This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 4.3. Go to the current stable version
// Definition of Velux bridge velux:klf200:home
Bridge velux:klf200:home [ ipAddress="", tcpPort=51200, password="verySecret" ] {
// Velux scenes
Thing scene windowClosed [ sceneName="V_DG_Window_Mitte_000" ]
Thing scene windowUnlocked [ sceneName="V_DG_Window_Mitte_005" ]
Thing scene windowOpened [ sceneName="V_DG_Window_Mitte_100" ]
Thing scene unknownScene [ sceneName="ThisIsADummySceneName" ]
// Velux IO-homecontrol devices
Thing window V_DG_M_W [ serial="56:23:3E:26:0C:1B:00:10" ]
Thing rollershutter V_DG_M_S [ serial="56:23:3E:26:0C:1B:00:10" ]
Thing rollershutter V_DG_W_S [ serial="53:09:40:5A:0C:2A:05:64" ]
Thing rollershuffer V_DG_O_S [ serial="53:09:40:5A:0C:23:0A:6E" ]
Thing actuator V_SWITCH1 [ name="#4" ]
Thing actuator V_SWITCH2 [ name="#5" ]
// Virtual rollershutter
Thing vshutter V_WINDOW [ sceneLevels="0,V_DG_Window_Mitte_000#5,V_DG_Window_Mitte_005#100,V_DG_Window_Mitte_100" ]