This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 4.3. Go to the current stable version

# NibeUplink Binding

The NibeUplink binding is used to get "live data" from from Nibe heat pumps without plugging any custom devices into your heat pump. This avoids the risk of losing your warranty. Instead data is retrieved from Nibe Uplink. This binding should in general be compatible with heat pump models that support Nibe Uplink. In general read access is supported for all channels. Write access is only supported for a small subset of channels. Write access will only be available with a paid subscription for "manage" at NibeUplink.

# Supported Things

This binding provides only one thing type: The Nibe heat pump. Create one Nibe heat pump thing per physical heat pump installation available in your home(s). If your setup contains an outdoor unit such as F2030 or F2040 and an indoor unit such as VVM320 this is one installation where the indoor unit is the master that has access to all data produced by the outdoor unit (slave).

# Discovery

Auto-Discovery is not supported, as credentials are necessary to login into NibeUplink.

# Thing Configuration

The syntax for a heat pump thing is:

nibeuplink:<THING TYPE>:<NAME>
  • nibeuplink the binding id, fixed
  • thing type the heatpump thing type
  • name the name of the heatpump (choose any name)

Following models (indoor / main units) are currently supported:

Nibe Model(s) Thing Type Description
VVM310 / 500 vvm310 reduced set of channels based on NibeUplink website
VVM320 / 325 vvm320 reduced set of channels based on NibeUplink website
F730 f730 reduced set of channels based on NibeUplink website
F750 f750 reduced set of channels based on NibeUplink website
F1145 / 1245 f1145 reduced set of channels based on NibeUplink website
F1155 / 1255 f1155 reduced set of channels based on NibeUplink website

The following configuration parameters are available for this thing:

  • user (required)
    username used to login on NibeUplink

  • password (required)
    password used to login on NibeUplink

  • nibeId (required)
    Id of your heatpump in NibeUplink (can be found in the URL after successful login:**<nibeId>>**/Status/Overview)

  • pollingInterval
    interval (seconds) in which values are retrieved from NibeUplink. Setting less than 60 seconds does not make any sense as the heat pump only provides periodic updates to NibeUplink. (default = 60)

  • houseKeepingInterval
    interval (seconds) in which list of "dead channels" (channels that do not return any data or invalid data) should be purged (default = 3600). Usually this settings should not be changed.

# Examples

  • minimum configuration
nibeuplink:vvm320:mynibe [ user="...", password="...", nibeId="..."]
  • with pollingInterval
nibeuplink:vvm320:mynibe[ user="...", password="...", nibeId="...", pollingInterval=... ]
  • multiple heat pumps
nibeuplink:vvm320:home1 [ user="...", password="...", nibeId="..."]
nibeuplink:vvm320:home2  [ user="...", password="...", nibeId="..."]

# Channels

Available channels depend on the specific heatpump model. Following models/channels are currently available:

# All Models

Channel Type ID Item Type Min Max Writable Description Allowed Values (write access)
base#40004 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT1 Outdoor Temperature
base#40067 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT1 Average
base#43005 Number:Dimensionless -30000 30000 Yes Degree Minutes (16 bit) any integer
base#43009 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No Calc. Supply S1
base#40071 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT25 Ext. Supply
base#40033 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT50 Room Temp S1
base#43161 Switch --- --- No External adjustment activated via input S1
base#40008 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT2 Supply temp S1
base#40012 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT3 Return temp
base#40072 Number:Dimensionless -32767 32767 No BF1 EP14 Flow
base#43437 Number:Dimensionless 0 100 No Supply Pump Speed EP14
base#40079 Number:ElectricCurrent 0 4294967295 No EB100-BE3 Current
base#40081 Number:ElectricCurrent 0 4294967295 No EB100-BE2 Current
base#40083 Number:ElectricCurrent 0 4294967295 No EB100-BE1 Current
base#10033 Switch --- --- No Int. el.add. blocked
base#43081 Number:Time 0 1000000 No Tot. op.time add.
base#43084 Number:Power -32767 32767 No Int. el.add. Power
base#47212 Number:Power 0 4500 No Max int add. power
base#48914 Number:Power 0 4500 No Max int add. power, SG Ready
base#44308 Number:Energy 0 9999999 No Heat Meter - Heat Cpr EP14
base#44304 Number:Energy 0 9999999 No Heat Meter - Pool Cpr EP14
base#44300 Number:Energy 0 9999999 No Heat Meter - Heat Cpr and Add EP14
base#48043 Switch --- --- Yes vacation mode
base#10012 Switch --- --- No Compressor blocked
hotwater#40013 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT7 HW Top
hotwater#40014 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT6 HW Load
hotwater#44306 Number:Energy 0 9999999 No Heat Meter - HW Cpr EP14
hotwater#44298 Number:Energy 0 9999999 No Heat Meter - HW Cpr and Add EP14
hotwater#48132 Number --- --- Yes Temporary Lux 0=Off, 1=3h, 2=6h, 3=12h, 4=One time increase
hotwater#47041 Number --- --- Yes Hot water mode 0=Economy, 1=Normal, 2=Luxury
hotwater#47045 Number 5 70 No Start temperature HW Economy
hotwater#47049 Number 5 70 No Stop temperature HW Economy
hotwater#47044 Number 5 70 No Start temperature HW Normal
hotwater#47048 Number 5 70 No Stop temperature HW Normal
hotwater#47043 Number 5 70 No Start temperature HW Luxury
hotwater#47047 Number 5 70 No Stop temperature HW Luxury
hotwater#47046 Number 55 70 No Stop temperature Periodic HW

