This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 4.3. Go to the current stable version
# Pentair Pool
This is an openHAB binding for a Pentair Pool System. It is based on combined efforts of many on the internet in reverse-engineering the proprietary Pentair protocol (see References section). The binding was developed and tested on a system with a Pentair EasyTouch controller, but should operate with other Pentair systems.
# Hardware Setup
This binding requires an adapter to interface to the Pentair system bus. This bus/wire runs between the Pentair control system, indoor control panels, IntelliFlo pumps, etc. It is a standard RS-485 bus running at 9600,8N1 so any RS-485 adapter should work and you should be able to buy one for under $30. Pentair does not publish any information on the protocol so this binding was developed using the great reverse-engineering efforts of others made available on the internet. I have cited several of those in the References section below.
# Connecting adapter to your system
A USB or serial RS-485 interface or IP based interface can be used to interface to the Pentair system bus. The binding includes 2 different bridge Things depending on which type of interface you use, serial_bridge or ip_bridge.
If your openHAB system is physically located far from your Pentair equipment or indoor control panel, you can use a Raspberry Pi or other computer to redirect USB/serial port traffic over the internet using a program called ser2sock (see Reference section). An example setup would run the following command: "ser2sock -p 10000 -s /dev/ttyUSB1 -b 9600 -d". Note: This is the setup utlized for the majority of my testing of this binding.
Note: If you are on a Linux system, the framework may not see a symbolically linked device (i.e. /dev/ttyRS485).
To use a symbolically linked device, add the following line to /etc/default/openhab EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS=""
Once you have the interface connected to your system, it is best to test basic connectivity. Note the protocol is a binary protocol (not ASCII text based) and in order to view the communication packets, one must use a program capable of a binary/HEX mode. If connected properly, you will see a periodic traffic with packets staring with FF00FFA5. This is the preamble for Pentairs communication packet. After you see this traffic, you can proceed to configuring the Pentair binding in openHAB.
# USB/Serial interface
For a USB/Serial interface, you can use most terminal emulators. For Linux, you can use minicom with the following options: minicom -H -D /dev/ttyUSB1 -b 9600
# IP interface
For an IP based interface (or utilizing ser2sock) on a Linux system, you can use nc command with the following options: nc localhost 10000 | xxd
# Pentair Controller panel configuration
In order for the Pentair EasyTouch controller to receive commands from this binding, you may need to enable "Spa-side" remote on the controller itself.
# Supported Things
This binding supports the following thing types:
Thing | Thing Type | Description |
ip_bridge | Bridge | A TCP network RS-485 bridge device. |
serial_bridge | Bridge | A USB or serial RS-485 device. |
EasyTouch | Thing | Pentiar EasyTouch pool controller. |
Intelliflo Pump | Thing | Pentair Intelliflo variable speed pump. |
Intellichlor | Thing | Pentair Intellichlor chlorinator. |
# Binding Configuration
There are no overall binding configurations that need to be set up as all configuration is done at the "Thing" level.
# Thing Configuration
The following table shows the available configuration parameters for each thing.
Thing | Configuration Parameters |
ip_bridge | address - IP address for the RS-485 adapter - Required. |
port - TCP port for the RS-485 adapter - Not Required - default = 10000. | |
id - ID to use when communicating on Pentair control bus - default = 34. | |
serial_bridge | serialPort - Serial port for the IT-100s bridge - Required. |
baud - Baud rate of the IT-100 bridge - Not Required - default = 9600. | |
pollPeriod - Period of time in minutes between the poll command being sent to the IT-100 bridge - Not Required - default=1. | |
id - ID to use when communciating on Pentair control bus - default = 34. |
Currently automatic discovery is not supported. Here is an example of a thing configuration file called 'pentair.things':
Bridge pentair:ip_bridge:1 [ address="", port=10001 ] {
easytouch main [ id=16 ]
intelliflo pump1 [ id=96 ]
intellichlor ic40
For a serial bridge you would use a configuration similar to this, again saved as 'pentair.things':
Bridge pentair:serial_bridge:1 [ serialPort="/dev/ttyUSB0" ] {
easytouch main [ id=16 ]
intelliflo pump1 [ id=96 ]
intellichlor ic40
# Channels
Pentair things support a variety of channels as seen below in the following table:
Channel | Item Type | Description |
EasyTouch Controller | ||
pooltemp | Number | Current pool temperature (readonly) |
spatemp | Number | Current spa temperature (readonly) |
airtemp | Number | Current air temperature (readonly) |
solartemp | Number | Current solar temperature (readonly) |
poolheatmode | Number | Current heat mode setting for pool (readonly): 0=Off, 1=Heater, 2=Solar Preferred, 3=Solar |
poolheatmodestr | String | Current heat mode setting for pool in string form (readonly) |
spaheatmode | Number | Current heat mode setting for spa (readonly): 0=Off, 1=Heater, 2=Solar Preferred, 3=Solar |
spaheatmodestr | String | Current heat mode setting for spa in string form (readonly)> |
