locked - Physical Control Locked" (G_fan) {channel="miio:basic:fan:physical_controls_locked"}
# Mi Robot Vacuum Mop 1C STYTJ01ZHM (dreame.vacuum.mc1808) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (vacuum) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_vacuum "Mi Robot Vacuum Mop 1C STYTJ01ZHM" <status>
String vacuumaction "Vacuum Action" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:vacuumaction"}
Number BatteryLevel "Battery-Battery Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:BatteryLevel"}
Number ChargingState "Battery-Charging State" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:ChargingState"}
Number water_mode "Water Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:water-mode"}
Number Fault "Robot Cleaner-Device Fault" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Fault"}
Number Status "Robot Cleaner-Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Status"}
Number:Time BrushLeftTime "Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:BrushLeftTime"}
Number:Dimensionless BrushLifeLevel "Main Cleaning Brush-Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:BrushLifeLevel"}
Number:Dimensionless FilterLifeLevel "Filter - Filter Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:FilterLifeLevel"}
Number:Time FilterLeftTime "Filter-Filter Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:FilterLeftTime"}
Number:Time BrushLeftTime1 "Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:BrushLeftTime1"}
Number:Dimensionless BrushLifeLevel1 "Side Cleaning Brush-Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:BrushLifeLevel1"}
Number WorkMode "clean-workmode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:WorkMode"}
String Area "clean-area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Area"}
String Timer "clean-timer" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Timer"}
Number Mode "clean-mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Mode"}
Number:Time TotalCleanTime "Clean - Total Clean Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TotalCleanTime"}
Number TotalCleanTimes "Clean - Total Clean Times" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TotalCleanTimes"}
Number:Area TotalCleanArea "Clean - Total Clean Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TotalCleanArea"}
Number CleanLogStartTime "Clean - Clean Log Start Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:CleanLogStartTime"}
Number ButtonLed "Clean - Button Led" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:ButtonLed"}
Number TaskDone "Clean - Task Done" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TaskDone"}
String LifeSieve "Consumable - Life Sieve" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:LifeSieve"}
String LifeBrushSide "Consumable - Life Brush Side" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:LifeBrushSide"}
String LifeBrushMain "Consumable - Life Brush Main" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:LifeBrushMain"}
Switch Enable "Annoy - Enable" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Enable"}
String StartTime "Annoy - Start Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:StartTime"}
String StopTime "Annoy - Stop Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:StopTime"}
String MapView "Map - Map View" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:MapView"}
Number Volume "Audio - Volume" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:Volume"}
String VoicePackets "Audio - Voice Packets" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:VoicePackets"}
String TimeZone "Time - Time Zone" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:TimeZone"}
# Dreame Robot Vacuum-Mop F9 (dreame.vacuum.p2008) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (vacuum) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_vacuum "Dreame Robot Vacuum-Mop F9" <status>
Number status "Robot Cleaner - Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:status"}
Number fault "Robot Cleaner - Device Fault" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:fault"}
Number battery_level "Battery - Battery Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:battery-level"}
Number charging_state "Battery - Charging State" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:charging-state"}
Number:Time brush_left_time "Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-left-time"}
Number:Dimensionless brush_life_level "Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-life-level"}
Number:Time brush_left_time1 "Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-left-time1"}
Number:Dimensionless brush_life_level1 "Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-life-level1"}
Number:Dimensionless filter_life_level "Filter - Filter Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:filter-life-level"}
Number:Time filter_left_time "Filter - Filter Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:filter-left-time"}
Number work_mode "Vacuum Extend - Work Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:work-mode"}
Number:Time cleaning_time "Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:cleaning-time"}
Number:Area cleaning_area "Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:cleaning-area"}
Number cleaning_mode "Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:cleaning-mode"}
Number mop_mode "Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:mop-mode"}
Number waterbox_status "Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:waterbox-status"}
Number task_status "Vacuum Extend - Task Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:task-status"}
Number break_point_restart "Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:break-point-restart"}
Number carpet_press "Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:carpet-press"}
Switch enable "Do Not Disturb - Enable" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:enable"}
String start_time "Do Not Disturb - Start Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:start-time"}
String end_time "Do Not Disturb - End Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:end-time"}
Number volume "Audio - Volume" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:volume"}
String voice_packet_id "Audio - Voice Packet Id" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:voice-packet-id"}
String voice_change_state "Audio - Voice Change State" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:voice-change-state"}
String time_zone "Time - Time Zone" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:time-zone"}
String timer_clean "Time - Timer Clean" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:timer-clean"}
Number first_clean_time "Clean Logs - First Clean Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:first-clean-time"}