# F730

Channel Type ID Item Type Min Max Writable Description Allowed Values (write access)
compressor#43181 Number:Dimensionless 0 100 No Chargepump speed
compressor#43424 Number:Time 0 9999999 No Tot. HW op.time compr. EB100-EP14
compressor#43420 Number:Time 0 9999999 No Tot. op.time compr. EB100-EP14
compressor#43416 Number 0 9999999 No Compressor starts EB100-EP14
compressor#40022 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT17 Suction
compressor#40019 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT15 Liquid Line
compressor#40018 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT14 Hot Gas Temp
compressor#40017 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT12 Condensor Out
compressor#40020 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-BT16 Evaporator temp
compressor#43136 Number:Frequency 0 65535 No Compressor Frequency, Actual
compressor#43122 Number:Frequency -32767 32767 No Compr. current min.freq.
compressor#43123 Number:Frequency -32767 32767 No Compr. current max.freq.
compressor#43066 Number:Time -32767 32767 No Defrosting time
airsupply#10001 Number:Dimensionless 0 100 No Fan speed current
airsupply#40025 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT20 Exhaust air temp. 1
airsupply#40026 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT21 Vented air temp. 1
airsupply#43124 Number -32767 32767 No Airflow ref.
airsupply#41026 Number -32767 32767 No EB100-Adjusted BS1 Air flow
airsupply#43125 Number 0 100 No Airflow reduction
airsupply#40919 Number --- --- No Air mix
airsupply#40101 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT28 Airmix Temp

# F750

Channel Type ID Item Type Min Max Writable Description Allowed Values (write access)
compressor#43181 Number:Dimensionless 0 100 No Chargepump speed
compressor#43424 Number:Time 0 9999999 No Tot. HW op.time compr. EB100-EP14
compressor#43420 Number:Time 0 9999999 No Tot. op.time compr. EB100-EP14
compressor#43416 Number 0 9999999 No Compressor starts EB100-EP14
compressor#40022 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT17 Suction
compressor#40019 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT15 Liquid Line
compressor#40018 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT14 Hot Gas Temp
compressor#40017 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT12 Condensor Out
compressor#40020 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-BT16 Evaporator temp
compressor#43136 Number:Frequency 0 65535 No Compressor Frequency, Actual
compressor#43122 Number:Frequency -32767 32767 No Compr. current min.freq.
compressor#43123 Number:Frequency -32767 32767 No Compr. current max.freq.
airsupply#40025 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT20 Exhaust air temp. 1
airsupply#40026 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT21 Vented air temp. 1
airsupply#43124 Number -32767 32767 No Airflow ref.
airsupply#41026 Number -32767 32767 No EB100-Adjusted BS1 Air flow
airsupply#47260 Number --- --- Yes Current fan speed 0=normal, 1=speed 1, 2=speed 2, 3=speed 3, 4=speed 4

# F1145 / 1245

Channel Type ID Item Type Min Max Writable Description Allowed Values (write access)
general#44302 Number:Energy 0 9999999 No Heat Meter - Cooling Cpr EP14
general#44270 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No Calculated Cooling Supply Temperature S1
general#43103 Number 10 70 No HPAC state
compressor#43424 Number:Time 0 9999999 No Tot. HW op.time compr. EB100-EP14
compressor#43420 Number:Time 0 9999999 No Tot. op.time compr. EB100-EP14
compressor#43416 Number 0 9999999 No Compressor starts EB100-EP14
compressor#40022 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT17 Suction
compressor#40019 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT15 Liquid Line
compressor#40018 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT14 Hot Gas Temp
compressor#40017 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT12 Condensor Out
compressor#40015 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT10 Brine In Temperature
compressor#40016 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT11 Brine Out Temperature
compressor#43439 Number:Dimensionless 0 100 No EP14-GP2 Brine Pump Speed
airsupply#40025 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT20 Exhaust air temp. 1
airsupply#40026 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT21 Vented air temp. 1