poolsetpoint | Number | Current pool temperature set point |
spasetpoint | Number | Current spa temperature set point |
heatactive | Number | Heater mode is active |
pool | Switch | Primary pool mode |
spa | Switch | Spa mode |
aux1 | Switch | Aux1 mode |
aux2 | Switch | Aux2 mode |
aux3 | Switch | Aux3 mode |
aux4 | Switch | Aux4 mode |
aux5 | Switch | Aux5 mode |
aux6 | Switch | Aux6 mode |
aux7 | Switch | Aux7 mode |
feature1 | Switch | Feature1 mode |
feature2 | Switch | Feature2 mode |
feature3 | Switch | Feature3 mode |
feature4 | Switch | Feature4 mode |
feature5 | Switch | Feature5 mode |
feature6 | Switch | Feature6 mode |
feature7 | Switch | Feature7 mode |
feature8 | Switch | Feature8 mode |
IntelliChlor | ||
saltoutput | Number | Current salt output % (readonly) |
salinity | Number | Salinity (ppm) (readonly) |
IntelliFlo Pump | ||
run | Number | Pump running (readonly) |
drivestate | Number | Pump drivestate (readonly) |
mode | Number | Pump mode (readonly) |
rpm | Number | Pump RPM (readonly) |
power | Number | Pump power in Watts (readonly) |
error | Number | Pump error (readonly) |
ppc | Number | Pump PPC? (readonly) |
# Full Example
The following is an example of an item file (pentair.items), you can change the °F to °C if you are using metric temperature units:
Group gPool "Pool"
Number Pool_Temp "Pool Temp [%.1f °F]" <temperature> (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:pooltemp" }
Number Spa_Temp "Spa Temp [%.1f °F]" <temperature> (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:spatemp" }
Number Air_Temp "Air Temp [%.1f °F]" <temperature> (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:airtemp" }
Number Solar_Temp "Solar Temp [%.1f °F]" <temperature> (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:solartemp" }
Number PoolHeatMode "Pool Heat Mode [%d]" (gPool) { channel="pentair:easytouch:1:main:poolheatmode" }
String PoolHeatModeStr "Pool Heat Mode [%s]" (gPool) { channel="pentair:easytouch:1:main:poolheatmodestr" }
Number SpaHeatMode "Spa Heat Mode [%d]" (gPool) { channel="pentair:easytouch:1:main:spaheatmode" }
String SpaHeatModeStr "Spa Heat Mode [%s]" (gPool) { channel="pentair:easytouch:1:main:spaheatmodestr" }
Number PoolSetPoint "Pool Set Point [%.1f °F]" <temperature> (gPool) { channel="pentair:easytouch:1:main:poolsetpoint" }
Number SpaSetPoint "Spa Set Point [%.1f °F]" <temperature> (gPool) { channel="pentair:easytouch:1:main:spasetpoint" }
Number HeatActive "Heat Active [%d]" (gPool) { channel="pentair:easytouch:1:main:heatactive" }
Switch Mode_Spa "Spa Mode" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:spa" }
Switch Mode_Pool "Pool Mode" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:pool" }
Switch Mode_PoolLight "Pool Light" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:aux1" }
Switch Mode_SpaLight "Spa Light" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:aux2" }
Switch Mode_Jets "Jets" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:aux3" }
Switch Mode_Boost "Boost Mode" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:aux4" }
Switch Mode_Aux5 "Aux5 Mode" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:aux5" }
Switch Mode_Aux6 "Aux6 Mode" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:aux6" }
Switch Mode_Aux7 "Aux7 Mode" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:aux7" }
Switch Mode_Spillway "Spillway Mode" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:easytouch:1:main:feature1" }
Number SaltOutput "Salt Output [%d%%]" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:intellichlor:1:ic40:saltoutput" }
Number Salinity "Salinity [%d ppm]" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:intellichlor:1:ic40:salinity" }
Switch Pump_Run "Pump running [%d]" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:intelliflo:1:pump1:run" }
Number Pump_DriveState "Pump drivestate [%d]" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:intelliflo:1:pump1:drivestate" }
Number Pump_Mode "Pump Mode [%d]" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:intelliflo:1:pump1:mode" }
Number Pump_RPM "Pump RPM [%d]" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:intelliflo:1:pump1:rpm" }
Number Pump_Power "Pump Power [%d W]" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:intelliflo:1:pump1:power" }
Number Pump_Error "Pump Error [%d]" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:intelliflo:1:pump1:error" }
Number Pump_PPC "Pump PPC [%d]" (gPool) { channel = "pentair:intelliflo:1:pump1:ppc" }
Here is an example of a complete sitemap, saved as pentair.sitemap
. Adjust the temperature values for metric if so desired.
sitemap pool label="Pool stuff" {
Frame label="Pool" {
Switch item=Mode_Pool
Switch item=Mode_PoolLight
Text item=Pool_Temp valuecolor=[>82="red",>77="orange",<=77="blue"]
Setpoint item=PoolSetPoint minValue=85 maxValue=103 step=1.0
Group item=gPool label="Advanced"
Frame label="Spa" {
Switch item=Mode_Spa
Switch item=Mode_SpaLight
Switch item=Mode_Jets
Text item=Pool_Temp valuecolor=[>82="red",>77="orange",<=77="blue"]
Setpoint item=SpaSetPoint minValue=85 maxValue=103 step=1.0
# References
Setting up RS485 and basic protocol - (opens new window) ser2sock GitHub - (opens new window)
# Future Enhancements
- Add automatic discovery of devices on RS-485
- Add in IntelliBrite light color selection (need to capture protocol on system that has this)
- Add direct control of pump (non read-only channels)
- Fix heat active - not working on my system.
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