Number:Time total_clean_time "Clean Logs - Total Clean Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:total-clean-time"}
Number total_clean_times "Clean Logs - Total Clean Times" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:total-clean-times"}
Number total_clean_area "Clean Logs - Total Clean Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:total-clean-area"}
Number save_map_status "Vslam Extend - Save Map Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:save-map-status"}
# Dreame Robot Vacuum D9 (dreame.vacuum.p2009) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (vacuum) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_vacuum "Dreame Robot Vacuum D9 " <status>
String vacuumaction "Vacuum Action" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:vacuumaction"}
Number status "Robot Cleaner - Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:status"}
Number fault "Robot Cleaner - Device Fault" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:fault"}
Number:Dimensionless battery_level "Battery - Battery Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:battery-level"}
Number charging_state "Battery - Charging State" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:charging-state"}
String resetConsumable "Consumables Reset" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:resetConsumable"}
Number:Time brush_left_time "Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-left-time"}
Number:Dimensionless brush_life_level "Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-life-level"}
Number:Time brush_left_time1 "Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-left-time1"}
Number:Dimensionless brush_life_level1 "Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush-life-level1"}
Number:Dimensionless filter_life_level "Filter - Filter Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:filter-life-level"}
Number:Time filter_left_time "Filter - Filter Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:filter-left-time"}
Number work_mode "Vacuum Extend - Work Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:work-mode"}
Number:Time cleaning_time "Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:cleaning-time"}
Number:Area cleaning_area "Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:cleaning-area"}
Number cleaning_mode "Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:cleaning-mode"}
Number mop_mode "Vacuum Extend - Mop Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:mop-mode"}
Number waterbox_status "Vacuum Extend - Waterbox Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:waterbox-status"}
Number task_status "Vacuum Extend - Task Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:task-status"}
Number break_point_restart "Vacuum Extend - Break Point Restart" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:break-point-restart"}
Number carpet_press "Vacuum Extend - Carpet Press" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:carpet-press"}
String serial_number1 "Vacuum Extend - Serial Number" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:serial-number1"}
Number:Time clean_rags_tip "Vacuum Extend - Clean Rags Tip" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:clean-rags-tip"}
Number:Time keep_sweeper_time "Vacuum Extend - Keep Sweeper Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:keep-sweeper-time"}
String faults "Vacuum Extend - Faults" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:faults"}
Switch enable "Do Not Disturb - Enable" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:enable"}
String start_time "Do Not Disturb - Start Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:start-time"}
String end_time "Do Not Disturb - End Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:end-time"}
Number:Dimensionless volume "Audio - Volume" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:volume"}
String voice_packet_id "Audio - Voice Packet Id" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:voice-packet-id"}
String voice_change_state "Audio - Voice Change State" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:voice-change-state"}
String time_zone "Time - Time Zone" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:time-zone"}
String timer_clean "Time - Timer Clean" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:timer-clean"}
Number first_clean_time "Clean Logs - First Clean Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:first-clean-time"}
Number:Time total_clean_time "Clean Logs - Total Clean Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:total-clean-time"}
Number total_clean_times "Clean Logs - Total Clean Times" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:total-clean-times"}
Number total_clean_area "Clean Logs - Total Clean Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:total-clean-area"}
# Dreame Bot W10 (dreame.vacuum.p2027) item file lines
note: Autogenerated example. Replace the id (vacuum) in the channel with your own. Replace basic
with generic
in the thing UID depending on how your thing was discovered.
Group G_vacuum "Dreame Bot W10" <status>
String actions "Actions" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:actions"}
Number status "Robot Cleaner - Status" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:status"}
Number fault "Robot Cleaner - Device Fault" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:fault"}
Number mode "Robot Cleaner - Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:mode"}
Number:Dimensionless battery_level "Battery - Battery Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:battery_level"}
Number charging_state "Battery - Charging State" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:charging_state"}
Number:Time brush_left_time "Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush_left_time"}
Number:Dimensionless brush_life_level "Main Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush_life_level"}
Number:Time brush_left_time1 "Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush_left_time1"}
Number:Dimensionless brush_life_level1 "Side Cleaning Brush - Brush Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:brush_life_level1"}
Number:Dimensionless filter_life_level "Filter - Filter Life Level" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:filter_life_level"}
Number:Time filter_left_time "Filter - Filter Left Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:filter_left_time"}
Number work_mode "Vacuum Extend - Work Mode" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:work_mode"}
Number:Time cleaning_time "Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Time" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:cleaning_time"}
Number:Area cleaning_area "Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Area" (G_vacuum) {channel="miio:basic:vacuum:cleaning-area"}
Number cleaning_mode "Vacuum Extend - Cleaning Mode&q