# F1155 / 1255

Channel Type ID Item Type Min Max Writable Description Allowed Values (write access)
general#44302 Number:Energy 0 9999999 No Heat Meter - Cooling Cpr EP14
compressor#43424 Number:Time 0 9999999 No Tot. HW op.time compr. EB100-EP14
compressor#43420 Number:Time 0 9999999 No Tot. op.time compr. EB100-EP14
compressor#43416 Number 0 9999999 No Compressor starts EB100-EP14
compressor#40022 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT17 Suction
compressor#40019 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT15 Liquid Line
compressor#40018 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT14 Hot Gas Temp
compressor#40017 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT12 Condensor Out
compressor#43136 Number:Frequency 0 65535 No Compressor Frequency, Actual
compressor#43122 Number:Frequency -32767 32767 No Compr. current min.freq.
compressor#43123 Number:Frequency -32767 32767 No Compr. current max.freq.
compressor#40015 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT10 Brine In Temperature
compressor#40016 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB100-EP14-BT11 Brine Out Temperature
compressor#43439 Number:Dimensionless 0 100 No EP14-GP2 Brine Pump Speed
airsupply#40025 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT20 Exhaust air temp. 1
airsupply#40026 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT21 Vented air temp. 1

# VVM310 / VVM 500

Channel Type ID Item Type Min Max Writable Description Allowed Values (write access)
general#44270 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No Calc. Cooling Supply S1
general#40121 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT63 Add Supply Temp
general#44302 Number:Energy 0 9999999 No Heat Meter - Cooling Cpr EP14
general#47011 Number -10 10 Yes Heat Offset S1 values between -10 and 10
general#47394 Switch --- --- Yes Use room sensor S1 0=off, 1=on
general#47402 Number 0 60 Yes Room sensor factor S1 Values between 0 and 6
general#48793 Number 0 60 Yes Room sensor cool factor S1 Values between 0 and 6
compressor#44362 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT28 Outdoor Temp
compressor#44396 Number:Dimensionless 0 255 No EB101 Speed charge pump
compressor#44703 Number --- --- No EB101-EP14 Defrosting Outdoor Unit 0=No, 1=Active, 2=Passive
compressor#44073 Number:Time 0 9999999 No EB101-EP14 Tot. HW op.time compr
compressor#40737 Number:Time 0 9999999 No EB101-EP14 Tot. Cooling op.time compr
compressor#44071 Number:Time 0 9999999 No EB101-EP14 Tot. op.time compr
compressor#44069 Number 0 9999999 No EB101-EP14 Compressor starts
compressor#44061 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT17 Suction
compressor#44060 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT15 Liquid Line
compressor#44059 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT14 Hot Gas Temp
compressor#44058 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT12 Condensor Out
compressor#44055 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT3 Return Temp.
compressor#44363 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT16 Evaporator
compressor#44699 Number:Pressure -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BP4 Pressure Sensor
compressor#40782 Number:Frequency 0 255 No EB101 Cpr Frequency Desired F2040
compressor#44701 Number:Frequency -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14 Actual Cpr Frequency Outdoor Unit
compressor#44702 Number --- --- No EB101-EP14 Protection Status Register Outdoor Unit
compressor#44700 Number:Pressure -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14 Low Pressure Sensor Outdoor Unit
compressor#44457 Number 0 255 No EB101-EP14 Compressor State
airsupply#40025 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT20 Exhaust air temp. 1
airsupply#40026 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT21 Vented air temp. 1
airsupply#40075 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT22 Supply air temp.
airsupply#40183 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No AZ30-BT23 Outdoor temp. ERS
airsupply#40311 Number:Dimensionless 0 255 No External ERS accessory GQ2 speed
airsupply#40312 Number:Dimensionless 0 255 No External ERS accessory GQ3 speed
airsupply#40942 Switch --- --- No External ERS accessory block status
airsupply#47260 Number --- --- Yes Selected fan speed 0=normal, 1=speed 1, 2=speed 2, 3=speed 3, 4=speed 4

# VVM320 / VVM325

Channel Type ID Item Type Min Max Writable Description Allowed Values (write access)
general#44270 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No Calc. Cooling Supply S1
general#40121 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT63 Add Supply Temp
general#44302 Number:Energy 0 9999999 No Heat Meter - Cooling Cpr EP14
general#47011 Number -10 10 Yes Heat Offset S1 values between -10 and 10
general#47394 Switch --- --- Yes Use room sensor S1 0=off, 1=on
general#47402 Number 0 60 Yes Room sensor factor S1 Values between 0 and 6
general#48793 Number 0 60 Yes Room sensor cool factor S1 Values between 0 and 6
general#47374 Number:Temperature 10 40 Yes Start temperature cooling Values between 10 and 40
general#47375 Number:Temperature 0 30 Yes Stop temperature heating Values between 0 and 30
general#47376 Number:Temperature -20 10 Yes Stop temperature additive Values between -20 and 10
general#47377 Number:Time 1 48 Yes Outdoor Filter Time Values between 1 and 48
compressor#44362 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT28 Outdoor Temp
compressor#44396 Number:Dimensionless 0 255 No EB101 Speed charge pump
compressor#44703 Number --- --- No EB101-EP14 Defrosting Outdoor Unit 0=No, 1=Active, 2=Passive
compressor#44073 Number:Time 0 9999999 No EB101-EP14 Tot. HW op.time compr
compressor#40737 Number:Time 0 9999999 No EB101-EP14 Tot. Cooling op.time compr
compressor#44071 Number:Time 0 9999999 No EB101-EP14 Tot. op.time compr
compressor#44069 Number 0 9999999 No EB101-EP14 Compressor starts
compressor#44061 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT17 Suction
compressor#44060 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT15 Liquid Line
compressor#44059 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT14 Hot Gas Temp
compressor#44058 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT12 Condensor Out
compressor#44055 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT3 Return Temp.
compressor#44363 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BT16 Evaporator
compressor#44699 Number:Pressure -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14-BP4 Pressure Sensor
compressor#40782 Number:Frequency 0 255 No EB101 Cpr Frequency Desired F2040
compressor#44701 Number:Frequency -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14 Actual Cpr Frequency Outdoor Unit
compressor#44702 Number --- --- No EB101-EP14 Protection Status Register Outdoor Unit
compressor#44700 Number:Pressure -32767 32767 No EB101-EP14 Low Pressure Sensor Outdoor Unit
compressor#44457 Number 0 255 No EB101-EP14 Compressor State
airsupply#40025 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT20 Exhaust air temp. 1
airsupply#40026 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT21 Vented air temp. 1
airsupply#40075 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No BT22 Supply air temp.
airsupply#40183 Number:Temperature -32767 32767 No AZ30-BT23 Outdoor temp. ERS
airsupply#40311 Number:Dimensionless 0 255 No External ERS accessory GQ2 speed
airsupply#40312 Number:Dimensionless 0 255 No External ERS accessory GQ3 speed
airsupply#40942 Switch --- --- No External ERS accessory block status
airsupply#47260 Number --- --- Yes Selected fan speed 0=normal, 1=speed 1, 2=speed 2, 3=speed 3, 4=speed 4

# Custom Channels

An arbitrary number of custom channels can be added via the UI or using file based configuration. There are three custom channel types available, which allow different scaling of the raw values retrieved from the NIBE API:

  • type-number-unscaled
  • type-number-scale10
  • type-number-scale100

# Full Example

# Thing

nibeuplink:vvm320:mynibe     [ user="[email protected]", password="secret123", nibeId="4711", pollingInterval=300] {
        Type type-number-scale10  : 47015 "min supply temp heating"
        Type type-number-unscaled : 48177 "min supply temp cooling"

# Items

As the binding supports UoM you might define units in the item's label. An automatic conversion is applied e.g. from °C to °F then. Channels which represent two states (such as on/off) are represented as Switch. Channels which have more than two states are internally represented as number. You need to define a map file which also gives you the opportunity to translate the state into your preferred language.

Number:Temperature      NIBE_SUPPLY            "Vorlauf"                                 { channel="nibeuplink:vvm320:mynibe:base#40008" }
Number:Temperature      NIBE_RETURN            "Rücklauf [%.2f °F]"                      { channel="nibeuplink:vvm320:mynibe:base#40012" }
Number:Temperature      NIBE_HW_TOP            "Brauchwasser oben"                       { channel="nibeuplink:vvm320:mynibe:hotwater#40013" }
Number:Energy           NIBE_HM_HEAT           "WM Heizung"                              { channel="nibeuplink:vvm320:mynibe:base#44308" }
Switch                  NIBE_COMP_DEFROST      "Enteisung"                               { channel="nibeuplink:vvm320:mynibe:compressor#44703" }
Number                  NIBE_HW_MODE           "Modus [MAP(]"              { channel="nibeuplink:vvm320:mynibe:hotwater#47041" }

Number                  NIBE_MIN_SUP_HEAT      "min supply temp. heating [%.1f °C]"      { channel="nibeuplink:vvm320:mynibe:47015" }
Number                  NIBE_MIN_SUP_COOL      "min supply temp. cooling [%d °C]"        { channel="nibeuplink:vvm320:mynibe:48177" }

# Transformations

Please define each state as integer.


# Sitemaps

Please take care of the status channels. If you use selection items an automatic mapping will be applied. If you prefer switch items a mapping must be applied like this:

Switch item=NIBE_HW_MODE mappings=[0="Eco", 1="Norm"]